"I, Heavenly Master! Please open the door! The Heavenly Master was outside the door, shouting with an embarrassed look.

To be honest, it can make God like this.

Su Mu was really curious about who the people inside the door were.

"Come in!"

The door slowly opened.

The old Heavenly Master gave Su Mu a look.

Su Mu walked to the old Heavenly Master and asked with some ridicule; "Who lives here?" Why, I think you're nervous?

"Can you not be nervous?" As soon as Su Mu's question was asked, a voice sounded. "I don't know who gave him the courage to come to see his fiancée!"

"Fiancée?" Su Mu suddenly felt that the cells in his body began to become active.

He seemed to be in the air and smelled gossip.

The one who spoke was really an old woman.

The old woman had silver hair and fell over her shoulders.

Although his age seems to be not small, the skin on his face is very well maintained.

"You are?" Su Mu looked at the old woman and asked curiously.

"Liang Qingci!" The old woman said her name.

Upon hearing this name, Su Mu was suddenly stunned.

In today's Inhuman world, this Liang Qingci is not very famous.

However, after the revival of the aura, this Liang Qingci was a very remarkable figure.

At that time, the realm of her body had reached the transcendent ninefold.

It is one of the strongest combat forces of mankind.

The most important thing is that this old man has been committed to researching all kinds of weapons.

She once used firearms and flames to make an M4A1 that is capable of killing alien beasts.

It may be that the weapon she created is too much to affect the balance.

As soon as the weapon that led to her was developed, she died.

At that time, someone had specifically investigated the cause of her death.

But after some investigation, nothing was gained.

"Besides, Su Mu, I've seen Elder Liang!"

As a junior, Su Mu still has the number of gifts.

Liang Qingci glanced at Su Mu, his brows frowned slightly, and he asked very puzzled: "Young man, are you a stranger?" The

reason why she asked Su Mu this was because she did not see through Su Mu's realm.

As an alien, there are only two situations in which you can't see through the realm of another alien.

The first case is that the other party is not a different person.

In the second case, that is, the other party's realm is higher than their own.

"Yes." Su Mu smiled and nodded.

"I can't see through your realm, that is, your realm is now higher than mine?" When Liang Qingci said this, he felt a little shocked.

Her current realm is a threefold concentration.

In today's Inhuman Realm, the Concentration Triple is already a very high realm.

As far as she knows, there are really not many people in the entire Inhuman Realm, whose realm can surpass her.

"Don't hide from seniors!" At this time, Su Mu turned on the equipment mode. "The talent of the contemptible is limited, so up to now, the realm is only the four layers of the soul!"

The first half of Su Mu's sentence was still human.

But in the second half of the sentence, whether it was Old Heavenly Master or Liang Qingci, the more they listened, the less it tasted.

A young man who is no more than 20 years old has reached the fourfold realm.

Under such a premise, the young man also said that his talent was limited.

Old Heavenly Master and Liang Qingci even suspected that Su Mu was filling a cup.

"Ahem!" Liang Qici coughed twice to ease his embarrassment.

In order not to continue talking on this topic, she hurriedly changed the topic: "I can't think of looking for me for so many years, how can I think of looking for me today?" These

words were obviously said to the old Heavenly Master.

At this time, Su Mu took a step back very sensibly, leaving a very large space for the two to play.

"It's not that I don't want to look for you, but I don't have the face to look for you!" After saying this, the old Heavenly Master showed an indescribable expression on his face.

"No face looking for me? Why don't you look for me facelessly? You say, did you do something sorry for me! Liang Qingci's appearance at this time did not look like an old woman at all.

Her current appearance looks like a little girl who has just fallen in love.

"Gossip, I smell gossip. And if nothing else, this should be the biggest gossip in the Inhuman world!

Su Mu looked left and right, already ready.

"I didn't do anything to be sorry for you." The old heavenly master sighed slightly and said very helplessly. "And that incident back then, I was also forced to helpless!"

Su Mu wanted to curse now.

Don't look at the two who have already said a lot.

But there is nothing substantive at all.

Su Mu didn't even know what that incident was back then.

"You came to me today to apologize?" Liang Qingci asked the old heavenly master with a straight face.

"It's not." The Heavenly Master hurriedly waved his hand. "I'm here today, I want to ask you for help!"

Upon hearing this, Liang Qingci's face suddenly changed.

"Straight man, isn't this a straight man?" As an audience, Su Mu was frantically complaining in his heart at this time.

"Get out!" Liang Qingci was really not polite to the old Heavenly Master. "You now, how far to roll me! If you dare to appear at the door of the old lady again, the old lady will kill you!

Liang Qingci's words fell, turned his head and walked inside.

Heavenly Master wants to chase.

But at this time, his face showed hesitation.

"Go." Su Mu was beside the old Heavenly Master and pushed him. "Didn't you come to someone to help? Since you are looking for help, should you show the attitude you should have? "

Su Mu This is typical, it is not too big to see the excitement.

The old Heavenly Master was not fooled, he looked at Su Mu and said, "If I catch up at this time, she will really kill me." "

Su Mu this is the first time I have seen it, and the Heavenly Master is so instigated.

"You're not under one person, aren't you supreme? So instigated, shouldn't be! The old Heavenly Master looked at Su Mu with a bitter expression and said helplessly. Even if I am the Heavenly King Laozi, I am afraid of her!"

"Why?" Su Mu asked curiously.

The fire of gossip in Su Mu's heart has been completely ignited.

He really wanted to know the story between Lao Tianshi and Liang Qingci now.

"Hey..." the old Heavenly Master sighed helplessly again, and then waved his hand. This kind of thing, don't mention it, don't mention it! "

Cut!" Seeing that the old Heavenly Master was unwilling to say, Su Mu suddenly felt very bored. "So what should we do next?"

"yes." The Heavenly Master has no way to do it now.

At this time, Su Mu seemed to have thought of something: "Hello her, what do you want her to help you?" "

This Liang Lao is a science and technology expert.

The Heavenly Master sought her out to investigate the truth of Chen Guozhang's death.

Su Mu always felt that these were two different things.

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