Yongsan Clubhouse is one of the most upscale clubhouses in the city.

The clubhouse has three floors.

On the first and second floors, regular members can enter.

But if you want to enter the third layer, it is not an easy task.

What is in these three layers, those who know, will definitely not say.

Those who don't know can only think blindly.

On the web, there is quite a bit of speculation about the third layer.

However, these speculations are almost all related to yellow gambling and drugs.

After reading these speculations, Su Mu shook his head with a smile.

He looked at his phone and stopped a taxi.

After getting into the car, Su Mu directly told the other party his destination.

Cars driving on city roads.

Su Mu began to think about how to enter the third level of the Dragon Mountain Clubhouse.

Half an hour later, the taxi stopped.

After Su Mu paid, he walked down directly from the taxi.

"Good fellow, this is real soil!"

Looking at the signboard full of neon lights, Su Mu couldn't help but complain.

It's not so much the best clubhouse in the city as the best country stage.

After complaining about the door face, Su Mu walked inside.

As soon as he entered the door, a young man who looked like a waiter greeted him.

"How many gentlemen?" The waiter had an earnest smile on his face.

"One." Su Mu stretched out a finger.

The waiter then asked, "Is it the first time sir?" If you are visiting for the first time, please go to the front desk to obtain a membership card.

"It's the first time here, you take me to get a membership card!" Su Mu said to the waiter.

The waiter nodded.

The cashier at the front desk is two young ladies.

If the appearance is not very high, it can only be regarded as average.

"Come and get a membership card for this gentleman!" The waiter took Su Mu to the front desk and knocked on the front desk.

When the front desk heard this, he looked up impatiently.

When she saw Su Mu, the impatience on the young lady's face disappeared instantly.

Instead, a very sweet smile came on his face.

"Sir." This young lady not only has a sweet smile, but even her voice is sweet. "Excuse me, what kind of membership card do you need?"

"What kind of membership card do you have?" Su Mu asked the young lady.

The young lady replied that she was really skilled: "Stored value of 10,000, silver member." Stored value of 100,000, gold member. Stored value of 1 million, Diamond Member! "

If you are a Diamond member, can you go up to the third floor?" Su Mu asked the young lady straight to the point.

This question directly confused the young lady.

Not only was the young lady confused, but even the waiter who guided Su Mu before was also confused.

They have received quite a few customers.

But with such a direct customer as Su Mu, they really met it for the first time.

"First... First...... Sir, I don't know what you're talking about. "

The lady at the front desk looked panicked.

It was as if Su Mu's question scared her.

Su Mu glanced at the young lady impatiently and said, "Let you take care of things."

"Well... Good...... Good! "

Maybe it's because I'm too panicked, so the young lady is a little stuttered when she speaks.

She picked up the walkie-talkie tremblingly, and said in a somewhat stammered voice: "Manager Lu, please come to the front desk!"

"Got it."

On the intercom, a man's voice came.

Not long after, a slender, pale-faced middle-aged man came to the front desk.

After listening to the situation described by the young lady at the front desk, Manager Lu walked straight towards Su Mu.

"Lu Fei!" Lu Fei walked to Su Mu's approach and stretched out his pale and slender right hand.

"Su Mu!" Su Mu also stretched out his right hand.

"Would you like to apply for a membership card that enters the third floor?" Lu Fei asked Su Mu.

Su Mu nodded.

"If you want to enter the third floor of our clubhouse, you don't have to have money." Lu Fei said with a smile.

"What are the conditions then?" Su Mu didn't bother to go around in circles with Lu Fei and said directly. "Let's just say the conditions! I don't want to waste too much time on this.

"Refreshing!" Lu Fei nodded with a smile. "To enter the third level, the only condition is that you must be an alien."

"Inhuman?" Hearing this condition, Su Mu smiled.

Seeing Su Mu's smile, Lu Fei seemed to realize something.

He lowered his voice and asked Su Mu softly, "Sir, are you a stranger?" "

Not like it?" Su Mu asked Lu Fei.

Lu Fei slapped his thigh: "Like, it's really too similar."

Lu Fei, who was still with a hint of pride just now, suddenly had a flattering smile on his face: "You come with me!" When

the words fell, Lu Fei made an inviting gesture to Su Mu.


Su Mu nodded.

Under the leadership of Lu Fei, Su Mu came to a small room.

"What is this place?" Su Mu looked at Lu Fei with some dissatisfaction.

Seeing Su Mu's face, Lu Fei showed a dissatisfied expression, and quickly explained: "This room can test your Inhuman realm. The higher you are, the more you can enjoy with us.

"What is the realm of the highest rank Inhumans here?" Su Mu asked Lu Fei.

It's no secret anyway.

Lu Fei smiled slightly and said, "Nourish the qi threefold!"

When he said this, Lu Fei looked proud.

It was as if he were the one who nourished the threefold alien.

"Good fellow." Su Mu looked at Lu Fei with contempt on his face and said with disdain. "An alien who cultivates three layers of qi will make you proud like this!"

"What realm are you, sir?" Lu Fei looked at Su Mu with reverence on his face and asked tentatively.

"Nourish the qi fivefold!"

Su Mu said.

"What?" Lu Fei, who prided himself on seeing the world, widened his eyes at this time.

For Lu Fei, the alien who nourishes the three layers of qi is all looking up to existence.

If Su Mu was really a fivefold cultivator, then Lu Fei might kneel down and call him grandpa.

"How about we test it first?" Lu Feidao.

When Su Mu said that he was a stranger, Lu Fei still believed it to some extent.

But when Su Mu said that his realm is to nourish qi fivefold.

Lu Fei didn't believe it.

After all, the alien person that Lu Fei had seen before was an old man with white hair.

But in front of him is a young man.

The realm of a young man is higher than the realm of an old man.

To be honest, Lu Fei didn't believe it.

"Okay! How to test? "Since you want to go up to the third level, then this test is a must.

"All you have to do is put your hand on that ball and pour it into it!"

Lu Fei pointed to a round ball not far away to Su Mudao.

Su Mu nodded and walked straight towards the ball.

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