Su Mu's voice was very small, and Wanfu Xuangui did not hear it.

However, Wanfu Xuangui found that the expression on the face of Jilu White Crane was a little wrong.

"What's wrong?"

asked Wanfu Xuangui loudly.

Jilu Hakutsuru did not answer.

"Purple Pole Sword Technique!"

Su Mu roared lowly.

The purple flame began to burn.

"Ah!" the

Jilu White Crane let out a scream like killing a pig at this time.

This scream made Wanfu Xuangui realize that something was wrong.

It didn't take long for the Jilu White Crane to be burned to ashes.

"Ding! Kill [Jilu White Crane] to get a reward: 790 points, [Jilu Crane Blood]. "

[Extreme Crane Blood]

Level: Unknown.

Introduction: The blood of the Extreme White Crane, after drinking it, can increase the speed of cultivation in a short time.


Su Mu looked at the introduction of Jilu Crane Blood and fell into deep thought.

"Disposable items, this is still relatively rare!" Su

Mu had obtained a lot of things by killing alien beasts.

But disposable props like [Extreme Crane Blood] are very rare.

"Find a place with plenty of spiritual energy to take it, maybe you can break through the Spirit Realm!" said Su Mu to himself.

After killing the Extreme Lu White Crane, Su Mu looked at the Wanfu Xuangui again.

Seeing Su Mu looking at him, the Wanfu Xuan Tortoise began to retreat.

"I know it's wrong, I know I'm wrong, spare me! Wanfu

Xuangui's little mung bean's eyes were full of fear.

Su Mu smiled as he walked in the direction of the Wanfu Xuan Turtle.

But after taking two steps, Su Mu's footsteps suddenly stopped.

Because at this time, he thought of the small action before the Wanfu Xuan Turtle.

"Tongyu!" Su

Mu was really cautious.

He saw that where the Wanfu Xuan Tortoise was standing, a very small formation appeared.

Su Mu is still familiar with the formation.

However, after looking at it carefully, the effect of this formation sounded.

Seeing Su Mu's footsteps stop, a look of disappointment flashed in Wanfu Xuangui's eyes.

This trace of disappointment was instantly captured by Su Mu.

Su Mu continued to move forward, and secretly said in his heart: "Xiao Wang Ba, since you want to play so much, then I will play with you!" Su

Mu soon came to the front of the formation.

Seeing that Su Mu was about to step into the formation.

The look of anticipation in Wanfu Xuangui's eyes was even greater.

But at this moment, Su Mu jumped high.

In the shocked gaze of Wanfu Xuangui, he directly crossed the formation.

"How is this possible!" blurted out Wanfu Xuangui.

After landing, Su Mu smiled and said to Wanfu Xuangui: "You don't really think that I don't notice any of your little movements, right?"

You can't fight and you can't fight, and you can't win by calculating and calculating.

Wanfu Xuangui's heart was full of desolation.

"Is there still a means?" Su Mu looked at the Wanfu Xuangui with a fool-like gaze.

Wanfu Xuangui was silent.

"Since you don't have the means anymore, isn't it time for me to make a move?" asked Wanfu Xuangui.

"If that's the case, then I will also..." Before

Wanfu Xuangui's words were finished, he saw Su Mu appear in front of Wanfuxuangui like a ghost.

"Purple Pole

Sword Technique!" "The sword is like a whirlwind!" Approaching

the Wanfu Xuan Tortoise, the Falling Sunset Soul Sword in Su Mu's hand slashed fiercely at the body of the Wanfu Xuan Tortoise.

"Ah!" Looking

at this sword, Wanfu Xuangui actually felt pain rarely.


!" "Dang!" "Dang

!" "Dang!"

The Falling Sunset Town Soul Sword fell one after another.

The rift on Wanfu Xuangui's body is getting more and more right.

Dense cracks, like spider webs.

If there is a secret fear patient here, it will definitely get goosebumps.

The sound of the tortoise shell being beaten is like a death knell.

Wanfu Xuangui, now I still want to beg for mercy.

But at this time, there was no longer the slightest chance.

"Click!" and

at this moment, a cracking sound sounded.

The turtle shell on the flesh of the Wanfu Xuan Tortoise fell off directly from its body, revealing the body inside it.

"Is that just dead?" Wanfu Xuangui looked unwilling. "I haven't become the king of this Langya Mountain!" "

Just died, I'm unwilling, I'm not willing at all!"

shouted Wanfu Xuangui.

But at this time, its shouting could not change anything.

"Die!" At

this time, the Falling Sunset Soul Sword fell.

"Ding! Kill [Wanfu Xuan Turtle] to get a reward: 785 points, [Xuan Tie]. "

[Xuan Tie]

Level: Gold

Introduction: Can be used to increase the level of gold-level weapons, and gold-level weapons can be upgraded to platinum.


Looking at Xuan Tie's introduction, Su Mu's mouth was almost crooked.

Without the slightest hesitation, he directly took the Chaos Sword Fetus out of the system.

Then he directly pressed the Xuan Tie on the Chaos Sword Fetus.

"Ding! Upgrade successful!" with

the sound of the system prompt.

The Chaos Sword Fetus has also been upgraded from the gold level to the platinum level.

"As long as I rise to the diamond, I will change my weapons!"

said Su Mu secretly in his heart.

However, it is really not easy to upgrade the Chaos Sword Fetus from platinum to diamond.

After all, the reason why Su Mu was able to upgrade the Chaos Sword Fetus from the gold level to the platinum level so quickly had a lot of luck.

"Okay, don't think about that. "

Su Mu withdrew the Chaos Sword Fetus back into the system.

Then he looked at the corpse of the Wanfu Xuan Tortoise.

"Bah!" Su

Mu spat at the corpse of the Wanfu Xuan Turtle, and then walked out of here.

Returning to Yongdao, Su Mu took out the dragon ruler.

After searching for the dragon ruler, Su Mu found the true entrance to the alien tomb.

Because there is no right tool.

In desperation, Su Mu could only dig with the Falling Sunset Soul Sword.

Su Mu originally thought that this excavation would not take too long.

Unexpectedly, this excavation took a full hour.

The most important thing is that this hour did not allow Su Mu to dig the entrance of the tomb.

Su Mu was ready to rest for a while and continue digging.

After a break of about ten minutes, the excavation continued.

He first took out the dragon ruler and carried out simple positioning.

Subsequently, the excavation continued.

Every ten minutes of digging, he had to re-take out the dragon ruler to locate it.

And just like that, another hour of digging.

"I feel that it should be fast!" Su

Mu felt something in his heart, and the speed of digging unconsciously accelerated a lot.

This dig is another twenty minutes.

Twenty minutes later, Su Mu always dug to the door of the tomb.

"What's the situation?"

Looking at the entrance door of the tomb, Su Mu's whole person was dumbfounded.

Because the entrance door of this tomb looks like a security door in the home.

The most terrifying thing is that at the top of this door, there are also four big characters [Welcome] pasted.

Seeing these four big words, Su Mu was directly put in order.

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