He hesitated slightly, then reached for the doorknob.

The moment his hand was placed on the doorknob, Su Mu suddenly felt a coolness coming from the doorknob.

The biting coolness made Su Mu take his hand back at the first time.

"How so?"

Su Mu felt very strange.

You know, Su Mu is a different person.

The physique of a different person is far beyond ordinary people.

The coldness on one side, Su Mu would not even feel it.

But the coolness coming from this door handle made Su Mu feel very cold.

This means that the coldness on this doorknob is far more than ordinary coldness.

Su Mu is not dead.

He ran the flame and asked him to wrap his right hand.

He then touched the doorknob with his hand.

But even if it was a package with flame, Su Mu could still feel a chill coming from the doorknob.

But this chill is much less than before.

Su Mu pressed the doorknob.

The security door opens directly.

Entering it, Su Mu was directly shocked by the scene inside.

He originally thought that after he opened the security door, he would see a scene of an ancient tomb.

But what I didn't expect was that behind the security door, there was a living room-like place.

"What is the situation?"

said Su Mu, who prided himself on being well-informed.

But the scene in front of him still made Su Mu scratch his head.

The main thing is the scene in front of you, which is too weird.

The appearance of this living room is not the appearance of the ancient living room in movies and TV series.

The appearance of the living room here is an ultra-modern modern living room appearance.

That's right, ultra-modern.

A lot of furniture and appliances inside were something that Su Mu had never seen.

Even some furniture and appliances are just the existence of people's imagination.

"In the tomb of an ancient alien, ultra-modern sci-fi furniture is seen. To be honest, I can't understand something!" Su

Mu scratched his head frantically.

His hair was almost bald, and he couldn't figure out what was going on.

After looking around the living room, Su Mu began to look around.

After some searching, he went to the kitchen.

The furniture and appliances in the kitchen are still like Su Mu has never seen before.

"Is this a story of a future man who traveled back to ancient times, but even if it is a legend, he can't make so many ultra-modern things without unlocking the technology lock!"

Every era of technology will have an upper limit.

For example, in the era of cold weapons, the upper limit of the technology lock is thermal weapons.

In the era of thermal weapons, the upper limit of technological locks is nuclear weapons.

Once the upper limit of the technology lock is reached, it will be very difficult to go further.

But the things here, even with the technology and resources of modern earth, cannot be made at all.

With doubts, Su Mu left the kitchen and came to the bedroom.

In addition to the bed, there were also some furniture and appliances that Su Mu could not understand.

"Tongyou!" Su

Mu opened Tongyu at this time.

As his eyes gradually changed, the scene in front of Su Mu's eyes also changed.

When he looked at the position of the bed, he showed a "sure enough" expression.

When Su Mu first came in, he felt that this bed was very strange.

Because no matter how you look at it, this bed gives people the feeling of a coffin.

In order to verify his idea, Su Mu used Tongyu.

After Tongyu opened, Su Mu's idea was confirmed.

This bed is the coffin.

And in the coffin, a middle-aged man lay down.

The appearance of the middle-aged man looks very handsome.

His face was rosy, and he didn't look like he was dead, but like he was asleep.

However, after Su Mu observed it, he was very sure that this middle-aged man had died.

"What the hell is this middle-aged man..."

Just as Su Mu was puzzled, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Are you wondering, who am I?"

The voice sounded without warning.

As a result, Su Mu was startled by this sudden sound.

Su Mu looked guardedly towards the source of the voice.

I saw that not far behind Su Mu, a middle-aged man appeared.

This middle-aged man wears casual clothes.

Looking at this middle-aged man, Su Mu's face showed a thoughtful expression.

He always felt that he had seen this middle-aged man somewhere.

But after a little thought, Su Mu had the answer in his heart.

This middle-aged man and lying under the "bed" turned out to be a person.

Su Mu carefully looked at the middle-aged man in front of him.

After careful observation, he found that the middle-aged man in front of him was actually a holographic projection.

That's right, it's the kind of holographic projection that often appears in science fiction movies.

This holographic projection is very powerful.

If you don't look closely, you won't be able to tell if you're seeing a real person or a projection.

"My name is: Wang Tianfang! At the time of my death, my realm had already reached the transcendent ninefold.

"In this world where my spiritual energy is depleted, it is already very difficult for me to cultivate to the transcendent ninefold.

"I have tried many times to break through the shackles, but the shackles seem to be the gate of heaven. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't knock on the door of heaven.

"On my last attempt to break through, I was plotted by the enemy. Although I am not dead, I am also seriously injured, and my days are numbered. "

When you discover this place, you will be incredible. Because many things in this have surpassed the existence of technological locks. "

The reason they are in this place is because they crossed with me.

When he heard this, Su Mu's expression was more or less unnatural.

This was the first time he had heard that someone would cross with the house.

"Since you found here, it means that we have a fate.

"In my coffin, there is actually nothing. Everything you want, it's behind a painting in the study.

With the end of this sentence, the holographic projection in front of the eyes disappeared.

Su Mu stood in place coldly, and for a while he didn't know what to do.

"What is the mechanism that makes me trigger this holographic projection!" Su

Mu was very curious about this.

What made Su Mu even more curious was why this holographic projection device had such a long battery life.

After standing in place and thinking for a while, Su Mu walked out of the bedroom.

As Wang Tianfang said, there was nothing good in his coffin.

Su Mu also saw it with his own eyes.

There really was nothing in his coffin but his own corpse.

If this is the case, then there is no need for Su Mu to disturb the peace of others.

According to Wang Tianfang's words just now, Su Mu came to the study.

He was in the study and actually found a painting.

Walking to the front of the painting, Su Mu directly took the painting off.

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