Blue Sea Field, Seaside Marina.

Under the leadership of the young sister, Gao Mu got on the yacht that belonged to him temporarily.

"Sir, don't you really need a captain?" asked the young lady with some concern.

Su Mu nodded and said, "It must not be needed, I will drive a boat!" Su

Mu's so-called ability to drive a boat is that he has seen some teaching videos of driving a boat.

The learning ability of ordinary aliens is far beyond that of superhumans.

The learning ability of an alien like Su Mu is even more terrifying.

After just watching a few videos, Su Mu was familiar with the driving skills of various ships.

"Okay!" Since Su Mu said so, the young lady didn't want to say anything more.

When he came to the ship, Su Mu began various commissions.

Seeing Su Mu's actions, he was very "professional".

The young lady knew that the person in front of her might really be able to sail a boat.

"Sir. At this time, the young lady seemed to ring something. From her pocket, she took out two business cards and handed them to Su Mu. "If you're bored, you can call on your business card. They can provide you with all the happy services you want!"

said the young lady while squeezing her eyebrows at Su Mu.

Su Mu didn't understand what she meant!he

nodded with a smile and thanked the young lady.

After the young lady got off the boat, Su Mu looked curiously at the business card in her hand.

I don't understand why these clubs like these bells and whistles!" Su

Mu then looked at the second business card.

"Okay guy, is this okay?" This

second business card is the business card of the young lady.

Su Mu put down the two business cards with a smile, and then prepared to start the yacht.

"Su boy, where are you going?" This

sudden voice startled Su Mu.

Su Mu looked towards the source of the voice, and saw that the old Heavenly Master was looking at him with a smile.

"Old fellow. Su Mu also became more and more disrespectful to the old Heavenly Master. "Are you stalking me?"

the Heavenly Master jumped straight into the top.

"This boat looks good, it's not cheap to rent for a day!"

"It's not expensive, it's only 100,000 yuan a day!" Su

Mu turned on the cup filling mode.

Old Heavenly Master's eyes widened: "One hundred thousand a day is not expensive?"

Su Mu nodded very well.

At this time, the old Heavenly Master asked curiously: "You boy, where are you planning to go?" Facing the curiosity of the old Heavenly

Master, Su Mu said with a smile: "I am going to go to the Lincang Sea!"


know about the Lincang Sea?" Su Mu looked at the old Heavenly Master curiously.

The old Heavenly Master rolled his eyes and said, "I must know! I once saw in an ancient book that it was said that this Lincang Sea was

a lost dynasty of a certain era!" "A lost dynasty of a certain era?" When Su Mu heard this, he immediately became interested. "Go on!" After

all, Su Mu really didn't know much about the Lincang Sea.

Seeing Su Mu's eyes full of curiosity, the old heavenly master began to show off: "Have you ever heard of a race called demon?"

"Demon race, isn't that the race in the mythical story?"

The Heavenly Master nodded and said. "The demon race is indeed a race in myths and legends. However, in the real world, the demon race also once existed!" "

Huh?" Su Mu didn't believe it.

If the old Heavenly Master told Su Mu that there were strange beasts in the land of Huaxia, Su Mu would definitely believe it.

But if the demon race ever existed, Su Mu would definitely not believe it.

"The demon race is a very powerful intelligent race! They were also leaders of an era on this planet.

"But then something happened that caused this race to disappear." When

the Heavenly Master said this, his tone was very affirmative.

But Su Mu felt that the Heavenly Master was fooling himself.

"Why don't I believe it so much, what do you say?" Su Mu looked at the old Heavenly Master with skeptical eyes.

"Don't believe it!" said the Heavenly Master, pulling out his phone from his pocket.

After some operation, he pointed his mobile phone at Su Mu.

On the phone, are some pictures.

On the picture, Su Mu saw a lot of things that did not belong to this era.

"What is this?" asked Heavenly Master as Su Mu pointed to something that looked like a car.

The shape of this car looks very similar to today's cars.

But strangely, there are no wheels on this car.

"This is a car, it seems to be called a maglev car!" said to Su Mu after taking a look at the old Heavenly Master.

"Huh?" said Su Mu in surprise. "Are you sure this isn't a movie shot?"

The old master shook his head, and then continued to operate the phone. After some operation, he pointed his mobile phone at Su Mu again. "Look carefully!" In

the old Heavenly Master's mobile phone, Su Mu saw a very contradictory picture.

In a futuristic place, there is a stone monument that looks very simple.

The words on the stone tablet are some strange pictures and texts that Gao Mu does not recognize.

"This is the wrath of the demon ancestors, and the maglev train was found in the tomb of the demon ancestors!"

"I don't understand!" Su Mu shook his head.

He really couldn't understand.

"If you take me to Lincang Sea, you will understand. Old Heavenly Master said to Su Mu with great interest.

Su Mu looked at the old Heavenly Master with skeptical eyes: "Why should I take you to

the Lincang Sea?" "I just want to see if the Lincang Sea is the same as I imagined!"

Whether it's treasures, alien arts, or equipment, I don't want it, okay?" the

old Heavenly Master looked at Su Mu with a slight pleading.

"With him, maybe there is an extra guarantee!" Su

Mu looked at the old Heavenly Master and fell into deep thought.

After pondering for a long time, Su Mu slapped the table and said, "Okay, since you said so." If I don't take you again, it's a bit too much. "

Let's go!"

the old master became excited.

Su Mu is helpless, it is worth pushing the accelerator of the yacht.

With a roar, the yacht went to sea.

The old master sat on the boat, very comfortable blowing the sea breeze.

Su Mu was forced to take up the ship.

"Why should I drive the boat, you enjoy it!?"

shouted to the old Heavenly Master very unpleasantly.

"Those who can work more, those who can work more!" shouted the Heavenly Master.

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