At this time, the hijab on the paper bride's head actually flew up.

Su Mu clearly saw that under the hood, there was a stunning and peerless perfect face.

Su Mu prides himself on seeing a lot of beautiful women.

But those beauties he had seen were nothing compared to the almost perfect face in front of him.

"This Yan can only be seen in the sky, and it is rare to see it a few times in the world!" Su

Mu couldn't help but sigh.

"Can talk, you really can talk!"

the paper bride covered her mouth and laughed.

Needless to say, the way she smiled was even better.

"We just talked about the cost, right?" the paper bride asked Su Mu.

Su Mu nodded.

"I see you look so handsome, if you are willing to stay with me." These two things, I will give you. The paper bride said coquettishly.

This delicate voice heard Su Mu's trembling.

"It is absolutely impossible for me to stay!" Living

in such a gloomy place for a long time, even if there is a beautiful woman to accompany him, Su Mu will definitely not be able to do it.

"Human. As soon as the paper bride heard that Su Mu was unwilling to stay with her, she continued to tempt. "In addition to these two things, I will satisfy you with everything.

"Come on!" Su Mu waved his hand with great disdain. "I can get everything you call it. So to be honest, I'm really not rare.

"Then why are you willing to stay?"

Su Mu listened, and the paper bride's voice had begun to become a little impatient.

"It's impossible for me to stay!" said Su Mu very clearly.

"Since I'm giving you face, if you don't want it. Then I won't give you face anymore. The

words fell, and the paper bride stood up directly from the throne.

The long hair on the back of her head rushed to the top of her head.

The eyes that were originally full of autumn waves were also full of blood red at this time.

My most loyal guard!" cried

the paper bride.

Only some strange sounds were heard.

Su Mu looked around.

I saw that the paper walls around me were open, and soldiers wearing paper armor walked in from outside the wall.

They are covered in armor and wear thick helmets even on their faces.

So Su Mu couldn't see their faces clearly.

"Ha!" As

soon as it appeared, the paper soldiers roared in unison.

"Just a dozen or so people, dare to fill a cup in front of me?" Su

Mu looked at these soldiers with a disdainful expression on his face.

"Human. At this time, the paper bride said with a sneer. "These are my most elite and loyal guards, and I don't believe you can beat them." "

Huh!" Gao Mu glanced at the paper bride and shook his head disdainfully. "You have been trapped in this tomb for so many years, is your brain also trapped stupid.

"No matter how powerful they are, they are just paper." I have ten thousand ways to deal with them!"

The paper bride looked at Su Mu with disdain on her face and mocked. "I really don't believe you're their opponent."

"Don't believe it?" said Su Mu with a smile as he looked at the paper bride. "If you don't believe it, then I'll let you believe it!" "

Purple Pole Sword Technique!" Su

Mu raised the Falling Sunset Soul Sword in his hand above his head and roared.

The purple flames instantly covered the Falling Sunset Soul Sword.


the paper soldier could react, Su Mu approached a paper soldier as fast as he could.

In the next second when he approached the paper-tied soldier, Su Mu directly turned on the weak click break.

Su Mu did this just in case.

Facts have proved that Su Mu's approach is correct.

Because when the Falling Sunset Soul Sword stabbed the paper-tied soldiers, it did not set the paper-tied soldiers on fire at the first time.

"Sure enough, it's different from the paper people in front!" said Su Mu.

However, with the blessing of the weak click, Su Mu clearly saw that this paper soldier was not without weaknesses.

Its weakness was in its throat

, "Did I say, these paper soldiers are not ordinary?" Seeing

that Su Mu did not kill the paper soldiers in seconds, the paper bride's face showed a smug expression.

But the smug expression on her face did not last long, and it was directly frozen on her face.

Because in the next second, he clearly saw that the Falling Sunset Soul Sword in Su Mu's hand directly pierced the throat of the paper soldier.

"Teng!" the

paper soldier was instantly ignited.

Screams, coming from the mouths of the papier-fed soldiers.

In an instant, the paper-tied soldiers were reduced to ashes.


Seeing this scene, the paper bride's face was full of disbelief.

"You want to say, this can't be, right?" asked Su Mu with a smile as he looked at the paper bride.

The paper bride looked at Su Mu angrily and did not say a word.

"Ding, kill [Paper Soldier] (A) to get reward: 500 points!" Su

Mu did not check the attributes of this paper soldier before.

However, from the point reward this time, it can be seen that this paper soldier is at least a realm of concentration.

After killing one paper soldier, Su Mu turned to another paper soldier.

The weakness of this paper-tied video, like the weakness of the previous paper-tied soldiers, is in the throat.

"Ding! Kill [Paper Soldier] (B) to get a reward: 500 points!" The points

awarded by Paper Soldier are no different.

In this way, one by one, the paper soldiers were burned into ashes by the flames.

Although these paper soldiers did not bring any item rewards to Su Mu, they gave Su Mu a lot of points.

As the paper soldiers turned into ashes, Su Mu looked in the direction of the paper bride again.

If so, hurry up and use it!" said Su Mu triumphantly to the paper bride.

The paper bride looked at Su Mu with a gloomy face.

But what made Su Mu feel strange was that.

This paper bride obviously looked very angry, but she had no intention of personally attacking Su Mu.

"Ask you a question, why don't you personally attack me?"

As soon as this question came out, the paper bride was directly stunned.

"I don't want to do it with someone like you, and doing it with you is simply an insult to me!" said the paper bride carelessly.

This paper bride said that Ling Ran was careless.

But Su Mu always felt that this paper bride seemed to be hiding something.

"Perhaps, it can't move, or maybe, it has no realm?" Su

Mu's eyes immediately lit up when he thought of this.

"It doesn't shoot for two reasons. One must be that it cannot leave a particular area. The second thing is that it doesn't have the ability to shoot.

Su Mu thought while looking at the paper bride again.

I don't know if it's Su Mu's illusion.

When he looked at the paper bride again, a look of panic flashed on the paper bride's face.

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