Looking at the content of the small print, Qian Wuru read it out consciously: "This content is all from the intelligence department of the Yuelu Group..."

When he read it halfway, Qian Wuru couldn't read it.

If you say that there is no such line on these papers. The money is so vain that you can justify a few words.

But with this line of small print, Qian Wuru didn't even have a chance to justify.

"Mr. Su, I have a hard time!" Since

he couldn't justify, Qian Wuru was ready to play the emotional card.

But Su Mu didn't eat his set at all.

"Whether you have any bitterness about this matter has nothing to do with me.

"I just need that you hand over all the shops on Health Road!" The

health street in Su Mu's mouth was the street where he had eaten before.

"Mr. Su. "As soon as I heard that Su Mu wanted to let himself hand over the shop in Health Street, Qian Qiru suddenly stopped working. "The interests of that street are too great, and I will never be able to hand it over.

Do you know that by doing this, you have already damaged the interests of the Yuelu Group in your eyes. If I don't intercede for you, do you know how Song Yu will deal with you?"

I don't know if it's because of fear.

Qian Wuru's body trembled involuntarily.

He stood up shakily, and with a "plop" he knelt down in front of Su Mu.

He shouted to Su Mu with tears in his eyes: "Mr. Su, please, please..." He

just cried twice when he was interrupted by Su Mu frowning.

"Buddy has killed fish in RT-Mart for two years, and his heart is already colder than ice. Su Mu's commotion was also paragraph-by-paragraph.

Qian Wanru has not given up hope.

His eyes rolled and his eyes lit up.

"Mr. Su, if I am willing to pay 100 million, can you help me intercede?" Qian Wuru planned to use the money offensive to make Su Mu submit.

If you use this trick on someone else, it may really work.

But if he used this trick on Su Mu, it was useless.

It was not that Su Mu regarded money as dung, but that he had money.

One hundred million is not even a small goal for him.

"I'm not short of money. Su Mu showed an expression without worldly desire. "Moreover, do you think that 100 million can really impress me?"

"To put it mildly, if I call President Lu now, I want 100 million." President Lu will definitely call me without hesitation. "

Let's not mention that Su Mu is a very bullish stranger.

Just say that Su Mu saved Lu Tianfeng's life.

This one is also worth 100 million.

Qian Wanru stopped talking.

He didn't know what to say now.

Because he knew that Su Mu did not fill the cup, he was telling the truth.

"Mr. Su, then how can you let me go? "Money is still struggling.

"I said, hand over the shop in Health Street, I'll help you!" Su Mu's attitude was also very resolute.

But unexpectedly, at this time, Qian Wuru sneered.

"I was really high and bright when Mr. Su was a good day, but I didn't expect that Mr. Su was just greedy for more!" Qian Wuru thought that Su Mu wanted a healthy street for money.

"If you say you don't have culture, you really don't read." Su Mu looked at Qian Wuru and shook his head. "I want Health Street just because the food on the street is delicious, that's all. "

Su Mu's reason is really willful.

And such a wayward reason, of course, Qian Wuru will never believe it.

"Even if you end up with Health Street, are you going to give them back the house book?

"At that point, not only will they not appreciate you, they will even spit on you." Because of you, they are hurt again. "

It should be said that money is as empty as this person puts human nature, and the study is really understood."

"First of all, after I get the house book, I will never return it to them. Secondly, I, Su Mu, can't take your turn to teach me how to do things!" As

soon as Su Mu's words came out, Qian Wuru was suddenly speechless.

"Okay. Su Mu waved his hand at Qian Wuru a little impatiently and said. "Hurry up and hand it over

!" "I don't have a house book!" Qian Qiu saw that Su Mu's oil and salt did not enter, and he simply put it on a rot.

"Rotten?" Su Mu looked at Qian Wuru and shook his head. "You don't think you're rotten, I can't help you, right?" "

Mr. Su, you're not from our group. Even if everyone in our group treats you with courtesy, you are still not a member of our group.

"As a person who is not from the Yuelu Group, attack the people of the Yuelu Group. Do you know, what is the end?" In fact,

the relationship between Su Mu and Lu Zhenghao and Lu Tianfeng is except for Song Yu. Almost no one in the Yuelu Group knew about it.

In the eyes of the rest of the Yuelu Group.

Su Mu was just a "guest secretary" of the Yuelu Group.

If Qian Wuru knew about the relationship between Su Mu and Lu Zhenghao and Lu Tianfeng, it was estimated that he would never say such a stupid thing.

"Good fellow, are you scaring me?" asked Su Mu Qian Wuru.

Qian Wuru sneered: "How dare I scare you! Who are you! How powerful you are!"

His sneer made Su Mu very uncomfortable.

"Well, if there is nothing wrong, I better ask Mr. Su to leave first!" Qian

Wuru was ready to fight against the customer at this time.

"Will you please move me?" Su Mu shook the red wine glass in his hand without moving.

Qian Wu smiled like a sneer: "Trespassing on people's houses, but a big crime!"

Su Mu nodded in agreement, and at the same time said to Qian Qiu. "Destroying the reputation of the Yuelu Group is more than in the eyes of trespassing into people's houses!"

As soon as these words came out, Qian Wuru was suddenly speechless.

"Mr. Su. Qian Wuru was not dead hearted, and he was ready to scare Su Mu again. "I, after all..." Before

he could finish his words, the door of the villa was violently broken.

Song Yu walked in from outside the door imposingly.

When he saw Su Mu, Qian Wuru was obviously stunned.

Song Yu's arrival seemed to make Qian Wu see a savior.

"President Song, this person broke in..." Before

Qian Wuru's words were finished, he froze in place.

Because at this time, Song Yu's weapon had already reached Qian Wuru's throat.

At this moment, the money that was directly frightened did not dare to move.

"Suppress him for me!" Song Yu said to the black-clothed man behind him.

Things are special in Coastal City, and Song Yu did not come alone this time.

This time he came to Marina City, and he also brought a lot of cronies.

"Yes!" The

man in black stepped forward and instantly controlled Song Yu.

At this time, Song Yu stepped forward to salute Su Mu: "Mr. Su, why are you here?"

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