After Su Mu rolled his eyes, he continued to sail.

After the yacht sailed for a while, Su Mu began to operate.

In the way of memory.

Su Mu soon saw that on the horizon not far away, a strange ripple appeared.

Let's be honest.

If it weren't for the fact that Su Mu was a different person, he really wouldn't have been able to find this ripple.

At this time, the Heavenly Master seemed to realize something.

He sat up sharply and looked in the direction of the ripple.

"That ripple seems extraordinary!" said the old Heavenly Master to Su Mu.

Su Mu nodded and said with a serious face: "Indeed, this ripple looks very strange to me.

"The energy fluctuations on that are very similar to the aura fluctuations. However, I had the feeling that it was not Reiki.

"That's really not Reiki. "As a living fossil of the Inhuman Realm, the Heavenly Master knows more than Su Mu. "That's something called a demon spirit.

"That thing, it's about the same feeling as Reiki." For the demon race, that demon spirit is the aura of the demon race. But for us humans, it's a deadly poison. "

Deadly poison?" Su Mu was puzzled.

"If humans want to refine demon spirits, then there is only one end. That is, all the internal organs are rotten!" The

old Heavenly Master was very serious when he said this.

"So, that Lincang Sea is really the territory of the demon clan?" At this time, Su Mu remembered what the old Heavenly Master had said before.

"I don't know, I only know when I go in!" Old Heavenly Master changed his previous laughing expression, and he looked at Su Mu seriously. "I feel that there may be some danger next. So, we must be prepared

!" "Good!" "

It's better to be careful than not careful."

With the reminder of the old heavenly master, Su Mu also began to become cautious.

The yacht continues to sail.

Less than a nautical mile away from the strange ripple, Su Mu slowly stopped the yacht.

"What's wrong?" seeing Su Mu stop the yacht, Heavenly Master asked curiously.

Su Mu rolled his eyes and said, "I still have a deposit of 7 million yuan for this yacht." I don't want my 7 million to go back!" "7

million?" the old heavenly master looked at Su Mu with fool-like eyes, and said dumbfounded. "How can you be so rich

?" Su Mu asked the old Heavenly Master: "Yesterday's generation was extremely top, why were you so poor?"

After exchanging a few words, the two abandoned ship and approached in the direction of the ripple.

"People are a reed crossing the river, you are a reed crossing the sea?" Su

Mu looked at the old Heavenly Master stepping on a bamboo pole under his feet, looking very dashing, and couldn't help but complain.

"Oh, if you have the ability, you can also come!" the old master looked at Su Mu with a snort.

"I can't cross the sea with a reed, but I can fly with my

sword!" Su Mu's right hand shook, and he directly summoned the Falling Sunset Soul Sword.

Before the old Heavenly Master could react, Su Mu threw the Falling Sunset Soul Sword forward.

The Falling Sunset Soul Sword stopped peacefully in front of Su Mu.

Su Mu's right foot was slightly slight, and he jumped directly onto the Falling Xia Town Soul Sword.

As soon as Su Mu stood firm, Old Heavenly Master's eyes widened.

"How did you do it?"

Don't look at the Heavenly Master as the supreme, the bearer of the Inhuman Realm.

However, he does not know how to fly with a sword.

If I had to say, what dreams did he have. Then this dream must be the flight of the imperial sword.

Before Su Mu was able to fly with the sword, it was because there was a large number of flames under the guarantee.

And now he can fly with a sword because of the help of the alien art [Staff Solution].

This magic can sacrifice anything and make it a flying thing of the imperial sword.

"Can you teach me?" the old Heavenly Master looked at Su Mu as if he was a thirsty student.

"Look at my mood!" Since

there is almost a cup, Su Mu will definitely not miss it.

"Let's go!" Seeing

that the old Heavenly Master had the urge to run away, Su Mu smiled and flew in the direction of the ripple first.

The Heavenly Master followed.

The distance of one nautical mile is really not far for the two people.

It didn't take long for the two to appear near the ripples.

I couldn't see it from a distance before.

After getting closer, Su Mu found that what kind of ripple was this, this was a portal.

That's right, a portal at sea level.

The portal is not large, and it is still about ten meters.

And the ripple they saw just now is the edge of this portal.

"What do you say?" Su Mu looked at the old Heavenly Master and asked for his opinion.

"Come in!" the

Heavenly Master was really decisive.

"Enter!" Without

saying a word, Su Mu directly entered this portal.

The Heavenly Master followed closely and also entered the portal.

The moment they entered the portal, the eyes of the two were filled with darkness.

This darkness is that absolute darkness.

In this darkness, you don't seem to feel the passage of time.

I don't know how long this darkness lasted.

It could be a second, it could be a year, it could be ten thousand years.

When the light appeared again, the two subconsciously narrowed their eyes.

When he waited for the light in front of his adapted eyes, Su Mu was stunned.

"This is too far-fetched!" Looking

at everything around him, the Heavenly Master also widened his eyes in shock.

They should be in the deep sea.

However, there was no sea water around them.

It is as if there is a special energy shield that isolates the sea water from this place.

Although it is a deep sea, there is still a little light.

With the help of these lights, Su Mu also saw the surrounding scenery clearly.

He and the old Heavenly Master were in ruins at this time.

All around them, there were dilapidated and collapsed buildings.

Su Mu carefully identified, and for a while he couldn't distinguish the architectural style here.

Look into the depths.

They also saw a collapsed palace.

Although the palace has collapsed, through some ruins, you can still see how brilliant this palace once was.

"What material is this palace made of, and why does it look like crystal?" The

materials used in the palace building are very different from those used in other buildings.

Old Heavenly Master did not answer Su Mu's question, but asked Su Mu instead: "You said this place, is it possible that one of the Four Seas Dragon Palace?" Hearing Old Heavenly Master's question, Su Mu

was stunned.

"Dragon, is it a demon clan?" Su Mu did not answer the old Heavenly Master, but asked the Old Heavenly Master instead.

"Yes!" the Heavenly Master nodded. "In a book, it is recorded that dragons are indeed demon races.

"If the dragon is a demon race, then the place we are in may really be a legendary dragon palace!"

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