At this time, Su Mu was standing in a small courtyard.

The small courtyard is fragrant with flowers and plants, and the dwarf trees are forested.

Not far in front of you is a small bridge.

Under the small bridge, the flowing water is gurgling, and the artistic conception is extraordinary.

At the end of the bridge, there is a bamboo forest.

In the middle of the bamboo forest, there is a path.

The trail leads deep into the bamboo forest.

Su Mu crossed the small bridge and walked through the bamboo forest.

Several thatched huts appeared in front of you.

In the open space in front of the thatched hut, there is a table.

There are two chairs around the table.

Strangely, on one of the chairs, there was a young man.

The young man was dressed in a white shirt, and his long hair flowed, as if he was a real fairy Lingchen.

"Here it is."

The young man turned his head to look at Su Mu.

"Come on... Here it comes! "

The sight in front of me is a little weird.

All Su Mu stammered a little when he spoke.

"Since you're here, sit down!" The young man waved his hand at Su Mu.

Su Mu walked to the table nervously and sat down obediently.

The young man waved his right hand.

A teapot and two teacups appeared on the table.

The young man used a teapot to fill a teacup with tea, and then sent it to Su Mu.

Su Mu looked at the teacup with a somewhat apprehensive expression.

The young man smiled slightly and said to Su Mu, "If I had harmed your heart, I am afraid you would have died a long time ago." When

Su Mu thought about it, it was also such a truth.

He picked up the teacup and placed it on the tip of his nose.

As soon as it was put on the tip of the nose, a fragrance rushed straight to the sky.

"It's so fragrant!" Su Mu blurted out.

"Just fragrant!" The young man smiled slightly, and then poured himself a drink.

After the young man took the teacup, he drank the tea in the teacup.

"Who are you?" Su Mu did not drink tea, but looked at the young man in front of him.

The young man smiled slightly and asked Su Mu: "Who do you think, who am I?" "

Ye Frightened?"

Su Mu entered here from Ye Fengshen's tombstone, so he must think that the young man in front of him was Ye Fengshen.

The young man nodded slightly, "That's right, I'm Ye Shock!"

"You're still alive?" Su Mu looked at Ye with surprise on his face.

If Ye Fengshen was still alive, I am afraid that he would already be tens of thousands of years old.

Ye shook his head and said, "I have been dead for a long time, and I have been dead for tens of thousands of years!" Ye

Fengshen was also speechless and dead.

Upon hearing this, Su Mu stood up abruptly.

"Don't be afraid." Ye Shushen waved his hand at Su Mu and said with a smile. "This is just a trace of my soul back then. The main reason why it has existed for so many years is because of the formation I have arranged here!

Ye said with a smile.

"So, what are you waiting for?" Su Mu asked Ye curiously.

Ye looked at Su Mu with a smile and said, "I'm waiting for you?"

"Wait for me?" Su Mu looked surprised.

"That's right." Ye Xuan chuckled and nodded. "I'm just waiting for you!"

"Why are you waiting for me?" Su Mu was puzzled.

"The reason is simple." Ye Xuan smiled slightly, and poured himself another cup of tea. After drinking the tea, Ye Xuan smiled mysteriously. "Because I calculated that you might help me fulfill my last wish!"

"Do you still have a last wish?"

Su Mu thought that a super alien like Ye Fengshen should not have any regrets.

"Of course." He slowly stood up and looked in one direction. "My last wish is not to slaughter the demon clan!"

"Huh?" Su Mu looked at Ye Shocked and said with some surprise. "But in this world, there are no demon races anymore!"

"Too." Ye Shuoshen was not surprised at all when he heard Su Mu say this. "After so much time, it is our turn to be the protagonists."

"Now that the demon clan is gone, is your last wish gone?" Su Mu asked curiously.

In addition to this, Su Mu also felt a little very strange.

In the history of the Inhumans, there are indeed records of Ye Fengsheng.

But what is even more strange is that these records do not explain why Ye Fengshen is so great.

Other words.

Su Mu had read all the books about aliens, but there was no record of the demon race.

If there was no Heavenly Master, Su Mu would not even know that there was a demon race.

"No, I still have a last wish!" Ye shook his head in shock.

Su Mu looked at Ye Shun and asked curiously, "Since the demon clan is gone, what other wishes do you have?"

Ye Xuan smiled strangely and said, "My other last wish is to accept a disciple.

Upon hearing this, Su Mu stood up directly and patted his chest: "Then you don't have to look for it, isn't there a ready-made one!"

"That's right." Ye looked at Su Mu and nodded appreciatively. "You are, indeed, the best candidate for my disciple."

"Then what else do you hesitate? Hurry up and teach me all your magic!"

Su Mu began to get excited.

Being taught by one of the greatest Inhumans is something that many people never dream of.

"It's not impossible to teach you. But you have to pass my test!

Ye Fangshen said to Su Mu.

Su Mu nodded frantically: "No problem, no problem!" What test you say, I can definitely complete it! Moreover, it can be done 100%! Seeing

Su Mu so excited, Ye smiled.

Ye Fengshen pointed to the south and said, "Over there, there is a waterhole. In the waterhole, there lives a fish called still water fish. This fish is my favorite food.

"You grab a still-water fish and cook it for me." If I eat satisfactorily, then you will pass the first test.

"In order not to let you say that I will draw you a flatbread, as long as you can pass the first test." Then, I will first teach you a kind of my magic! When

Su Mu heard this, he got up and ran towards the south.

Looking at Su Mu's back, Ye Fengshen showed a gratifying smile.

According to what Ye Shocking said, Su Mu did find a waterhole in the south.

The area of the waterhole is not large, the water in the waterhole is not very deep, and the water quality is still very clear.

Through the surface of the water, Su Mu found that there were indeed a lot of fish in the waterhole.

This fish looks very similar to crucian carp.

They stand motionless in the water, as if frozen.

Su Mu stretched out his hand and grabbed a still-water fish closest to him.

This grasp of his is inevitable.

But what I didn't expect was that this time it was directly captured.

"How is this possible?"

Su Mu's eyes widened.

You know, Su Mu's speed just now was very fast.

Ordinary fish simply can't react.

He looked into the pool again.

In the pool, the still water fish still stop quietly in the water and do not move.


Su Mu looked at the still-water fish in the waterhole, and a puzzled expression appeared on his face.

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