Restaurant, best private room.

As soon as Su Mu sat down, before he could order, there was a knock on the door of the private room.

"Come in!"

shouted Su Mu.

The door to the room opened, and two young men walked in through the door.

These two young men, one black and one white.

The black boy has a strong body and a righteous face, giving people a very upright feeling.

The white boy was thin and cunning.

At first glance, Su Mu still likes young people with black skin.

"Mr. Su!" After

the two entered the door, they were first slightly stunned, and then saluted Su Mu.

"Sit down!"

This is the first time that Su Mu has faced his peers with the attitude of an elder.

So his current mood is even more apprehensive than these two young people.

"Yes!" The

two walked to their chairs and sat down.

As soon as the two young men sat down, Su Mu felt the tension in them.

Seeing them sitting squarely, Su Mu smiled slightly, "Introduce yourself!" The

two young men nodded in unison.

The young man with slightly gray skin spoke: "My name is Qian Qiru, and the realm is heavy." "

The introduction of money is very simple.

After he introduced himself, it was the turn of the slightly darker-skinned young man to introduce him.

The slightly dark-skinned young man stood up and introduced with some stumbling: "My name is Sun Juque, I am 20 years old this year, and I live at home... The realm is innate ninefold. Unlike

Qian Wuru's simple introduction, Sun Juque's introduction can be described as meticulous.

After Sun Juque introduced himself, before Su Mu could speak, he listened to Qian Wanru next to him snort coldly with disdain, and whispered: "What's the use of introducing so much?"

However, Su Mu did not show his dissatisfaction.

"Okay, you guys order first!" In

fact, the meeting of the three of them today was just to get acquainted.

Next, it's time to eat.

Through eating, Su Mu also had some understanding of the personalities of the two.

He found that the money was as empty as this person, a little "pretending".

That's right, it's a little "pretending".

Whether this person is eating, drinking, or doing something else, it gives people a very unnatural feeling.

This unnatural feeling made Su Mu feel that he was very hypocritical.

On the other hand, look at Sun Juque.

When eating, he did not disguise himself.

As if what it normally is, what it is now.

After eating a meal, the three left the restaurant together.

Su Mu was not in a hurry to return to the room.

He plans to take a stroll around this seaside city.

"Did I say you are a starving ghost reincarnated?" In the elevator, Qian Wuru looked at Sun Juque next to him with a disgusted face. "Mr. Su invited us to dinner, do you think it's just for us

to eat?" Sun Juque glanced at Qian Wuru in bewilderment, and said, "Is there anything else to eat?"

His "naivety" made Qian Wuru very dissatisfied.

"I knew you were like this, so I didn't come with you. "Qian Wuru feels like being with Sun Juque, which is very humiliating.

Sun Juque didn't speak, just scratched his head in bewilderment.

Seeing Sun Juque's face, Qian Wuru was very angry.

He pointed at Sun Juque and said, "If you can't get a good name in this Inhuman Competition, then go home and farm."

"I really don't understand why the group would accept someone like you." Qian

Wuru's words fell, and before Sun Juque could speak, he waved his hand at him with impatience.

That look, as if signaling Sun Juque not to speak.

Sun Juque very cleverly chose to shut up.


this time, the elevator doors opened.

The two stepped out of the elevator one after another.

Then they returned to their respective rooms.

Qian Wanru, who sat in the room for a while, felt angrier the more he thought about it.

He got up and walked out of the room to the door of Sun Juque's room.


Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

He knocked on Sun Juque's door.

But after knocking for a long time, he did not get any response.

"MD, what is this brat

?" he came to Sun Juque's room to reprimand Sun Juque.

But he found that Sun Juque was not in the room.

I hope Mr. Su will not be angry with me because of this humble goods. Outside

the hotel, Su Mu stopped a taxi.

"Take me to your most distinctive snack street, the most distinctive, not the Internet celebrity snack street!" Su Mu emphasized to the driver's master.

If asked, who knows a city best.

Na Su Mu would inevitably reply, "Taxi master!" They

knew that the city had the best and cheapest fast food. They also know where the city's most distinctive snacks are.

They even know things that make men happy.


Hearing that Su Mu was looking for a special snack street, the driver master directly stepped on the accelerator.

Half an hour later, the taxi stopped in front of a very run-down alley.

Looking at the dilapidated alley outside the window, Su Mu did not get out of the car immediately.

Seeing that Su Mu did not get out of the car, the driver's master thought that he disliked the environment here, and hurriedly explained: "I grew up from this street, and this street definitely has the city's most classic and delicious snacks."

Su Mu waved his hand and said to the driver's master: "I didn't mean that!"

and then he paid and got out of the car.

As soon as he got out of the car, Su Mu smelled a very fragrant smell.

He searched for the smell and came to the door of a small shop.

The storefront of the small shop seems to belong to the kind of store with a very long history.

Su Mu stretched out his hand to push the door.

As soon as his hand was forced, he heard a shrill sound.

"My God!" Su Mu was startled by this harsh voice. "That's too loud!"

the harsh voice was the sound of the door opening.

The small shop, like the storefront, is very old.

But old is old, and everything inside at least looks very clean.

"Young man, what do you want to eat?" As soon as Su Mu entered the store, he heard an old voice sound.

An old woman with white hair and a wrinkled face slowly stood up.

"Grandma!" Su Mu is a very polite child. "Do you have any specialties here?" "

Specialties?" the old woman was slightly stunned, and then pointed to the wall in one direction and said. "On this wall, we have specialties here.

Su Mu looked in the direction that the old woman was pointing.

He was on the wall and did see a menu.

However, unlike the menus of other stores, the menu in front of you turned out to be a very rare handwritten menu.

And it seems that the text on the menu is still written with a brush.

"Spicy fried clams, pork ribs and rice, seafood noodles..." Su

Mu ordered almost all the dishes on the menu.

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