Since there was some speculation in his heart, then Su Mu must try it.

"First of all, test her strength first!" Su

Mu raised the Falling Sunset Soul Sword above his head.

"Extreme Fall Sword Rain!"

Su Mu's sword hand drooped, pointing at the paper bride.

"Swoosh!" "

Swoosh!" "Swoosh!"

The formed blazing sword, like an arrow, flew straight towards the paper bride.

"Insect tricks!"

the paper bride smiled disdainfully.

"Paper wall!"

the paper bride roared.

A white piece of paper appeared directly on the body of the paper bride.

The sword hit the paper with a muffled sound.

Looking at the paper again, there was no damage at all.

"It seems that this paper bride should not be able to move, not because of her lack of strength!" At this

point, Su Mu's heart already had a conclusion.

"Try again

!" "Golden Light Spell!" Su

Mu pinched the sword technique in his right hand, and his right foot stomped on the ground.

One after another, like a spirit snake, spread towards the paper bride.

I saw the paper bride's right hand shake slightly, and a white paper sword appeared in the paper bride's hand.

The paper sword slashed at the golden thread, and actually cut off all the golden thread turned into the golden light spell.

"This TM really has something!" Seeing

this, Su Mu couldn't help cursing in a low voice.

Seeing that Su Mu did not make another move, the corners of the paper bride's mouth rose, revealing a cold smile: "I think how powerful you are, I didn't expect this little means."

Su Mu looked at the paper bride coldly and did not speak.

He always felt that the paper bride was the best in the outside.

But the confrontation just now made him feel that the paper bride was not so simple.

"There you have it!" Since

these two moves were useless, then Su Mu was ready to try it with other moves.

"Heavenly Basket!"

"Burning Plain

!" Su Mu pinched the sword technique in his right hand and began to make runes in the void.

Rune forming.

A fire dragon flew straight towards the paper bride's flying direction.

"That's it?" Seeing

the fire dragon, the paper bride's face was still disdainful.

With the fire dragon in front of him, he is about to rush to the paper bride.

The paper bride roared, "Break it for me!" she

brandished the paper sword in her hand and slashed straight at the fire dragon.

In this paper sword, the paper bride actually swung the sword.

The sword man and the fire dragon collided, and the sword man directly split the fire dragon in two.

"Good fellow, the strength of this girl is really not to be underestimated!"

Su Mu couldn't help but sigh.

The strength of the paper bride is too much beyond Su Mu's imagination.

He even felt that he was no match for the paper bride.

"Find a way!" "

The living can't let urine die."

Since the previous attacks were useless, then Su Mu had to find another way.

"Do you use

the Purple Pole Sword Technique?" At this time, using the Purple Pole Sword Method is actually risky.

The Purple Pole Sword Technique is not a long-range technique, but a melee technique.

Knowing that the strength of the paper bride was above herself, Su Mu also had to fight him hand-to-hand. Unless Su Mu's brain was sick, otherwise, he would never do it.


If you are undecided, you can ask the system.

As a reborn, Su Mu is well versed in this law.

Open the system interface and enter the system mall.

【Paper Zaren】On

the search interface, Su Mu entered a keyword.

After some searching, there are really a lot of items about the paper people.

"There you have. After

some searching, Su Mu really found a way to deal with the paper people on the interface of the mall.


pee!" That's right, it's boy pee.

In the system mall, the best way to deal with paper people is to splash with boy urine.

Once the paper piercing person is blistered by the child's urine, then its originally hard skin will become really like paper.

"Well, I seem to be a child after being reborn!" Although

this matter is very shameful, it is a fact after all.

But now it's in a tense battle.

If you take off your pants at this time, the originally tense and serious battle, the painting style will go in a very strange direction.

But fortunately, boy urine can be purchased in the system mall.

But to be honest, the boy urine in the system mall is really not cheap.

【Ten years of boy urine】Introduction

: A sharp weapon to deal with demons and evils, the higher the year, the better the effect.

Price: 10,000 points.

【Twenty Years of Boy Pee】Introduction

: A weapon to deal with demons and evils, the higher the year, the better the effect.

Price: 20,000 points.

【Thirty Years of Childhood】Introduction

: A weapon to deal with demons and evils, the higher the year, the better the effect.

Price: 30,000 points.


"10 years of 10 years will cost 10,000 points! So can Lao Tzu sell 20,000 points for 20 years?" "

If it weren't for this pit daddy's system, without a recycling system, I would definitely sell it for three catties!"

He now has more than 20,000 points.

To be cautious, he bought 20 years of boy urine.

Looking at the only small bowl of boy urine in his hand, Su Mu wanted to scold his mother.

"Just this little thing, dare to ask Lao Tzu for 20,000 points!"

he complained as he put the small bowl in his hand.

"This time, I see you're not dead yet!" Su

Mu finished the boy's urine.

"Swift Pace!"

and then he rushed as fast as he could to the near place in front of the paper bride.

Seeing Su Mu rushing towards her, an evil smile appeared at the corner of the paper bride's mouth: "I really don't know who gave you the courage to dare to rush in front of me."

But when it saw the small bowl in Su Mu's hand, the expression on its face changed.

"You... You...... What's in your hand?" the

paper bride looked horrified.

In Su Mu's eyes, this is a bowl of boy urine that is a little hot.

But in the eyes of the paper bride, this is a bowl of holy water.

"Pee!" said Su Mu with a smile as he took the bowl and glanced at it. "20 years of

boy pee!" Upon hearing that it was a boy pee, the paper bride's face showed a panicked expression.

"What do you want to do?" the paper bride's eyes widened and she glared angrily at Su Mu.

Su Mu smiled slightly, "I don't want to do anything, I just want to invite you to have some drinks!" When

the words fell, Su Mu's right hand splashed violently.

The boy's pee turned into a perfect arc in the air and flew towards the paper bride.

Just when Su Mu thought that the paper bride would dodge.

He found that the paper bride did not take any action.

In this way, the boy's urine was accurately spilled on the paper bride's body.



!" "Whoops!"

The boy's urine spilled on the paper bride's body, making a sound like hot water splashing on ice.

At the same time, layers of white mist began to rise on the body of the paper bride.

Su Mu clearly saw that at this time, the paper bride's body was "burned" by the boy's urine and caused a lot of "wounds".

"It hurts!" cried the paper bride.

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