Langya Mountain, located in the land of Qilu.

It is a famous mountain that has been famous since ancient times.

In Su Mu's memory.

After the revival of Reiki, this mountain once gave birth to a very powerful beast.

What exactly the alien beast looks like, no one knows.

People only knew that after this strange beast reached the transcendent realm, it declared Langya Mountain to be its territory.

Moreover, he claimed to be the lord of Langya Mountain.

In the years since, many major events have occurred in Langya Mountain.

There are also many exotic beasts and aliens who want to climb to the top of Langya Mountain and find their own opportunities.

The Lord of Langya Mountain is powerful.

Many powerful alien beasts and aliens have returned.

At the foot of Langya Mountain, Su Mu looked up at Langya Mountain.

The location of the Alien Tomb is located on the mountainside on the other side of Langya Mountain.

If you want to enter the ancient tomb of the alien, you must climb over this Langya Mountain.

"At this time, it is estimated that the one has not grown up yet!" Su Mu comforted himself in his heart.

After sorting out his thoughts a little, he was ready to climb the mountain.

Langya Mountain is not high, and the highest peak is only a kilometer.

However, it was such a mountain, but Su Mu was even more careful than climbing Mount Tai.

As soon as he entered the range of Langya Mountain, Su Mu felt that something was not quite right.

The aura of this Langya Mountain is very abundant.

Its abundance is even above Mount Tai.

"It seems that there are good things on this Langya Mountain. Otherwise, there would not be such a strong aura. "


Su Mu's eyes began to change.

As his eyes changed, everything in front of Su Mu began to change differently.

"Purple Qi?"

As soon as his eyes changed, Su Mu saw clouds of purple qi.

In Taoism, purple qi is a very bullish existence.

At that time, the Taoist ancestor Laozi went west to Hanguguan, which was three thousand miles of purple qi.

Purple Qi came to the east, and it was the top auspicious rui in Taoism.

Su Mu walked up to a purple qi and began to observe carefully.

The appearance of this purple qi was very similar to the purple qi he had seen in Dragon Tiger Mountain before.

But the difference is that the purple qi here is much thinner than the purple qi of Dragon Tiger Mountain.

"Do you want to try it?"

To be honest, looking at the purple qi in front of him, Su Mu was still a little gluttonous.

After all, this thing is a good thing.

However, before it is impossible to determine whether this purple qi is good or bad, if it is hastily absorbed, it is likely that something will go wrong.


Just as Su Mu hesitated, a roar interrupted his thoughts.

This roar, as soon as I heard it, came from a certain strange beast.

Su Mu hurriedly looked in the direction where the roar sounded.

I saw a leopard-like creature looking at him with dark eyes.

【Langya Ink Leopard】

Level: B (Juvenile)

Introduction: A black panther born in Langya Mountain evolved after serving the Ink Soul Grass.


"Good guy." After reading the introduction of Langya Mo Leopard, Su Mu was directly a good guy. "As soon as I arrived in Langya Mountain, I encountered a B-grade juvenile beast! How do I feel that the road behind will be very hard.

Su Mu scratched his head, his face full of indescribable strange expressions.

"Human." Langya Mo Leopard slowly approached in Su Mu's direction. "You should know that this Langya Mountain is not where you humans should come."

"I'm here for something!" Su Mu said to Langya Mo Leopard.

Langya Mo Leopard's tone was full of arrogance and said: "I don't care what your purpose is here, but I will tell you." This is not a place for you humans. You hurry up and leave now, maybe there is still a way to live.

"If you don't, you'll die!"

Su Mu really didn't expect that one day, he would be threatened by a strange beast.

"Big brother, isn't your threat a little too low-level?" Su Mu looked at Langya Mo Leopard and shook his head.

"I'm not a threat, but a warning!" Langya Mo Leopard's voice still sounded very arrogant. "Of course, if you don't listen to my warnings, then you will end up at your own discretion!"

After the Langya Ink Leopard finished speaking, it began to slowly retreat.

After retreating to a large rock, its figure disappeared directly.

But Su Mu felt that this Langya ink leopard did not leave.

Su Mu's tongyu effect still exists.

He began to look around cautiously.

"Sure enough..."

Su Mu saw that the Langya Mo Leopard was waiting for an opportunity in a dark place at this time.

The location is very interesting.

As long as Su Mu chooses to go up the mountain, he will definitely pass through this place.

At that time, if this Langya ink leopard launches a sneak attack, it will definitely die if it is replaced by someone else.

"Want to sneak up on me? Find death! "

Su Mu is not a good stubble.


"Draw the ground as a prison!"

Su Mu pinched the sword technique in his right hand and began to make a void spell.

In an instant, the rune was formed.

Su Mu clicked on the rune, and the rune broke.

One by one, the steel bars turned into flames flew straight towards the direction of the Langya Mo Leopard.

Before Langya Mo Leopard could even react, it was controlled by something like a cage.

However, at this time, it still has no intention of appearing.

"Since you are not ready to appear, then I will do it."

Su Mu's right hand trembled slightly, and the Falling Sunset Soul Sword appeared directly in Su Mu's hand.

"Extreme Fall Sword Rain!"

Su Mu raised the Falling Sunset Soul Sword in his hand above his head.

A blazing sword with a handle began to take shape behind Su Mu.

Su Muyao pointed in the direction of Langya Mo Leopard.





The blazing sword flew straight towards the direction of the Langya Mo Leopard like an arrow.

The speed of the blazing sword was extremely fast, hitting the body of the Langya Mo Leopard, and countless blood flowers were immediately splashed.

Langya Mo Leopard probably did not expect that Su Mu would be so decisive.

"Purple Pole Sword Technique!"

Su Mu also did not intend to waste too much time on this Langya ink leopard.

"Swift Step!"

In the next second when the Falling Sunset Town Soul Sword was covered by flames, Su Mu rushed straight towards the direction of the Langya Mo Leopard.


The Falling Xia Zhen Soul Sword directly pierced into the body of the Langya Mo Leopard.

"Ding! Kill the alien beast [Langya Ink Leopard] to get rewards: 500 points, [Dragon Ruler], [Pray for Rain]. "

[Dragon Ruler]

Level: No

introduction: can explore tombs within a radius of 100 meters.

【Praying for Rain】

Introduction: One of the seventy-two techniques of hell evil, using this special technique, can make a certain drought rain.


The system elevation that had not appeared for a long time sounded in his ears, which gave Su Mu an indescribable feeling of refreshment.

The reward of this strange technique is more or less chicken ribs.

But this [Dragon Hunting Ruler] was what Su Muzheng needed.

After all, the purpose of his trip was to explore the tomb of an alien.

With this [Dragon Hunting Ruler], the tomb search will definitely go much smoother.

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