Behind the drawing is something that looks like a tablet.

Not long after Su Mu took off the painting, the tablet began to run autonomously.

"Please enter "炁"!" On

the tablet, a line of words appeared.

After Su Mu glanced up and down, left and right, he put his finger on the tablet, and then entered a wisp of flame.

"Click!" "Click

!" "


After Su Mu entered Qi, there was a sound of collision from behind the tablet.

Su Mu subconsciously withdrew.

But not long after, the wall behind the tablet slowly opened.

The moment the wall opened, Su Mu saw a huge thing similar to a vault.

"It's so big!" Su

Mu made a preliminary estimate.

The size of this vault is actually a little bigger than a basketball hall.

Inside the vault, it was full of shelves.

Above the shelves, there are quite a few slides.

Su Mu looked at these slides with some curiosity, and for a moment he didn't know what they were for.

Just when Su Mu was curious, a robot that was only as tall as Su Mu's stomach slipped in front of Su Mu.

Before Su Mu could react.

I saw that above the robot's head, a holographic projection appeared.

After taking a closer look, Su Mu actually felt that the picture in front of him was somewhat familiar.

"This is a bit similar to the mall interface of my system!" It

can't be exactly the same, it can only be said that eight or nine are inseparable.

Su Mu used his fingers and began to manipulate the holographic projection.

After some manipulation, Su Mu found that this Wang Tianfa was really rich.

This huge warehouse is almost full of good things.

Magic, secret treasures, magic weapons, weapons, equipment...

Anything you can imagine having to do with an alien, he has it here.

And the level of things here is not low.

Su Mu first started looking for weapons.

"9 platinum-class weapons. "

That's right, there are 9 platinum-level weapons here.

Su Mu chose to "take out" these weapons one by one.

Then the slide rails on the shelf start working.

After less than a minute, 9 weapons were transported to Su Mu.

Looking at the 9 platinum-level weapons in front of him, Su Mu couldn't help but sigh: "This efficiency is too much!"

Su Mu really didn't know who designed this warehouse system.

But he clearly felt that the efficiency of this warehouse system was very high.

Su Mu did not choose to include these 9 platinum-level weapons into the system, but directly summoned the Chaos Sword Fetus and let it devour these 9 platinum-level weapons.

Just get another platinum-level weapon." Then the level of my Chaos Sword Fetus can be upgraded to the diamond level. In

this regard, Su Mu was full of expectations.

In addition to these platinum-level weapons, Su Mu also saw many strange arts.

Here, the level of the art is divided.

Su Mu directly selected all the heaven-grade alien techniques here, and then chose "take out".

The slide rail starts running.

A book of heaven-grade superior techniques was sent to Su Mu.

Su Mu roughly counted that there were a total of nine Heaven-grade Superior Techniques here.

However, there were at least six of them, which did not have any effect on Su Mu.

But even so, Su Mu still chose to include these six heaven-grade superior techniques into the system.

Then he turned his gaze to the remaining three Heaven-level Superior Grade Alien Arts.

[A sword breaks the dawn]

level: Introduction of the heaven-level upper grade:

Some people open mountains with a sword, and some people split the sea with a sword. Some people, on the other hand, can break through the darkness with a sword.

[Dragon Walking Tiger Step]

Level: Introduction to the Heavenly Grade:

When a person's power reaches a certain level, just walking can make people feel afraid.

【Tianya Reach】

Level: Introduction of Tianjian Shangpin:

The end of the world is far away, but it is all within reach.


Whether it is [One Sword Dawn] or [The End of the World], it can greatly improve Su Mu's current combat power.

Compared with these two different techniques, [Dragon Walking Tiger Step] is a bit chicken.

"The actual combat effect may not be good, but it can be used to fill a cup!"

"If you have a chance, you must try it!"

thought Su Mu.

After thinking about it, he continued to inquire.

After some inquiry, Su Mu was a little disappointed.

There was nothing he needed anymore.

"9 platinum-level weapons, and 3 heaven-grade top-grade magic!

He is also not greedy.

Since there was no longer what he needed here, he no longer lingered, turned around and left the warehouse.

Leave the warehouse and walk out of the study.

Su Mu originally planned to leave here.

But he sent him to the bedroom.

"Take so many things from you, kowtow to you!" Su

Mu kowtowed three times in the direction of the "bed".

After kowtowing, Su Mu was afraid of hitting the dust on his body, so he was ready to leave.

But at this moment, a slight sound sounded in Su Mu's ears.

He looked curiously in the direction of the sound.

I saw that on the bedside table in the bedroom, a small dark compartment appeared.

Looking at this little dark grid, Su Mu's face showed a strange expression.

You know, just now he scanned the bedroom with [Tongyu].

But at that time, Su Mu did not find that there was a small dark compartment on this bedside table.

He walked straight to the small dark compartment and looked inside.

That little dark gree actually had a small box.

He took the small box out of the dark compartment.

Opening the small box, Su Mu saw that there was a pill inside.

He took the elixir out of the small box and put it in front of him.

The information of the elixir instantly appeared in front of his eyes.

【Realm Breaking Pill】Introduction

: Are you still troubled by the inability to break through the current realm. Are you still having a headache about breaking the shackles? Take it and it will help you break through your current realm.


Looking at this Realm Breaking Pill, like a small advertisement, the corners of Su Mu's mouth twitched.

To be honest, he was a little hesitant now.

He was hesitating whether to swallow this Realm Breaking Pill to break through the current realm.

After hesitating for a long time, Su Muyi gritted his teeth and threw the Realm Breaking Pill directly into his mouth.

The Realm Breaking Pill entered his mouth, and before Su Mu could even taste it, it directly turned into a clear stream and flowed into Su Mu's throat.

As soon as the clear stream flowed in, Su Mu felt that he was hot and dry.

A powerful aura ran around in his body.

Su Mu sat cross-kneeled, ready to refine this aura.

He clearly felt that this chaotic aura could help him break through the current shackles.

Sitting cross-kneeled, the aura began to refine.

As time walked minute by minute, sweat began to appear on Su Mu's forehead.

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