"Membership card?" Su Mu was slightly stunned and shook his head. "I don't seem to have a membership card.

"I'm sorry then. Hearing that Su Mu did not have a membership card, the young lady said with an apologetic face. "If you don't have a membership card, we can't check you in.

"How about you take me to the front desk first?" said Su Mu to the young lady.

Although Su Mu has already said, he does not have a membership card.

But he was a guest after all.

The young lady did not refuse, and directly took Su Mu to the front desk.

"Sir. "The lady at the front desk stood up very politely and bowed slightly. "Please show your membership card and your ID. "

I don't have a membership card. He

said that he did not have a membership card, but Su Mu still handed his ID card to the young lady.

The young lady at the front desk was full of doubts, but she still respectfully took the ID card in Su Mu's hand.

"You swipe my ID card from your membership machine!" said Su Mu with a smile when she saw the doubts on the young lady's face.

The lady at the front desk is stupid.

She has been working here for almost five years.

In the past five years, she has met all kinds of people.

But like Su Mu, who let her swipe the membership machine with her ID card, she met it for the first time.

"Sir. Although the lady at the front desk was helpless, she was still very patient to explain. "Our membership machine can only swipe the membership card. Just

when Su Mu was entangled with the young lady at the front desk, the girl who changed seats with Gao Mu came over.

"Use my membership card!" the girl handed the membership card to the lady at the front desk.

Yuelu Nebula can open a room with someone else's membership card.

However, members should be present.

"No need. Su Mu declined the girl's kindness and said to the young lady at the front desk. "Trust me, swipe your membership plane with my ID. The

young lady refused again.

But when she saw Su Mu's face showing a slightly pleading look, the young lady's heart softened.

The reason why she was soft-hearted was not because Su Mu showed a pleading look. It was the handsome guy Su Mu, showing a pleading look.

"I really can't help you!" The young lady at the front desk took Su Mu's ID card a little helplessly and swiped it on the membership machine.

It doesn't matter if it doesn't brush.

With this brush, the young lady's face directly showed a shocked expression.

"This..." The young lady looked at the information on the computer screen dumbfounded.

"What's wrong?" asked the reception lady curiously.

A young lady at the front desk next to her also leaned her head over curiously to see what was happening.

When she saw the information on the screen, her eyes widened and she showed a shocked expression.

"How is this possible!" the

front desk lady almost.

The reception lady asked anxiously, "What happened?" The

girl who had changed seats with Su Mu before also showed a curious look on her face.

"Sir. The young lady at the front desk came back to her senses and bowed to Su Mu. "I don't know, you are a member of Yuelu!" "

Member of Yuelu?" When the reception lady heard these four words, she directly froze in place.


far as I know, isn't this Yuelu member a legend?"



Some of the check-in guests around also had shocked expressions on their faces.

Yuelu Member, the highest level member of Yuelu Group.

It is rumored that this member can enjoy all the services of Yuelu Group for free.

That's right, it's free to enjoy.

Cars, houses, hotels, meals...

As long as it is a company under Yuelu Group, you can enjoy free services with Yuelu membership card.

Looking at the shocked eyes around him, Su Mu felt very satisfied.

After all, no man can refuse and be looked at enviously.

"Keep a low profile, keep a low profile!" Now

that there is an opportunity to fill the cup, Su Mu naturally won't miss it.

"I'm sorry sir. The lady at the front desk quickly apologized.

"Can you check me in?" asked the young lady Su Mu.

"Absolutely. "

The young lady at the front desk who came back to her senses hurriedly checked in for Su Mu.

It didn't take long for the room card and Su Mu's ID card to be delivered to him together.

Zhao Chengying, the general manager of Yuelu Nebula, a coastal city.

At the same time, he is also the first person in charge of Yuelu Group's coastal city.

Zhao Chengying is as his name suggests.

He was a very elegant and refined man.

On weekdays, his biggest hobby is dressing up.

Unlike other men.

After dressing up, Zhao Chengying not only does not have any fat powder, but is even more masculine than some men.

At this time, he was elegantly drinking afternoon tea in the office.

The table in front of him was filled with desserts.

The mung bean cake that could have been swallowed in one bite, he had to eat several bites.

And every sip you take, you have to take a sip of tea.

"Manager Zhao!" At

this moment, the door of Zhao Chengying's office was pushed open.

Hearing this voice, Zhao Chengying's brows furrowed impatiently.

The person who came was Zhao Chengying's secretary and Zhao Chengying's confidant.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Chengying frowned and looked at the secretary.

"Something went wrong. In order not to be expelled by his boss, the secretary hurriedly said. "Today, our hotel has stayed in a legendary Yuelu member!" Zhao

Chengying, who was originally elegant and calm, stood up directly.

He looked at the secretary and asked loudly, "Are you sure, it's a member of Yuelu!"

As a high-level official, he knew better than anyone the weight of this Yuelu member.

The entire Yuelu Group now has only three Yuelu members.

One of them is the young owner of Yuelu Group, Lu Tianfeng. The second is Song Yu, the security minister of the Yuelu Group. The other is the legendary mysterious figure, Mr. Su.

"It shouldn't be Boss Song and Young Boss. Zhao Chengying secretly speculated, and then showed surprise. "If it weren't for the two of them, it would be the legendary Mr. Su!" Thinking of

this, Zhao Chengying directly got up and rushed towards the door.

When the secretary saw this scene, everyone was dumbfounded.

He has followed Zhao Chengying for several years.

In his impression, Zhao Chengying has always been a mature and stable man.

No matter how big it happened, it was a look like Tarzan collapsed in front of him without changing his face.

But what happened just now changed the secretary's perception of Zhao Chengying.

After leaving his office, Zhao Chengying took the elevator directly and came to the highest floor of the Yuelu Nebula.

Here, there are the highest level suites of the Yuelu Nebula.

This is a suite that is never open to the public.

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