【Long Yu Heart Sutra】

Level: Heaven-grade top grade.

Introduction: Dragon exclusive alien art, practice can obtain supreme alien art.


The introduction of Long Yu's Heart Sutra made Su Mu show a speechless expression.

The introduction is obvious.

It is said that this Dragon Yu Heart Sutra is the exclusive alien of the dragon clan.

As a human being, Su Mu obviously cannot learn.

However, Su Mu still plans to try.

But after a little trying, Su Mu gave up.

Because he really can't learn this magic.

"Hey, it's not good to be a teacher!"

Su Mu didn't expect that he couldn't learn a book he had dug up.

He was not discouraged when he arrived.

After returning to it, he began to search again.

After some searching, he found a strange grave bag in a grave bag.

Unlike other grave bags.

There were no bones in this tomb.

Although there are no bones, there are some weapons and equipment in it.

What Su Mu lacks the most now is weapons and equipment.

So this grave bag, Su Mu was dug.

Digging begins.

Soon, Su Mu dug up the location of weapons and equipment.

"Luck is really good!"

Looking at these weapons and equipment, Su Mu smiled very happily.

With the help of Tongyou, Su Mu found that these weapons and equipment were actually platinum-level.

Without saying a word, he directly summoned the Chaos Sword Fetus from the system.

Then he began to let the Chaos Sword Fetus devour these weapons and equipment.

[Chaos Sword Fetus] (can grow

) Level: Diamond (0/10)

Characteristics: Can evolve by devouring weapons and equipment of the same level.

Introduction: A sword fetus born in chaos, with extremely high growth. How far it can grow, no one knows.


the end of devouring, the level of the Chaos Sword Fetus has been raised to the diamond level.

Su Mu took the Chaos Sword Fetus in his hand and waved it.

After this swing, he found that this Chaos Sword Fetus seemed to be a little different from before.

But what exactly is different, he can't say.

Anyway, he just felt that the Chaos Sword Fetus was much stronger than before.

Looking at the Falling Sunset Soul Sword in his hand, Su Mu's face showed hesitation.

He was hesitating about the future of this Falling Sunset Town Soul Sword.

"Hey." After sighing slightly, Su Mu said helplessly. "After all, you've been with me for so long, so keep it!"

Su Mu originally wanted to use the Chaos Sword Fetus to devour the Falling Xia Zhen Soul Sword.

But he is also very emotional.

This Sunset Soul Sword has followed him for so long. Devoured like this, he must be reluctant.

So in desperation, he had to put the Falling Sunset Soul Sword into the system and let it "retire" in the system warehouse.

Su Mu looked around and made sure that there was nothing else in the grave bag, and then he left the tomb bag.

After leaving, it was time to continue searching.

"The space here is outrageous!"

You know, the bones of these giant snakes are very large and very long. Even if it is entrenched in a circle, it will take up a very large area.

In this space, there are countless huge grave bags.

That's why Su Mu has this kind of emotion.

What made him wonder was why there was such a huge space underground.

"Is it in the earth's crust?"

Su Mu thought about it, but finally didn't figure it out.

Without figuring it out, Su Mu didn't think much about it.

The search for work continues to begin.

I have seen grave bags one after another.

Su Mu didn't find anything that moved his heart again.

At this time, I looked back.

He found that his exploration of the underground space was not even halfway through.

If Su Mu remembered correctly, he should have explored dozens of tombs.

"That is, there are hundreds of graves here, or even more?"

When Su Mu thought of this, he actually felt afraid.

"How powerful was the demon clan back then!?"

I thought so, but this did not prevent Su Mu from continuing to explore.

The quest continues.

After exploring a few more tombs, Su Mu's footsteps suddenly stopped.

The reason why he stopped was because the grave bag in front of him was a little different from other grave bags.

The size of this grave bag is one-third the size of the previous grave bags.

However, the height of the tombstone is much larger than other tombstones.


he saw this person's name, Su Mu's whole person was stunned.

Ye Fengshen is a very famous alien in the history of the Terran race.

It is said that at some point in Huaxia, Ye Shuishen was the inhuman leader of mankind. And he was also the most powerful Inhuman at that time.

No one knew how high Ye Fengshen's realm was.

However, according to legend, without Ye Fengshen, it would not have been possible for Huaxia to appear in this land.

"This great god's tomb, why is it in this place?"

Su Mu was puzzled.

As a super strong in human history.

He didn't understand why Ye Fengshen's tomb was in this place.

Su Mu looked towards the grave.

"Clothes Grave?"

In the tomb bag, except for some decayed clothes, Su Mu did not see any human bones.

Other words.

The tomb in front of him is likely to be Ye Fengshen's crown tomb.

If it's a crown grave, it's even weirder.

"Why is there a crown grave of this great god in the territory of the demon clan?"

Su Mu was really puzzled.

"Do you want to dig it up?" Su Mu looked at the grave bag in front of him and hesitated.

"Forget it, forget it!"

After all, this Ye is one of the greatest Inhumans in human history.

If Su Mu really dug up his grave, even if it was a crown grave. Then in the future, Su Mu's heart will definitely be very unpleasant.

But if he didn't dig it up, Su Mu felt itchy in his heart again.

Because he was really wondering why this great god's wrath would be in this place.

After hesitating for a long time, Su Mu finally did not choose to dig.

He walked to the tombstone of one of humanity's greatest inhumans, knelt down on his knees and kowtowed three times in a row.

After kowtowing, Su Mu was ready to get up and leave.

But at this time, the tombstone changed at this time.

On the tombstone, which was originally made of stone, there are ripples flashing.

It was as if this tombstone in front of him had become a portal.

"Good fellow!"

Looking at the tombstone in front of him that looked like a portal, Su Mu hesitated.

"I can't bear the child can't set the wolf!"

After hesitating for a long time, Su Mu walked towards the tombstone.

Out of caution, he did not stick his head out first, but put his hand in first.

After making sure there was no danger, he stepped into the portal.

Immediately afterwards, Su Mu's eyes were dark.

When his eyes felt the light again, I don't know how long it was.

"What is this place?"

Su Mu slowly opened his eyes.

The sight in front of him surprised him.

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