"Big brother. Qian Wuru was about to go crazy, he looked at the middle-aged man with a worried face, and shouted impatiently. "If you like to drink, I'll give you a bottle." At this time, you should not taste the wine. "

Seeing it, Qian Wuru is really very anxious.

This money is empty, he is really afraid of Song Yu.

Otherwise, he would not be in such a hurry.

The middle-aged man saw that Qian Wuru was so anxious, and he no longer teased him: "Just now, a message appeared in the group system. The news showed that Song Yu had obtained the highest level of permission!" "

What did you say?" Qian Wuru stood up with wide eyes. "The highest level of authority?"

"When I first saw this system information, Qian Qiru was more or less unconvinced. "I reacted that way, but it was. Song Yu really got the highest level of permission.

"I don't know why, I have a very bad premonition. "Money is as empty as a heart.

As a member of the Group, he is well aware of the Group's main development policy in recent years.

If the broken things he did in Marina City were known by the group, I am afraid that his fate would be very miserable.

"What to do?" asked the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man did not answer right away, but laughed.

"It's okay, the sky is falling, there are tall people staring!" the

middle-aged man said while enjoying the red wine.

"But..." Qian Wuru wanted to say something.

But at this time, the middle-aged man looked at him coldly.

Seeing the cold eyes of this middle-aged man, Qian Wuru closed his mouth very cleverly.

After drinking the red wine in the glass, the middle-aged man looked at Qian Wanru coldly and warned: "Remember, there are some things, if you can resist yourself, don't betray others!" After speaking, the middle-aged man

stood up and left the villa.

The middle-aged man's departure made Qian Wu feel as if he had lost his main heart, and he sat directly on the sofa and couldn't move.

He also understood at this time.

The middle-aged man came not to inform him, but to warn him.

He knows too much.

Money is as timid, fearful, and bottled, but he is not an idiot.

"If you have to let me into the fire pit." Then before I die, I must drag you in!"


Qian Wuru had just finished ruthlessness when there was a knock on the door of the villa.

There was a sudden knock on the door, and the frightened Qian Wuru's body trembled.

But soon, he returned to normal.

He took out his phone and opened a piece of software.

The picture in the mobile phone is the location of the door of the villa.

At this time, at the door of his villa, a man was standing.

When he saw this man, Qian Wanru's heart couldn't help but tighten.

Because this man was none other than Su Mu.

The reason why Su Mu came to find Qian Wanru was because of Sun Xiao's affairs before.

"Is there anyone?" shouted Su Mu when he saw that he knocked on the door without moving.

The door was unusually quiet.

"Bang bang!"

Su Mu changed knocking on the door to patting the door.

But in the villa, there was still no movement at all.

Su Mu's patience disappeared instantly.

"I said the money is empty, I know you're in it. It's so hot today, can you hurry up and open the door?" shouted Su Mu impatiently.

Qian Qiru still did not move.

He felt that Su Mu was deceiving himself.

Su Mu is quiet.

In the state of seclusion, everything in the villa, Su Mu could see clearly.

Seeing that Qian Wuru was unmoved, Su Mu continued to shout: "You are sitting in the living room now, with a glass of red wine on the teacup in front of you.

Su Mu's voice sounded again, making Qian Wuru look around.

He even suspected that Su Mu had installed a camera in his villa.

"Stop looking. Su Mu picked up the money and looked around, and hurriedly shouted. "I didn't put a camera in your villa, I was outside your villa."

"I'll give you ten seconds, you hurry up and open the door." Otherwise, I'm going to break down the door violently. "

Su Mu's patience has been consumed at this time.

Qian Wuru is still hesitating.

But at this time, Su Mu's countdown voice sounded outside the door.

Qian Qiru gritted his teeth and directly took the door opening button on the mobile phone screen.

The door of the villa was just like that, it was opened.

As soon as he entered the villa, Su Mu began to look around like a hillbilly.

He not only looked at it, but also couldn't help but sigh: "I said that the money is empty, you really have money! Moreover, it is still a single house. "

A coastal city, as one of the largest cities in China. Its housing prices are even higher than those of the provincial capital in Qilu.

Like this villa, there are a lot more, at least 5, 6000 million, or even more.

Money is good for strangers, and it is also a fact that it is easy for strangers to earn money.

But the problem is that an alien of this level like Qian Qiu is absolutely impossible to have 5000 million to buy a villa.

"Mr. Su, why are you here?" Qian Wanru got up and looked at Su Mu with a gloomy face.

He originally thought that Song Yu would be the first to find this villa.

Unexpectedly, the first person to find this villa was Su Mu.

Su Mu walked in front of Qian Wuru and sat up directly.

He didn't beat around the bush, and said straight to the point: "The gang leader of the virtual gang, is it you?"

"Qian Qiru intends to be a dead duck with a hard mouth. "What do you say, why can't I

understand?" "Don't understand?" Su Mu's brows frowned slightly, and he shook his head with a smile. "Do you really not understand, or fake you don't understand?" "

I really don't understand!" Qian Wuru planned to pretend to be stupid.

"I really don't understand?" Su Mu looked at Qian Wuru with a smile.

Qian Wuru was ready to play the fool to the end: "I really don't understand!" Su

Mu was also unceremonious, and directly threw a wad of A4 paper on Qian Wuru's table.

If I can't understand it after reading it, then I have nothing to say.

After Su Mu finished speaking, he picked up a clean wine glass and poured himself a glass of red wine.

Qian Wuru picked up the A4 paper and looked at it, just looking at one, Qian Wuru's face changed.

"This is a false accusation, this is a fake!" Qian Wuru shouted to Su Mu.

Su Mu raised the wine glass in his hand and gave a thumbs up to Qian Wuru: "Your red wine is good!"

"Mr. Su, the above things are all false accusations against me!" Qian Wuru wanted to defend himself.

"Look closely, at the bottom of each sheet. Su Mu said to Qian Wuru.

Qian Wuru looked at the bottom of each piece of paper with a puzzled face.

At the bottom of each piece of paper, there is a line of small print.

This little print belongs to the kind of existence that you will not notice if you don't look closely.

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