Seeing that Su Mu ordered so much, the old woman asked with some worry: "Young man, you ordered so much, have you finished eating?" Su Mu

smiled and said to the old woman: "Grandma, don't worry, I will finish eating!"

But the old woman was still a little hesitant.

Seeing that the old woman was a little hesitant, Su Mu asked, "Are you worried that I won't be able to pay?"

"The reason why I hesitated is because I am worried that you will not be able to finish eating, resulting in waste!" When

Su Mu heard this, he immediately felt a little moved.

"Or else. Su Muling moved and came up with a way to have it both ways. "You give me three things first. After I've eaten all three, you give me the other three, and so on. Look, is this okay?" When

the old woman heard this, she nodded her head in front of her eyes, "Then do as you say." "

This method is really good for the old woman.

"Then you sit first, I'll do the dishes."

After the old woman finished speaking, she walked towards the back kitchen.

Su Mu sat on the chair and stared in one direction in a daze.

"Brother. Just then, a voice sounded. "Are you here for dinner?" the

voice sounded milky and very cute.

Look towards the sound.

I saw a little girl who was only tens of centimeters tall, looked very cute, and walked shakily, walking towards this side.

"yes, I'm here to eat. Su Mu said to the little girl with a smile on his face.

"If you have time, can you play with me for a while?" the little girl asked timidly.

"Of course. "No one in this world can refuse a little girl's invitation to play with her. "What do you want to play?" "

Great, great!" When

she heard that someone was willing to play with her, the little girl applauded happily.

And at this time, the old woman who was cooking came out from behind.

Simple little girl, the old woman's brows furrowed.

"Girl. She walked straight up to the girl and said with a slight reproach. Didn't I let you rest well?" Hearing

the old woman's words, the little girl's mouth directly deflated.

Her cute big eyes were full of tears, and her cute little face was also full of grievances: "Grandma, I just want to play with this big brother for a while."

"No!" Unexpectedly, the old woman directly refused the little girl's request. "Your body is too weak, you need to rest well!" The

little girl saw her grandmother's eyes, and tears flowed out of her eyes like a burst.

But even so, the old woman did not relent.

She pointed in one direction and shouted to the little girl: "Hurry up and rest

!" "I know grandma!" The

little girl cried, sounding very pitiful.

"Goodbye big brother!" the little girl waved her hand at Su Mu very politely.

"Goodbye!" Su

Mu also waved his hand to the little girl.

When the old woman saw that the little girl had gone to rest, she sighed helplessly, and went back to the back kitchen to continue cooking.

Not long after, a plate of spicy fried clams, a bowl of pork ribs and rice, and a bowl of seafood marinated noodles were delivered to Su Mu.

"You eat slowly!"

the old woman said, and then walked towards the back kitchen.

Not long after entering the back kitchen, I saw her walk out of the back kitchen again.

This time, she was holding a small bowl in her hand.

After walking out of the kitchen, she took the small bowl and walked towards the place where the little girl rested.

And just as Su Mu lowered her head to eat, the old woman walked out of the little girl's room and sat opposite Su Mu.

"My granddaughter is cute, right?" the old woman asked Su Mu with a smile.

Su Mu looked up at the old woman.

At this time, the old woman no longer had the serious expression she had before. In its place, there is a kindness exclusive to grandma.

"Cute!" Su Mu nodded with a smile.

"Hey. Seeing Su Mu nodding and saying cute, the old woman sighed helplessly. "But this girl's life is really bad. "

Life is bad, where to start?" asked Su Mu curiously.

"This girl has a congenital disease, which is very rare. It is said that she is the only case in the world. "

Because it's rare, there's no treatment." Every year, only a few drugs can be relied on to stay alive.

"But did you know that even if she was reimbursed, she used hundreds of thousands of drugs every year. For our ordinary family, hundreds of thousands is a huge amount of money in itself. And hundreds of thousands a year..." When

the old woman said this, she couldn't say anything.

For a while, Su Mu didn't know what to say.

"Can you let me see?" said Su Mu with a slight struggle in his heart, and said to the old woman. "Actually, I'm a Chinese doctor. Su

Mu's words were very unconfident.

"Are you a Chinese doctor?" may

be because Su Mu said that he had no confidence, so the old woman was more or less not convinced.

"That's right, I'm a Chinese medicine practitioner!" Su

Mu nodded, and accentuated his tone.

"Can you help my granddaughter look good?" At

this time, the old woman's eyes seemed to see hope.

"Let's take a look!" Su Mu himself was not quite sure.

"Okay!" the

old woman got up at this time and walked towards the girl's resting place.

It didn't take long for her to pull the girl with a worried face to Su Mu.

"Tongyu!" Su

Mu's eyes changed.

【Pei Yuexi】

Level: The day after tomorrow Nine Introduction:

Born with an extremely yin body, in the world of ordinary people. This extremely yin body is a rare disease. But in the alien world, this extremely yin body is one of the best physiques.


After Su Mu read Pei Yuexi's information, everyone was stupid.

He really didn't expect it.

This little girl in front of her who did not look amazing was actually the legendary extremely yin body.

This extremely yin body is a very rare physique in the Inhuman world.

People with this physique cultivate ice-related alien arts, and their cultivation speed is dozens of times faster than ordinary aliens.

If the cultivation is related to ice, its cultivation speed is dozens of times that of other ordinary aliens.

"Little girl, don't be afraid, I'll give you a good number first!" Su Mu tried to make his smile look more correct.

The little girl, with a timid expression, did not step forward.

The old woman gently pushed her next to her and whispered: "This brother is very powerful, maybe it can cure your disease."

As soon as the little girl heard this, her originally timid eyes suddenly bloomed with a different brilliance.

She looked at Su Mu with half a doubt, and asked carefully: "Brother, is what grandma said true?"

Su Mu nodded very seriously.

Seeing Su Mu nodding, the little girl stepped forward and stretched her wrist in front of Su Mu.

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