But it's different from the heart.

In the visceral system, all internal organs except the heart are mechanical.

That's right, it's mechanical.

"Good fellow, Cthulhu and cyberpunk?" Su

Mu felt that his brain hole seemed to be a little inadequate.

"Human, human!"

the paper bride spoke again.

"Since you want me to die so much, then I'll send you to the West Heaven first!"

the paper bride's hands were open.

Its paper hair began to rush into the sky.

The hideous appearance, coupled with the long hair flying into the sky, made the already very terrifying paper bride look even more terrifying.

"Paper without a trace!"

cried the paper bride.

Su Mu was waiting for the battle, ready for defense.

"Poof!" "

Poof!" "


But at this moment, Su Mu heard a strange voice.

The sound was as if some kind of mechanical overload had been carried out.

"It hurts!" Not

long after the strange voice sounded, it sounded like it was on fire.

Look at the paper bride's body again.

Its body actually burned with fire.

"Good fellow, is this overload?" Su

Mu felt that his people were stupid.

It is estimated that the paper bride herself did not expect such a strange scene to happen.

"Ah!" the

paper bride let out a scream as the flames burned inside her.

It didn't take long for the paper bride to be wrapped in raging fire.

The fire lasted a full hour.

For this hour, the screams of the paper bride have been lingering in Su Mu's ears.

An hour later, the paper bride was burned to ashes.

However, what made Su Mu feel strange was that the death of the paper bride did not sound the sound of a system prompt for Su Mu.

Could it be that because it committed suicide, it didn't give me a jump system prompt?"

Since the paper bride had burned to ashes, Su Mu definitely had no other concerns.

He adjusted his state and walked towards the ashes of the paper bride.

Su Mu was still more cautious.

Even after seeing the ashes of the paper bride, he remained on guard.

Next to the paper bride ashes, Su Mu found feathers and orthopedics.

【Ancient Immortal Feather Feather】Level

: ???

Introduction: In ancient times, the feathers of a fairy bird. It is said that this feather contains infinite energy and supreme magic. It can help birds and animals to be reborn.

【Buxian Tortoise Shell】

Level: ??? Introduction:

It is said that the tortoise shell is the tortoise shell of the sacred beast Xuanwu in ancient times. But whether it is true or false, there is no way to know. People only know that this tortoise shell contains infinite flame, but it is not the past and future.


Looking at the introduction of [Ancient Immortal Bird Feather] and [Buxian Tortoise Shell], Su Mu knew that the two old guys outside had deceived themselves.

They say that the feathers of the fairy bird and the tortoise shell were left by their ancestors.

As can be seen from the presentation, they are not telling the truth.

"It seems that they want to use this tortoise shell and fairy bird feathers to get one step closer!" Su

Mumo clenched his chin and showed a strange expression on his face.

"Suppose, one of the two of them is the future Lord of Langya Mountain!"

"So before I was reborn, who helped them get these two key props?"

"Thank you, human.

Just as Su Mu was thinking, a voice suddenly sounded from behind Su Mu.

If Su Mu heard correctly, this should be the voice of the Extreme White Crane.

"I just said, he can!" In

addition to the voice of the Extreme White Crane, Su Mu also heard the voice of the Wanfu Xuan Tortoise.

Su Mu turned his head and looked at the two strange beasts.

"Why are you here?" Su Mu squinted his eyes, his face full of guard.

"This place is not Xiaoyou's territory, why can't we come?" Su

Mu found that at this time, the tone of Jilu White Crane's voice was completely different from before.

If you say that the tone in which the Jilu White Crane spoke before, it was very friendly.

So now there is a hint of mockery in its voice.

"Stupid humans. At this time, the voice of the Wanfu Xuangui also sounded. "Didn't you find out, just that we're using you?"


Su Mu did find out.

But he also just found out.

"But you're really good too. Jilu White Crane looked at the ashes at Su Mu's feet, and said with a slight disdain in his tone. "I was able to defeat the woman.

"Old white crane. The Wanfu Xuan Tortoise next to him, seeing that the Jilu White Crane was still going to exchange pleasantries with Su Mu, quickly interrupted it. "Stop talking nonsense with him, let's hurry up. I can't wait to absorb the flame in that tortoise shell. "

These two exotic beasts, seeing that Su Mu has become a turtle in the urn, so they no longer hide their true thoughts.

"Hey!" Su Mu sighed a little helplessly when he heard this. "You can't take these two things!"

Su Mu really didn't want to start a war with these two alien beasts.

It wasn't that Su Mu was worried that he wouldn't be able to beat them.

It was Su Mu who felt that it was a very troublesome thing to go to war with them.

"Jilu Tianyu!" "

Wanfu Iron Thorn!" Jilu

White Crane and Wanfu Xuangui actually shot at the same time.

The Polar White Crane spreads its wings and wants to fly.

The feathers on his wings were actually aimed at Su Mu.

On the shell of the Wanfu Xuan Tortoise, iron thorns also flew out and hovered in the air.

"Go!" the

two beasts said in unison.

I saw feathers and iron thorns, flying straight towards Su Mu.

"Golden Light Spell!" Su

Mu stomped on the ground with his right foot.

The golden light instantly wrapped Su Mu from the inside out.

Feathers and iron thorns hit the golden light spell, rippling with layers of ripples.

"To be honest, this human can really block the joint attack of the two of us.

Jilu White Crane said to Wanfu Xuangui.

Literally, Su Mu would really feel that the Extreme White Crane was praising himself.

But from the tone, Su Mu felt that the Extreme White Crane was mocking himself.

"Indeed!" Wanfu Xuangui nodded, and his words were also full of mockery. "Last time, that human being, let alone resist the attacks of both of us at the same time.

"Just my attack alone directly beat him into a sieve." These

two strange beasts chatted like no one else, as if they didn't take Su Mu seriously.

"I said two beasts, but now it's a fight, isn't it a little inappropriate to chat with this time?"

Since these two exotic beasts wanted to open the mouth battle mode, Su Mu would definitely not refuse.

"Human, do you know that your actions are provoking me?" the Jilu White Crane scolded sharply. "You know the consequences of provoking me?"

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