"MD, it won't reach the upper limit again, right?" Su Mu thought of a possibility at this time.

This possibility made Su Mu very uncomfortable.

"If I knew that, I wouldn't have eaten so much.

Su Mu regretted a little.

But since he had already eaten, then he didn't think about it anymore.

"Brother!" Seeing Su Mu turn his head to look at himself, the Longevity Tiger King asked with a sneer. "

Let's go, let's go!" Su Mu waved his hand at the Longevity Tiger King.

"Thank you brother!" the

Longevity Tiger King was relieved and turned his head and left.

After the Longevity Tiger King left, Su Mu also began to prepare to leave this Langya Mountain.

At the foot of Langya Mountain.

Su Mu looked at his system interface.

To be honest, this trip to Langya Mountain was definitely rewarding for Su Mu.

The most important thing is that his realm has broken through to the Spirit Junction Realm.

You know, Su Mu is the only alien who has reached the realm of soul formation.

Just when Su Mu was happy, his mobile phone suddenly rang.

Su Mu picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID.

"Heavenly Master?" asked Su Mu with a smile after answering the phone. "Call me at this time, is there something wrong

?" "Where are you?" the old Heavenly Master opened his mouth and asked where Su Mu was.

Su Mu smiled and said, "I'm still in the land of Qilu."

"Qilu land. When the old heavenly master heard that Su Mu was in the land of Qilu, he actually said with a smile. If you have time, you can go to the city by the sea.

"Why go to Coastal City?" asked Old Heavenly Master curiously.

The old heavenly master said with a smile: "Recently, the coastal city is going to hold an alien conference. This is a great opportunity for all strangers to make a name for themselves.

"If you are interested, you can go for a trip!" Hearing

this, Su Mu smiled.

At the same time, in his mind, he also remembered the treasure map he got before.

It seems that this trip to the coastal city, I really have to go.

Su Mu said secretly in his heart.

After thinking about it, he said to the old heavenly master very boldly: "Since there is a chance to fill the cup, of course I will not miss it."

"That's right. At this time, Old Heavenly Master seemed to remember something, and he asked Su Mudao. "Have you found a way to break through the Spirit Realm?" the

old Heavenly Master felt that the reason why he had never taken a step forward. The most critical reason is that the right method has not been found.

"Didn't find it.

Su Mu shook his head.

The reason why he was able to ascend from concentration to spirit was completely due to the qualitative change caused by the accumulation of quantity.

"Then your current realm, is it still concentrated on the ninefold?" asked Su Mu.

Su Mu smiled badly and said, "I've already formed a heavy spirit!" Upon

hearing this, the old Heavenly Master on the other end of the phone was directly stunned.

So many years.

His heart has always been like an ancient well, and it is difficult to make waves.

But when Su Mu said that his realm had reached the level of Soul Formation, the heart of the old Heavenly Master moved.

"How did you do it?" For

so many years, the Heavenly Master had been looking for a way, but he couldn't.

"Quantitative accumulation, qualitative change!" said Su Mu.

After hearing this, the Heavenly Master fell into deep thought.

Listening to the silence on the other side of the phone, Su Mu did not continue to speak.

This silence lasted for a full five minutes.

"Hey. Five minutes later, the Heavenly Master first sighed. The future belongs to you young people.

"It's not. Upon hearing this, Su Mu's heart was very unpleasant, and he hurriedly explained. "The reason why I was able to break through the Spirit Formation was entirely because I was lucky.

After Su Mu finished speaking, he told the old heavenly master everything he had on Langya Mountain.

To be honest, Su Mu really trusted the Heavenly Master.

After listening to Su Mu's story, the old Heavenly Master on the other end of the phone breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he muttered to himself: "It seems that I have been living in seclusion in Dragon Tiger Mountain for so many years, which is not a very good choice.

"I'll go to the land of Qilu, the coastal city, in a few days!

After ending the call with the old Heavenly Master, Su Mu rushed directly to the city.

He found the nearest plane and flew straight to Primorday.

Anyway, he is not poor in money, so he bought a ticket for first class.

On the plane, Su Mu enjoyed the service of a flight attendant.

He looked out the window and fell into deep thought.

"Hello. Just as Su Mu was deep in thought, a voice interrupted him.

Su Mu looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw a girl with a beautiful appearance, a cold face, and a proud figure, looking at him.

Su Mu looked at the girl and asked, "Something?" The girl

pointed to her seat, and then pointed to Su Mu's seat, and asked very politely: "Can you change seats with me?"

The girl said: "My actions can't see the clouds, I want to see the clouds!" Su

Mu glanced at the girl's position.

Then nodded and said, "Yes

!" "Thank you!" This

was just an episode during the journey, so Su Mu did not pay attention to it.

It didn't take long for the plane to stop at the airport in Primorsky City.

As soon as he got off the plane, Su Mu smelled the smell of a coastal city exclusively.

This smell is very refreshing and makes people smell very comfortable.

Walking out of the airport, Su Mu stopped a taxi.

"Go to Yuelu Nebula!" said Su Mu to the driver's master.

Yuelu Nebula is the representative of Yuelu Group's high-end hotels.

This Yuelu Nebula is even more high-end than the previous Yuelu boutique.

Generally, this series of hotels only receives VIPs from Yuelu Group.

Unless you have a membership card of Yuelu Group, you will never be able to stay.

What Su Mu didn't expect was that when the taxi stopped in front of the Yuelu Nebula Hotel, Su Mu actually met the girl who was on the plane before, changing seats with himself.

When the girl saw Su Mu, she was a little surprised.

However, she still nodded like Su Mu.

Su Mu also nodded.

Because everything was simple, Su Mu did not salute.

"Sir. As soon as Su Mu entered the hotel, a receptionist-looking person walked up. The receptionist's face has a smile on his face, which makes people look very comfortable. "Are you going to stay?"

said Yuelu Group's high-end hotel, Yuelu Xingyun's reception lady.

The figure of the model, the appearance of the star.

They definitely belong to the type who can debut in place as long as they participate in talent shows.

"Yes. Su Mu nodded and said to the reception lady with a smile. "I want to stay in the presidential suite!" The

reception lady was slightly stunned when she heard this.

Then he smiled and said, "Excuse me, do you have a membership card?"

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