Su Mu room, dining room.

Su Mu and Old Heavenly Master sat in the restaurant and ate happily.

Beer, skewers, big waist...

These foods add up, though not very healthy. However, it can make people feel happier than ever.

Zhao Chengying was like a waiter, waiting on the side.

He was happy.

"Needless to say, the taste of this skewer is really good." Heavenly Master sighed. "Little Zhao, you did a very good job, I'm very satisfied with the old age!"

Zhao Chengying looked flattered: "If you like it, if you like it, if you like it!" For

this behavior of the old Heavenly Master, Su Mu showed deep contempt.

"Hiccup!" The

wine was full, and the master was comfortable and burped.

Zhao Chengying began to pack up.

The comfortable old heavenly master asked Su Mu while rubbing his stomach: "Before the Inhuman Conference, you take time for us to fight?"

Zhao Chengying, who had originally quietly packed up his things, suddenly pricked up his ears.

Heavenly Master invites others to fight, which in itself is a very rare thing.

Su Mu rubbed his stomach and said, "Old fellow, have you beaten me?" When

Zhao Chengying heard this, everyone was stupid.

He looked at the old Heavenly Master with some apprehension.

He was really afraid that the old heavenly master would suddenly burst out and beat Su Mu violently.

But what he didn't expect was that the old master said very confidently: "I haven't fought, how do I know I can't beat you!"

Zhao Chengying felt a little messy.

Because he heard something unusual from the conversation between Old Heavenly Master and Su Mu.

At least for now, the old Heavenly Master put Su Mu on the same level as himself.

Heavenly Master, under one person, the stranger is supreme.

The fact that he could put a person on the same level as him was a surprise in itself.

What surprised Zhao Chengying even more was that Su Mu was still so young.

"Okay!" Su Mu also wanted to test the combat power of his Spirit Realm. "You find a time, let's have a good discussion."

When the words fell, Su Mu looked at Zhao Chengying and asked, "Do you know where you can fight inhumans around here?"

That martial arts hall was opened by aliens. There, you can have some inhuman battles

!" "Thank you!" Su Mu thanked Zhao Chengying.

After Zhao Chengying cleaned up the room, he left.

But his heart kept beating wildly.

Because just now, he made a guess that shocked him.

"Could it be that Mr. Su really has the ability to fight with the Heavenly Master?" This

speculation was very magical for Zhao Chengying.

After all, that's a heavenly master

!" "I must tell my guess!" Zhao

Chengying felt himself and held his breath.

If he didn't tell him about it, he would be very uncomfortable.

But the problem was, he didn't know who to talk to about it.

He is holding back very badly now, very uncomfortable.

One night without a word, the next morning.

Early the next morning, Su Mu, who had simply cleaned up, walked out of the room.

As soon as he walked out of the room, he met the old master who had also just walked out of the room.

Su Mu yawned and said to the old heavenly master, "Do you want to go to breakfast together." "

Okay!" and

the two then went to the restaurant together.

"Who is that young man, the amount of food is so good!" As

he ate, the Heavenly Master looked in one direction.

Su Mu also looked over curiously.

As soon as he turned his head, Su Mu saw a figure like an iron tower.

This person was none other than Sun Juque, one of the two selected by the Yuelu Group.

The table in front of Sun Juque was already full of empty plates.

It seems that he has already eaten a lot of things.

"What an envy!" lamented the Heavenly Master.

Su Mu also nodded with deep understanding.

In fact, for humans, satiety is a very happy feeling.

This feeling can make people very comfortable.

But for the two strangers, they could no longer feel like this.

Because of the stomachs of the two of them, it is not an exaggeration to describe them as bottomless pits now.

If you participate in the big stomach king competition, a hundred ordinary people combined may not be able to eat them.

Sun Juque ate for nearly half an hour before gradually stopping eating.

After eating, he stood up satisfied, and left the restaurant.

After Sun Juque left, Su Mu and Old Heavenly Master continued to eat breakfast.

After breakfast, the two left the hotel together.

"Needless to say, the air in this coastal city is really good!" Walking on the streets of the coastal city, the old master breathed the smell of the sea.

"The air in your Dragon Tiger Mountain is also good!" said Su Mu on the side.

The old Heavenly Master shook his head: "No, the air of Dragon Tiger Mountain has been deteriorating year by year." Do you know how good the air was when I first went up the mountain?"


chatting casually, the two came to the martial arts hall that Zhao Chengying said before.

"Are you two here to train?" As

soon as he entered the door, a man greeted him.

Looking at its attire, it is already the staff here.

"The two of us want to fight, borrow the ring you have here. Heavenly Master said to the staff with a big grin.

The staff glanced at the old Heavenly Master and said with a smile: "The rental fee of our ring here is very high. "

How tall?" said the Heavenly Master looking at the staff with disdain. "Could it be 10,000 yuan an hour?"

The staff gave a thumbs up to the Heavenly Master. "Our ring here is really 10,000 yuan an hour. "

So expensive?" the old Heavenly Master's eyes widened in shock.

"Is this still expensive?" said Su Mu, who was on the side. "I feel like this 10,000 yuan is cheap enough. "

Good fellow, are you a local tycoon?" said the old Heavenly Master looking at Su Mu and said in a very surprised tone. "In our mountains, the monthly food bill is only 10,000 yuan. The ring here is an hour, but it costs 10,000 yuan. Why don't you rob?" "

Are you renting or not?" the staff said impatiently listening to the old master's ink. "If you don't rent, you can hurry up and leave, don't delay my business." As

soon as the staff member finished speaking, a slap hit him on the head.

"Can you TM speak?" This slap

was not slapped by Heavenly Master or Su Mu, but by a middle-aged man.

Slapped, the staff turned back angrily.

He just wanted to curse.

But when he saw the beater, he immediately closed his mouth.

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