Seeing this scene, Qian Qiu was completely desperate.

He knew that his affairs had been completely revealed.

He was now like a puddle of mud, collapsed on the ground.

Looking at the money that was like a pool of mud, Su Mu said coldly: "At this time, can the house be handed over to me?"

But Qian Wuru still gritted his teeth at this time: "I don't know, what are you talking about."

"Don't you know?" Su Mu smiled slightly and said to Song Yu. "Since he is so tough-mouthed, then the rest will be left to you."

"No problem, Mr. Su!" Song Yu nodded.

The money was taken away.

Su Mu looked at the villa where the money was empty, but he felt very strange.

"I always feel that money is as empty as this thing, it's not that simple!" Su Mu just felt very strange.

"I feel that way too. For Su Mu's view, Song Yu agreed very much. "Among the positions in the group, the position level of Qian Wanru is not the lowest, but it is similar.

"Such a person, no matter how powerful he is, cannot achieve such a level." So I suspect that there are other people behind the money. On

the plane when he came, Song Yu conducted some analysis.

The analysis shows that things are definitely not as simple as they seem.

"By the way, this money is as empty as you plan to do with it?" asked Song Yu curiously.

Song Yu said with a smile: "The group has a group system, let's go according to the system!"

Su Mu asked Song Yu again. "What about Sun Juque, this kid, have you investigated it properly?"

Song Yu said with great certainty.


Since Song Yu said so, then Su Mu was not good to say anything more.

"Do you want to find a place to drink?" asked Song Yu Su Mu.

Song Yu shook his head and said, "The matter of the Qilu Earth Branch is obviously beyond my expectations. I really don't have time to drink anymore now.

"Next, I guess I'm busy."

After speaking, Song Yu got up to leave.

After Su Mu sent Song Yu away, he also left the villa.

As soon as he walked out of the villa, Su Mu's mobile phone rang.

Looking at the unfamiliar number on the mobile phone, Su Mu looked puzzled.

After hesitating for a long time, he answered the phone.

"Su Mu, I warn you. In the affairs of the Yuelu Group, you'd better not meddle or be nosy. You know that nosy doesn't end well!" As

soon as the phone was connected, a warning voice came from the other end of the line.

This voice was processed as soon as it was heard, so Su Mu couldn't hear who the owner of this voice was.

"You're the one behind Qian Wanru, right?" asked Su Mu.

There was no response.

"You troublemakers, it's not my turn to take care of it!"

After speaking, Su Mu hung up the phone directly.

"It's true, there is really someone behind Qian Wuru!"

said Su Mu softly to himself.

As soon as the phone hung up, the other phone rang again.

This time the call was from Heavenly Master.

As soon as the phone was connected, there was a anxious voice from the other end of the phone: "Stinky boy, where are you?

"Oh!" Hearing this, the Heavenly Master was immediately unhappy. "You are not Lao Tzu's master, why should Lao Tzu inform you!" I

don't know if it was Su Mu's illusion.

He always felt that the old Heavenly Master was a little different from before.

"Where are you now, I'll pick you up!" asked Su Mu.

"I just left the airport, you hurry up!" After the old master finished speaking, he directly hung up the phone.

Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Su Mu didn't know how to complain for a while.

Fortunately, at this time, Song Yu and their car had not completely left.

Su Mu ran directly to a car and stopped it.

The people in the car all knew Su Mu.

Seeing Su Mu stop the car, he asked curiously: "Mr. Su, what are you?"

Su Mu said to the driver.

"Got it!" The driver did not dare to refuse Su Mu, he jumped out of the cab directly, and made a very dog-legged gesture to Su Mu. "Please

!" "Thank you!" Sitting

in the car, Su Mu turned on the navigation.

Two hours later, Su Mu's car stopped at the exit of the airport.

As soon as his car arrived, he saw a group of people gathered around and didn't know what they were doing.

"It won't be a moth of the Heavenly Master, right?" A

bad premonition appeared in Su Mu's heart.

After parking the car, he walked straight in the direction of the crowd.

Cut through the crowd and go to the innermost part.

He clearly saw that the old Heavenly Master was calculating for others.

"This old man is really accurate! I'm stupid."

"It's enough to count the name, age and so on, and he can also calculate how old people have become real men."

Not only that, he just helped a little girl find the child's biological father."

"I'm stupid, the old man even calculated the time of my first handjob!"

Su Mu listened to the words of this group of people, and his forehead was full of cold sweat.

"I said old man, what are you doing?" said

Su Mu quickly stepped forward and greeted.

Old Heavenly Master looked up at Su Mu and said with a smile: "Anyway, idle is idle, so I will calculate them for them!" Then

he said to Su Mu excitedly: "Do you want me to help you calculate it?"

Thinking of the previous conversation, Su Mu's face showed an embarrassed expression.

He hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Forget it, I don't want to be picked up by others, there is nothing left!" Upon

hearing Su Mu's refusal, the old Heavenly Master scratched his head with a smile.

"Let's go, old man!" Su Mu didn't have cow disease, he didn't want to be watched by so many people. "If you don't leave, you won't be able to catch the second bus." "

Go, go, go!" The

old Heavenly Master got up and left with Su Mu.

Although the crowd was reluctant, they did not say much.

"You are also really powerful, and the airport police have not expelled you!" So

many people gathered together, the airport police did not come forward to maintain. This in itself is a very abnormal thing.

"They tried to get me here, but after I said two words, they didn't dare. The

Heavenly Master looked proud.

Su Mu asked curiously, "What did you say?" "

Keep it secret!" A

mysterious expression appeared on the face of the old Heavenly Master.

On the way back to the hotel, Su Mu asked the old heavenly master curiously: "Have you booked a hotel?"

The old master shook his head and said accordingly. "Aren't you on good terms with the Lu family, I'll reluctantly stay in their Lu family's hotel!"

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