"Yes, then you are really wronged.

Su Mu complained while driving.

A few hours later, the car drove to the door of the hotel.

After the car stopped, Su Mu directly handed the car keys to the doorman, and instructed: "If the car is the industry, it is the property of your group." So, you have to stop. The

doorman looked confused.

But he still took the car keys in Su Mu's hand.

Because in the previous meeting, their boss Zhao Chengying specially explained. Said Su Mu, is a super distinguished guest of their hotel, no one can be slow.

If anyone is slow, it is not so simple as expulsion.

"Good fellow, Mr. Su has such a big face!" the old master complained on the side.

Su Mu gave him a blank look and did not speak.

Entering the hotel, Su Mu directly brought the old Heavenly Master to the front desk.

"Is there still a room like the one I opened?" asked the lady at the front desk.

The young lady at the front desk glanced at Su Mu, and then at the old heavenly master beside Su Mu, and gritted her teeth and said, "Yes, do you still want to open one?"

The rooms where Su Mu lived were two or three in each Yuelu Starry Sky.

The reason why so many were built is to prevent coincidences.

Normally, Su Mu's membership card really opened a room.

However, this young lady can see that the old man who came to Su Mu is not an ordinary person.

Therefore, she decided to open two rooms for Su Mu by herself.

"Can you open another one for me?" asked the young lady tentatively.

The young lady nodded, and then operated it on the computer.

After some operation, the young lady handed the room card to Su Mu with a respectful look.

"Thank you!" After

Su Mu took the room card, he turned his head and handed it to the old heavenly master.

Yuelu Starry Sky, Zhao Chengying's office.

He's in the office now, happily playing games.

At this time, a pop-up window suddenly popped up on his computer interface.

Seeing this pop-up window, Zhao Chengying quit the game as soon as possible, and then clicked on the pop-up window.

"Who is this, so daring. Such a high-level room, dare to open it!" Zhao

Chengying frowned, his face was very ugly.

He picked up the walkie-talkie at the table and shouted: "Who's at the front desk now? Come to my office right away!"

She said to another colleague: "You help me take a look, I'm going to Mr. Zhao's office!" Another

lady at the front desk looked at her with sympathy, and then nodded.

Not long after, the young lady who helped Su Mu open a room for the old Heavenly Master appeared in Zhao Chengying's office.

Zhao Chengying looked at the young lady coldly, and said coldly: "Explain, why did you directly open a highest-level room!" The young lady

hurriedly told Zhao Chengying exactly what happened just now.

As soon as he heard that Su Mu let go, Zhao Chengying's face suddenly became a little better.

"For an old man?" Zhao Chengying was a little puzzled.

He thought for a while, and then waved his hand at the young lady and said, "I know, you go out first

!" "Yes!" Seeing

that Zhao Chengying did not intend to deal with herself, the young lady was obviously relieved.

After the young lady left, Zhao Chengying directly entered the background of the system, and then entered the monitoring interface.

He found the monitor when Su Mu opened the room just now.

The monitoring used in the hotel is 4K-level. If you are within range of the camera, no matter how many times you zoom in, you can see it clearly.

Zhao Chengying found the corresponding words, and then zoomed in.

When he saw the appearance of the old heavenly master clearly, Zhao Chengying was stupid.

He hadn't met the Old Heavenly Master, but he knew the Old Heavenly Master.

This sounds contradictory, but in fact it is not contradictory at all.

It is true that he has never met the Old Heavenly Master, but the reason why he knows the Old Heavenly Master is from some videos and photos.

The old man in front of him is exactly the same as the old man in the photo and video.

"Suck it!" Zhao

Chengying took a sharp breath.


and then he let out the breath again.

"This year's promotion and salary increase are expected!"

thought Zhao Chengying excitedly.

Receiving Su Mu and Old Heavenly Master at the same time was really a great honor for Zhao Chengying.

"How about a visit now?" As

long as it is an Inhuman in the Inhuman Realm, there is no one who does not want to meet with the supreme.

But the Dragon Tiger Mountain Tianshi Mansion is not something that anyone can enter if they want to.

"Forget it, forget it. As soon as this idea appeared, it was erased by Zhao Chengying. "As soon as people arrived, I went up to visit, which is more or less abrupt!" Although

Zhao Chengying was anxious to achieve quick results, he was still more measured.

Su Mu room.

Like a hillbilly entering the city for the first time, the old master looked around.

"Gee, or you kid will enjoy it, your room, it's really good!" If

he hadn't seen it with tongyu, he would even suspect that the person in front of him was not a heavenly master.

"I said Old Heavenly Master, what about your Immortal Wind Dao Bone, what about your superior momentum?" The

old man in front of him said that it was Old Heavenly Master, and no one would believe it.

But if it's a hillbilly, someone must believe it.

"Immortal wind Dao bone, high human momentum, that is all outsiders. As far as the relationship between the two brothers is concerned, are they still outsiders?"

Su Mu nodded helplessly.

After the old heavenly master admired Su Mu's room, he went directly to the sofa, and then looked at Su Mu: "I'm hungry!"

Su Mu really didn't give face to the old Heavenly Master at all, he rolled his eyes. "I haven't heard anyone say that aliens will be hungry. "

Will the Inhumans be hungry?

Of course the Inhumans will be hungry.

However, an alien of the level of the old Heavenly Master is no problem to be hungry for half a year.

Su Mu didn't believe it, he hadn't eaten for half a year.

"Once you are in the world, you must taste the food of the world. The Heavenly Master said very well.

This time, Su Mu was directly put in order.

He looked at the old Heavenly Master blankly, not knowing what to say for a while.

"Beer skewers with big waist, peanuts, corn and ham sausages..." The

old master said a lot of food in one breath as if he reported the name of the dish.

Su Mu was not stupid enough to ask the old heavenly master if he could finish eating so much.

"Can you eat meat?" asked Su Mu curiously.

After all, Su Mu believed that monks could not eat meat.

"The True One Sect can eat meat, but the Quanzhen Sect can't!" said the Heavenly Master.

"Got it, I'll find someone to prepare it for you right away!"

After Su Mu finished speaking, he dialed Zhao Chengying's phone without hesitation.

It seems that the telephone ID is Su Mu, and Zhao Chengying jumped up excitedly.

After the phone was connected, Zhao Chengying regained his composure: "Mr. Su, what can I do for you?"

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