Under the corrosion of the child's urine, there are more and more "wounds" on the paper bride.

Even some "wounds", larger than an adult's fist.

Through these wounds, Su Mu saw a scene that shocked him.

"How is it possible!"

he thought that the paper bride's body should be those bamboo poles and other things.

But what he didn't expect was that through the "wound" of the paper bride, Gao Mu saw a beating living heart.

"Why do you have a heart?" asked the paper bride.

Hearing Su Mu's question, the paper bride seemed to have forgotten the pain in her body.

It looked at Su Mu, its eyes full of desolation: "Because, I am a human being."

"I was caught by the man, and then he modified me.

"Although I have the most beautiful face in the world, I have become a papier-mâché man. The

voice of the paper bride penetrated Su Mu's eardrums and entered Su Mu's mind.

That desolate voice actually made Su Mu's heart feel a little more sympathy for the paper bride.

"That's not right!"

Suddenly, Su Mu seemed to have thought of something.

"You're lying!"

Su Mu roared as he stared at the paper bride.

"I'm not lying, I'm telling the truth. The paper bride shouted sharply.

"My heart is alive, but it's definitely not the heart of an ordinary human being. The heart of an ordinary human would not have such a fast beating speed. "

A normal average person's heartbeat is about 60-100 beats per minute.

But just now, Su Mu specially observed.

The heart of a paper bride beats 500 times a minute.

That's a value far beyond the human heartbeat.

Therefore, Su Mu doubted that the heart in the paper bride's body should not be a human heart.

"If it's not a human heart, it can only be the heart of an alien beast. "

Of course, the heartbeat speed of an alien can also reach this value.

The reason why Su Mu did not believe that the heart of the paper bride was the heart of a human being.

It is because the heart in the body of the paper bride is much larger than the heart of ordinary normal people.

"So, what the hell are you?" Su

Mu was already curious about the true identity of the paper bride.

Boy urine, still corroding paper brides.

But in the eyes of the paper bride, there was no pain.

She looked at Su Mu coldly, and said with a smile: "You entered my tomb, but you asked me what the hell is it!

"There is a loophole in the words of the paper bride. "You are not the owner of this tomb.

"Why do you say that I am not the owner of this tomb?" the paper bride asked Su Mu.

"If you are the owner of this tomb, you should not be in this place. If I'm not mistaken, this place is just a tomb of doubt.

"The real burial chamber, in another place." Hearing

Su Mu's words, the paper bride fell silent.

"Human. The corners of the paper bride's mouth rose slightly, and a deliberate smile appeared again. "I really underestimated you, you can actually find out that I am suspicious.

"Actually, I'm a test specimen!" a sadness flashed in the paper bride's eyes as she said she was a test specimen.

"Experimental product?" Su Mu was puzzled.

"Ye Zheng old thief, I want to achieve immortality through experimentation. And I'm just one of his many experiments.

"At the same time, I am also the only one of his many experimental products that have succeeded!" Hearing

this, the dazed look in Su Mu's eyes became even worse.

"Achieving immortality through experimentation? is that unreasonable?"

said Su Mu's brows.

"Reasonable, very reasonable!" the paper bride seemed to know many things that Su Mu did not know, and the corners of her mouth rose and said. "He has been able to detach his soul from his own body.

As soon as these words came out, Su Mu was shocked.

Out of the body, for many people, is a legendary thing.

It's not just for ordinary people.

Even for Inhumans, this is a legendary thing.

He originally wanted to use the heart and brain of some alien beast to make a new self. Unexpectedly, he failed halfway through the experiment.

"This place, not so much his tomb, is really his laboratory." The

paper bride's words made Su Mu stunned.

Su Mu originally thought that he had seen so many strange events, and he would not be too surprised when he encountered some strange things.

But he found out that he was wrong. Moreover, it is very wrong.

"But why can't you move?" This

was what Su Mu was most curious about.

"Because that old guy nailed my feet.

After the paper bride finished speaking, she lifted her red dress.

Su Mu saw it.

Under the red skirt, there are a pair of feet.

And on every foot, there is a nail.

The nails were thick and long, and they also emitted an eerie glow.

"Okay, since you have suffered so much, then now I will send you to go beyond it!" said Su Mu to the paper bride.

Follow the normal routines of novels and games.

At this time, the paper bride should be very happy.

After all, no one wants to be stuck in this place for such a long time.

But what Su Mu didn't expect was that this paper bride actually didn't play cards according to the routine.

"Human, you can't kill me. The paper bride looked at Su Mu, and a slightly mocking smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. "Those boy pees you had just now did me a lot of damage. But that's about it.

"Extreme Fall Sword Rain!"

Su Mu held his sword hand above his head.

The blazing sword began to take shape behind Su Mu.

Since I was able to block your sword once just now, I can block it a second time now. "

The paper bride is very confident in this.

But just as she waved her hand and was about to summon the paper wall again, her face suddenly changed.

"What's wrong?"

seeing the change in the paper bride's face, Su Mu asked with a smile.

The paper bride did not speak.

Su Mu knew that the qi in her body had been consumed by Tong Zi's urine.

So in her body, there is no extra flame to summon the paper wall anymore.


Su Mu's sword-wielding hand pointed at the paper bride.

"Swoosh!" "

Swoosh!" "Swoosh!"

The blazing sword flew straight towards the paper bride like an arrow.

The sword passed through the body of the paper bride, making the sound of fingers piercing the paper.

The blazing sword flew by, and the paper bride was riddled with holes.

"I said it all, you can't kill me!" After

the blazing sword, the paper bride still had a smug expression.

These blazing swords launched by Su Mu really did not kill the paper bride.

However, this also allows more of the paper bride's "internal organs" to be exposed.

From the body of the paper bride, Su Mu not only saw the heart, but also a complete set of internal organs.

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