"You want a phantom? Or what about Cullinan? Liu Yuanyuan asked Su Mu again.

After Su Mu pondered for a moment, he asked, "If I drive the car away now, can that one?"

"All right!" Liu Yuanyuan didn't want to think about it, and said directly. "You give me an hour, and I'll help you get all the formalities done."

"Then Cullinan!" Su Mu finally chose Cullinan.

"Okay, you come with me first!"

Liu Yuanyuan said, and made a gesture of invitation to Su Mu.

Su Mu nodded.

Looking at the direction Liu Yuanyuan went, the reception ladies began to talk again.

"Isn't that the chairman's lounge? Our store manager, how did you lead this gentleman directly to the chairman's lounge?

"Could it be that the legends within the group are true?"

"Legend? What legend? "

According to legends within the group, the three people with the highest power in the group are Lu Zhenghao and Lu Tianfeng Lu. The other was a young man named Su Mu.

"Could it be that this person is the legendary Su Mu?"


In fact, within the group, many people know this legend.

Some people speculate that Su Mu is an old man.

After all, the person who can be on an equal footing with the Lu family's father and son is definitely not simple.

But what I didn't expect that night was them.

This legendary person is actually a young man who is less than twenty years old.

Yang Ying looked at Su Mu's back, and secretly said in her heart: "If you put on this thigh, it is estimated that you will not have to worry about food and clothing in this life."

At this time, a reception lady beside Yang Ying patted Yang Ying's shoulder.

This beat directly shot Yang Ying from fantasy back to reality.

Yang Ying looked at the other party and said angrily: "Why are you shooting me?" The

reception lady glanced around, saw that the attention of the others was not on them, and hurriedly warned in a low voice: "This person's identity is very special in the group, if I were you, I would not think of him in any way." "

The two are friends.

So this reception lady really knows Yang Ying very well.

When Yang Ying was stunned just now, she had already guessed what Yang Ying was thinking.

"I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense!" Yang Ying directly came to a denial three times.

But the reception lady said: "What kind of woman has not seen a person of his status?" Why do you think, in your case, you can conquer him?

Yang Ying stopped talking.

Because she felt that what the reception lady said was very reasonable.

But she was a little unwilling.

"Don't be reluctant." Just as Yang Ying was about to speak, this young lady spoke again. "I feel that this person is not an ordinary person. So, if you provoke him..." Before

the young lady's words were finished, she suddenly stopped.

Because at this time, she saw Gao Mu walking out of the chairman's lounge.

Also, I looked to this side.

"Mr. Su!" Liu Yuanyuan saw Su Mu looking in the direction of the reception, and his heart immediately lifted. "Is there something they did that dissatisfied you?" If so, just tell me and I'll fire them! "

Nope!" Su Mu waved his hand at Liu Yuanyuan and said with a smile. "I just think one of your employees is very similar to a friend of mine before."

Su Mu was lying.

Liu Yuanyuan also knew that Su Mu was lying.

However, she did not intend to expose Su Mu.

"Your car is ready for you, you can drive away at any time!" Liu Yuanyuan said to Su Mu.

"So soon? Didn't you say an hour? How did it take ten minutes to complete? Su Mu asked Liu Yuanyuan puzzled.

Liu Yuanyuan explained with a smile: "We went to the urgent express, so..." Sometimes

, there is no need to say all the words.

"That's bothering you." Su Mu smiled and expressed his gratitude to Liu Yuanyuan.

"You're welcome." Liu Yuanyuan's very well-behaved body leaned forward slightly, and said to Su Mudao. "That's all I should do."

Stepping out of the car, Su Mu saw a brand new Cullinan.

Liu Yuanyuan took the lead in walking to the car door and opened the car door for Su Mu.

Su Mu nodded to express his gratitude to Liu Yuanyuan.

Sitting in the car, Su Mu tried the car a little, and then walked down from the car.

Seeing Su Mu get out of the car, Liu Yuanyuan suddenly became panicked: "Mr. Su, are we doing something wrong?"

Su Mu directly showed a black question mark expression.

"Pay! I haven't paid yet! Su Mu saw Liu Yuanyuan's expression of trepidation and said with a smile.

"Pay?" When Liu Yuanyuan heard this, Su Mu wanted to pay, and hurriedly waved his hand. "How could this car cost you money!"

"What do you mean?" Su Mu looked at Liu Yuanyuan puzzled.

"This car, you don't have to pay!" Liu Yuanyuan hurriedly said.

"That's not going to work!"

Not to mention, Su Mu himself is not a person who likes to take advantage.

Moreover, he is rich now. It is also completely unnecessary, buying a car without paying.

"If you don't make me pay, I'll complain about you!" Su Muyi said to Liu Yuanyuan righteously.

Liu Yuanyuan was also embarrassed.

In accordance with documents within the group.

As long as Su Mu was in a company under the Yuelu Group, no matter what he did, he didn't need to pay.

Including: buying a car, buying a house and other large consumption.

"But Mr. Su, I really can't let you pay!" Liu Yuanyuan is really embarrassed.

It's also a spectacle.

A person is very upset and wants to pay in every possible way.

And the other person, very embarrassed, did not want the other party to pay in every possible way.

If it's something little that doesn't value much, that's understandable.

But the problem is that Su Mu bought not a small thing, but a luxury car. Moreover, it is also a luxury car of great value.

"So be it!" Seeing that Liu Yuanyuan was a little embarrassed, Su Mu gave her an idea. "You give me a nine-fold discount, okay?"

"Nope!" Su Mu did not expect that his proposal was rejected by Liu Yuanyuan. After thinking for a while, Liu Yuanyuan said very seriously. "I can give you a discount on you!"

"It's not." When Su Mu heard that he wanted to give a discount, he was immediately unhappy. "If you fold it, what's the difference between it and giving it away for nothing?"

He thought for a while, and spoke again: "I take a step back, eight folds?

"I also take a step back!" Liu Yuanyuan saw that Su Mu had taken a step back, and if he didn't take a step back, he wouldn't be good. "Two folds!"

"I said big sister, I really haven't seen you like this." Su Mu looked at Liu Yuanyuan with a bitter face, and said helplessly. "Everyone else is trying to make money, you are trying to send money! I'm not Sister Li! Very un sister Li! "

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