After killing the Langya Mo Leopard, Su Mu continued to climb the mountain.

The mountain was not high, and Su Mu came to the top of the mountain in a blink of an eye.

He found that the purple qi on the top of the mountain was even thicker than at the bottom of the mountain.

"What are these purple qi for?"

Su Mu was curious about the effect of these purple qi.

When he was at the foot of the mountain before, because of the appearance of the Langya Black Panther, Su Mu did not test the effect of this purple qi.

"Check it out!"

Su Mu controlled his qi and captured the purple qi from the air.

A touch of purple qi was captured by Su Mu's flame.

After some investigation, Su Mu found that there were no harmful substances in this purple qi.

Even in the purple qi, there are many substances that are beneficial to aliens.

Su Mu controlled Qi, allowing purple qi to enter his body.

As soon as the purple qi entered Su Mu's body, Su Mu's eyes widened slightly.

"This feels, it's too cool!"

After absorbing this purple qi, Su Mu felt that the effect of this purple qi was actually better than the effect of absorbing the aura for an hour.

"There is so much purple qi on this mountain, if I absorb it all. Isn't it possible for me to break through the current Concentration Realm and come directly to the legendary Transcendent Realm?" Thinking

of this, Su Mu's heart couldn't help but get excited.


Su Mu began to absorb a large amount of purple qi.

But when he absorbed it for about an hour, his head appeared a feeling of dizziness like drunkenness.

Su Mu hurriedly stopped absorbing the purple qi.

This feeling made Su Mu feel very uncomfortable.

"What's the situation? Why is this the case!

Su Muchan sat on the ground.

After sitting on the ground for nearly half an hour, the drunken feeling of vertigo gradually disappeared.

"Can you get this purple qi and inhale more, can you still go up?"

After Su Mu adjusted his state, he was ready to continue absorbing purple qi.

But when he absorbed the purple qi again, he found that the effect of the purple qi was much weaker than before.

However, weakening is weakening, but the effect is still very good.

Su Mu continued to absorb.

Between the Concentration Realm and the Transcendent Realm, there was a huge ravine.

If you just use Spiritual Qi to fill this gap, even if you cultivate day and night, it will take almost fifty years.

But Su Mu found out.

After absorbing the purple qi himself, the huge ravine was actually filled by a third.

Other words.

If Su Mu continued to cultivate on this Langya Mountain, then he was likely to break through to the Transcendent Realm in a month, or even less.

However, when the ravine was filled in half, Su Mu stopped.

It's not that Su Mu wants to stop.

It is the effect brought by purple qi, which has been completely gone.

Su Mu opened his eyes in disappointment.

He originally thought that this Langya Mountain could help directly cross this heavenly barrier.

But now, this is still not possible.

Disappointment to disappointment.

But this trip to Langya Mountain really brought Su Mu a lot of gains.

Su Mu stood up and moved his body.

But just as he was about to walk towards the other side of the mountain, his steps suddenly stopped.

Because he was so far away that not far away, there was a gaze staring at him.

Su Mu looked in that direction.

He saw a huge white crane at least five meters tall.

This white crane is very similar to the legendary crane.

Seeing Su Mu looking at him, Bai He spoke: "Human, why did you come to this Langya Mountain?"

Hakutsuru's voice sounded as if it were an amiable old man.

When it asked Su Mu questions, it was also like an elder greeting the younger generation.

"Senior." Su Mu arched his hand in the direction of the white crane and said with a smile. "I came to Langya Mountain this time to find an ancient tomb of a strange person."

The white crane was majestic and slightly startled. One of its wings raised slightly, pointing to the other side of the mountain: "The Inhuman Tomb you mentioned, but on the other side of the mountain?"

"Yes." Su Mu nodded.

Bai He nodded slightly, and said with helplessness in his tone: "That ancient tomb is very dangerous, I advise you not to go." "

Seniors have been there?" Su Mu captured some key words in Bai He's words.

"Yes." Bai He did not hide Su Mu, but nodded. "I visited an ancient tomb once when I was young. I didn't get any benefit from it. On the contrary, my realm fell directly from the B-level maturity stage to the C-level maturity stage! Hearing

this, Su Mu's brows furrowed slightly.

"Senior, can you tell us about the situation of the ancient tomb?" Su Mu asked tentatively.

What he didn't expect was that the white crane nodded: "I can tell you, but if you can enter the deepest part of the ancient tomb." I hope you can give me a feather in the deepest part. "

Feathers?" Su Mu looked at the white crane with a strange face.

The white crane nodded again: "A white feather of an ancient fairy bird!"

"That feather can help me break the current shackles and bring me one step closer."

"What realm is the predecessor now?" Su Mu asked again.

Xianhe replied with a smile in his tone, "It's already a B-grade maturity period. "

B-grade maturity?"

The B-level maturity period is equivalent to the sixth to ninth level of the human concentration realm.

Among the human beings today, only Su Mu and Old Heavenly Master are in such a realm.

Among the foreign beasts, Su Mu only knew about the white crane in front of him.

【Jilu White Crane】

Level: B Grade (Maturity)

Introduction: The oldest existence of the alien beasts, and it is also a rare high-life alien beast among today's alien beasts. The most important thing is that it is a congenital beast.


Looking at the introduction of the Jilu White Crane, Su Mu's pupils contracted slightly.

"Congenital beast, he is actually a congenital beast?"

Most of the exotic beasts that Su Mu encountered before were acquired exotic beasts.

The definition of acquired beasts is that some beasts evolve in some way.

For example: eating foreign fruits, eating foreign herbs...

These exotic beasts are collectively referred to as acquired exotic beasts.

The definition of a congenital alien beast is that it is born a foreign beast.

After the revival of Reiki, innate alien beasts are not uncommon.

After all, only two alien beasts combined, and the alien beasts born must be innate alien beasts.

But before the revival of aura, innate beasts were very rare.

"The senior is actually a congenital beast?" Su Mu looked at the Extreme Lu White Crane.

For Su Mu to know that he was a congenital beast, Jilu Baihe did not show too much surprise.

"My parents are both alien beasts. So, I'm a beast! Jilu White Crane said with a smile.

"I don't know how old are the parents of my predecessors?" Su Mu asked again.

Jilu White Crane still has nothing to hide: "My parents died for a hundred years, and when I died, it was already the birthday of Shijiazi!" "


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