Liu Yuanyuan also looked helpless: "People are trying to save money and spend less." But when it comes to you, you want to spend more! I'm not Sister Li either!

"So be it, you say a compromise price!" Su Mu's step has retreated big enough.

Liu Yuanyuan thought for a while and said: "Let's not talk so much about the two of us, the price is five percent off!"

"Okay!" Su Mu nodded.

In the end, the car was taken by Gao Mu at a five-fold discount.

When collecting money, the cashier's sister was also a little confused.

She repeatedly confirmed to Liu Yuanyuan: "Mr. Liu, if you fold five." You like, don't have such high authority? "

As a cashier, the young lady's authority to discount everyone is still relatively clear.

Although Liu Yuanyuan is her boss, there are some things she still has to say.

After all, as a cashier.

If something goes wrong on the books, she is responsible.

"I know." Liu Yuanyuan glanced at the cashier's sister and said with a smile. "My authority is really only eightyfold. However, I can sign you in writing.

"If anything goes wrong with this, I will bear it!"

Since Liu Yuanyuan said so, the cashier sister is not good to say more.

Five minutes, Su Mu started Cullinan and left the dealership.

As soon as Su Mu's front foot left, Liu Yuanyuan's back foot reported this matter.

The difference is too big.

If she was asked to make it up, she really couldn't make it up.

Therefore, she had to report the matter in time.

Otherwise, it is easy to be held accountable by the group.

Su Mu drove Cullinan on the streets of the seaside city.

The return rate of this car is naturally needless to say.

It didn't take long for the car to stop outside the hotel.

The doorman walked to the car door and opened the car door for Su Mu.

"Thank you!" Su Mu smiled at the doorman and nodded.

When the doorman saw that it was Su Mu, he immediately became terrified.

He nodded and said with a smile: "This is all I should do, this is what I should do!" "

Walk into the hotel lobby.

As soon as he entered, Su Mu saw the old Heavenly Master.

"Where are you going?" Seeing that the old Heavenly Master was in a hurry, Su Mu couldn't help but ask.

"You boy." When the old Heavenly Master saw Su Mu, his face showed surprise. He grabbed Su Mu's sleeve and said. "Hurry up and follow me, something has happened."

"Something happened?" Su Mu looked at the old Heavenly Master with a puzzled face.

Lao Tian glanced left and right, and after making sure that no one paid attention to their side, Lao Tian Shi whispered to Su Mu: "By the sea, a corpse was found!" "

Corpse?" Su Mu frowned, and then waved his hand disapprovingly. "What does the corpse have to do with me?" I'm not a policeman! "

Chen Guozhang's corpse!" The Heavenly Master said softly.

"Who?" Su Mu felt that he was hallucinating.

The old Heavenly Master repeated: "Chen Guozhang!

"That's a big deal!" Su Mu realized that something didn't seem right.

Chen Guozhang, the best among the Chinese aliens.

Like the old Heavenly Master, he was also the head of a certain sect.

This time, like the old Heavenly Master, he was also invited to become a special guest of this martial arts conference.

Unexpectedly, he died in Marina City.

"Aren't the people of the Huashan Sect ..." Su Mu stopped talking.

The old Heavenly Master nodded and said, "The people of the Huashan Sect are going crazy. They are now on the street, looking for the murderer! "

When?" Su Mu asked the old Heavenly Master again.

After thinking about it briefly, the old Heavenly Master said, "It is said that he disappeared last night, and the body was found by a passerby this morning.

"Trouble, trouble!"

Su Mumo clenched his chin, his brows furrowed together.

The head of a sect died in Marina City, which is definitely a troublesome matter.

If this matter is not handled well, I am afraid that the people of the Huashan faction will definitely not give up.

"What is the attitude of the Huashan faction?" Su Mu and Old Heavenly Master chatted as they walked.

"The people of the Huashan faction said, find the murderer and hand it over to them. This matter, even if it passes. But if you can't find the murderer..."

But Su Mu heard the smell of threat from the tone of the old heavenly master.

"Do you have a goal?" Su Mu opened his Cullinan car door and asked the old Heavenly Master.

Lao Tianshi sat in the passenger compartment and shook his head: "There is no goal, no clue, no clue!" As

soon as Old Heavenly Master's voice fell, he seemed to realize something.

He looked around and asked Gao Mu curiously: "You rented this car?"

"It's not." Su Mu, who sat on the main driver, shook his head with a smile. "Bought at 50% off!"

"Five-fold? Are you kidding me? "Heavenly Master is a little unconvinced.

Buying a car with a discount is very rare.

This kind of thing is even more unheard of.

"There is such a good thing? Where did you buy it? The old master rubbed the window and seat of the car and sighed. It's worthy of Cullinan, this car is really handsome! "

I bought it from Yuelu Car Dealership." When Su Mu spoke, he had already stepped on the accelerator.

The relationship between Su Mu and the Yuelu Group is not a secret.

Therefore, when the old Heavenly Master heard that Su Mu said that he bought it from Yuelu Car Dealership, he immediately became interested: "Your relationship with Yuelu Group is so iron, can you also help me get a discount?"

"Your old man hasn't been in the mountains for a hundred years, what do you buy a car for?" Su Mu said, while signaling the old heavenly master to wear a seat belt.

Cullinan, began to move.

"Then leave it alone." The old Heavenly Master waved his hand. "I just want to buy a car anyway!"

Needless to say, the current Heavenly Master really looks like a rebellious teenager.

"That's right." Su Mu obviously didn't want to get too entangled with the old Heavenly Master on this topic. "Where are we going now?"

"I'll take you to meet someone, maybe he can help us!" Old Heavenly Master said with a smile.

Under the command of the old Heavenly Master, Su Mu began to wander around the coastal city.

Eventually, the car stopped in front of a small courtyard.

This is a very ordinary looking courtyard.

After getting out of the car, the old master sorted out his clothes and walked to the door with some apprehension.

With his hand, he knocked on the door.


A voice came from the door.

That's right, the sound came from the door.

"I, Heavenly Master!" When the Heavenly Master shouted these words, he was more or less unconfident.

"Who? I'm not a god teacher! "There was a voice from the door again.

If Su Mu heard correctly, the owner of this voice should be an old woman.

And in terms of age, it should already be not small.

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