"I'm just a protector of the Dharma in this virtual gang.

"Above us, there are also the Lords. Don't look at the position of the protector under one person and above ten thousand. But in fact, it's just a working boy who helps the owner.

"The whole Void Gang, only we have the final say!" Upon

hearing this, Su Mu was immediately happy.

For some reason, at this time, he remembered Qian Wanru again.

"The boss of your gang, is it called Qian Qiru?" asked Sun Xiao.

"You know our gang master?" blurted out Sun Xiao.

Although Sun Xiao did not directly admit it.

From his eyes, Su Mu could still see something.

"It seems that the leader of your gang is really rich in money!" said Su Mu with a laugh.

"Okay. Su Mu waved his hand with a cold face and said to Sun Xiao. "You can go now.

Although Sun Xiao didn't know why Su Mu let him go.

But at this time, he can't let him think too much.

He took his little brother directly and turned to leave.

After Sun Xiao left, Su Mu dialed Song Yu's phone with a cold face.

The situation of money is vain, some are beyond the scope of Su Mu.

So he felt that it was necessary to tell Song Yu about this.

After all, this money is vain, and it is a person from the Yuelu Group.

As soon as the phone was connected, Su Mu explained the situation.

After listening to Su Mu's story, Song Yu was silent.

"Mr. Su. After thinking for a while, Song Yu said to Su Mu in a very calm tone. "I didn't know about this before.

"I believe you. Su Mu said.

"Don't worry, I will definitely handle this matter properly. After Song Yu finished speaking, he hurriedly hung up the phone.

Qilu land, above.

Song Yu sat in the plane and fell into deep thought.

Let's be honest.

She doesn't really like money.

But for some reason, the group has been recommending him to Song Yu.

According to some people's words, this money is the future of Yuelu Group.

Speaking about this, Song Yu has been scoffing.

Participating in the martial artist competition this time, Qian Wuru was able to come. The most fundamental reason is that there are people in the group.

The Yuelu Group belongs to the Lu family, and it is also Lu Zhenghao's words.

However, under Lu Zhenghao, there are some management.

Song Yu has a special status, and the management has always been very respectful towards Song Yu.

But Song Yu also knew that they were respectful to themselves, not because they really respected themselves.

They're just scratching the surface.

In order to maintain the stability of the group, Song Yu almost turned a blind eye to those high-level things.

As long as it is not done excessively, Song Yu should not know.

But today's money is as void as this matter, but it is obviously a little beyond the scope that can make Song Yu turn a blind eye.

She was a little undecided.

"Ask the chairman!" Song

Yu helplessly dialed Lu Zhenghao's phone.

After explaining the situation, Lu Zhenghao was furious on the other end of the phone.

I want to see who has such boldness to dare to make small moves under my nose!"

Yuelu Group is now a well-known and top enterprise in Huaxia.

For such enterprises, groups. Earning money or something, already in second place.

For them, the first priority is reputation.

Over the years, for the sake of the group's reputation, Lu Zhenghao has traveled east.

As long as it is something that happens in Huaxia, Yuelu Group will send someone to help at the first time.

Moreover, we will donate money and materials as soon as possible.

In recent years, the reputation of Yuelu Group has finally been remembered by people.

Lu Zhenghao didn't want what he had done over the years to come to naught because of one person.

"What about permissions?" asked Song Yu again.

Song Yu's status is special, but his authority in the group is not very high.

Many times, she only has the right to investigate, not the right to punish.

Lu Zhenghao said fiercely: "From today onwards, I will give you the highest level of permission!" Song

Yu on the other end of the phone was stunned.

The authority of Yuelu Group is divided into four levels.

The lowest level is the rank of ordinary employee.

As long as it is an employee of Yuelu Group, it has this level of authority.

The second level is the middle pipe grade.

Some middle-level managers will enjoy this rank.

The third level is the executive level.

Name implies.

Any senior executive within the group has this level of authority.

Song Yu's words are this level.

The fourth level is the highest level.

This highest level of authority, the entire Yuelu Group only has two people.

The first is Lu Zhenghao. The second is Lu Tianfeng.

Now, a third person has also appeared, that is Song Yu.

Once he has this level, Song Yu will directly become an existence below the two of the Yuelu Group and above ten thousand people.

"Yes!" Song

Yu felt that the burden on his shoulders was much heavier.

A city by the sea, a villa.

The money that was bitter before was empty, and he was enjoying the massage of two beautiful women in the villa.

In his right hand, he shakes a red wine glass.

In the glass of red wine, it is ruby-like red wine.

This red wine was given to him by a friend.

It is said that the price of this red wine outside has been fried to 1 million US dollars. Moreover, there is still no market for the price.

"Life!" said Qian Wuru with comfortable narrowed eyes and enjoyed it very much. "It's really happy.

And at this moment, a sudden voice interrupted Qian Wanru's enjoyment.

"Still enjoy, Song Yu will come to the seaside city soon, don't you know?" was a very rough middle-aged voice.

Hearing this voice, Qian Wuru jumped up directly from the chair.

He frowned and looked at the middle-aged man: "This warrior conference, isn't Su Mu leading it?

The middle-aged man shook his head, also with a puzzled face. "I don't know, why did

Song Yu come!" "But according to reliable sources, this Song Yu may have come with a mission?"

The middle-aged man did not speak immediately, but looked at the two women who were giving Qian Qiru a massage.

Qian Wuru understood and said to the two women: "You guys go out first

!" "Yes!" The

two women got up and walked out of the villa.

After the two women were completely gone, the middle-aged man said: "The purpose of Song Yu's coming here this time does not seem to be simple.

Qian Wuru looked at the middle-aged man with a puzzled expression.

The middle-aged man sat down opposite Qian Wuru and poured himself a glass of red wine.

He shook his glass slightly, then put the mouth of the glass in front of his nose and sniffed.

After smelling it, the middle-aged man sighed: "Good wine!"

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