To be honest, this statement is more or less shocking.

Su Mu looked at Liang Qingci and asked curiously, "You are old, do you know something?"

Liang Qingci nodded slightly: "I do know something, but most things, I am still a little unsure!"

Gao Mu looked at Liang Qingci puzzled.

Liang Qingci said slowly: "Chen Guozhang's death, if nothing else. It should be that the Dongying people wanted to buy him, but he didn't agree. "

Huh?" The faces of Su Mu and Old Heavenly Master both showed puzzled expressions.

"Simply put, it's a collapse." Liang Qingci said again.

After thinking about it briefly, Su Mu asked, "Then do you know who the middleman is here?" "

To do something like this, there must be an intermediary in the middle.

If there are no middlemen, this kind of thing is not easy to do in secret.

"I don't know!" Liang Qingci shook his head with a puzzled face. "But it should have something to do with Jiang Jun!"

"Jiang Jun?" Su Mu was a little unfamiliar with the name Jiang Jun.

But Heavenly Master is no stranger at all.

Seeing that Su Mu was a little dazed, the old Heavenly Master explained: "This Jiang Jun is the second commander of the Huashan faction, and also Chen Guozhang's most effective assistant!" "

Oh." When Su Mu heard this, he seemed to have thought of something, and he hurriedly said. "In other words, Jiang Jun hooked up with the Dongying people before."

"In order to make the Huashan faction become the eyeliner of the Dongying people, the Dongying people want to use Jiang Jun as an intermediary and contact Chen Guozhang for negotiations!"

"From Chen Guozhang's results, it can be seen that this negotiation has clearly collapsed. So, they killed Chen Guozhang. In this way, Jiang Jun can naturally become the new head of the Huashan faction! "

If that's really the case, then it all makes sense.

"As things stand, that's it!" Liang Qingci nodded.

At this time, Su Mu suddenly realized something interesting.

That is the old Liang in front of him, it seems that it is not as simple as he imagined.

As a reborn, he knew some of Elder Liang's deeds.

Judging from the information revealed by Elder Liang just now, Su Mu only knew a little.

"Elder Liang." Ming Ren did not say secret words in front of him, Su Mu asked very seriously. "How do you know this?"

"Young man." Liang Qingci looked at Su Mu and said with a smile. "There are some things you don't need to know. Because knowing too much is not good for you. She

was not threatening Su Mu, but reminding Su Mu.

"You have a point!"

Since Elder Liang said so, then Su Mu stopped asking.

The reason why the old heavenly master brought Su Mu to find Liang Qingci was probably because he knew that Liang Qingci's other identity.

"So what do we do next?" The old master asked Liang Qingci.

Elder Liang did not give face to the old Heavenly Master at all.

I saw her old man roll his eyes, and said with disdain: "What to do, it's your business, it has nothing to do with me."

"If it weren't for our past relationship, I wouldn't even be willing to give you a clue."

Su Mu's ears pricked up again at this time.

He felt himself smell gossip again.

"Let's go."

In fact, this information is enough for the Heavenly Master.


Su Mu didn't want to say anything more.

"Get out!" Liang Qingci was also not polite at all, her eyes were blood-red, and she shouted to the old Heavenly Master with anger. "Old fellow, better not let me see you again!"

The Heavenly Master fled.

On the way back, Su Mu finally couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart.

He asked the old Heavenly Master, "What happened between you and Elder Liang?" "

Hey." Hearing Su Mu ask this, the old Heavenly Master couldn't help but sigh. "The past, don't mention it, don't mention it!"

"Don't mention it." Su Mu really wanted to know the story between Old Heavenly Master and Elder Liang. "Tell me about it! I'm really curious! The

Heavenly Master pondered for a moment, and finally decided to tell Su Mu.

The reason why he decided to tell Su Mu was not to satisfy Su Mu's curiosity.

It's to vent the bitterness in your heart.

The story takes place in a very innocent era.

A young boy and a girl met.

A young boy is just a child of an ordinary family, but if a girl is a girl, the family is very superior.

Next, there is the bloody marriage story.

The girl's mother gave the boy a sum of money to let the boy leave the girl.

The boy also knows that he can't give the girl a happy life.

So, bear the pain and leave.

"So bloody?" This story made the roots of Su Mu's ears itch.

This story is really his blood.

"It's just so bloody!" Heavenly Master also thinks so about this matter. His face was full of bitterness, and he said helplessly. "But I never dreamed that such a bloody thing would happen to me."

"Later, after you became a Heavenly Master, why didn't you go to her?"

Su Mu asked curiously.

Because after he became a heavenly master, the story can be completely continued.

"Don't mention it." Old Heavenly Master said helplessly. "After becoming a Heavenly Master, I sent someone to deliver letters to her. And, I got a reply from her!

"The content of the reply letter is that she is very excited and already has children and grandchildren, so let me not bother her again!"

Good guy, the plot is still very bloody.

"Looking at today's situation, that letter should not have been written by Elder Liang, right?" Su Mu asked the old heavenly master.

"Judging by today's situation, it is. But at the time, I thought she wrote the letter. "Heavenly Master is also very depressed.

Su Mu asked puzzled, "Why?" Don't you recognize her notes?

"No, no, no!" Old Heavenly Master quickly shook his head. "Not only do I know her notes, but I'm also very familiar with her notes. It was so familiar that I thought she had written the letter.

Su Mu was still very puzzled.

The old heavenly master continued to explain: "That letter, whether it is from the power of the pen, the blade of the pen, or even the weight of the pen, is exactly the same as her!

"With so many details stacked together, do you say if it were you, would you believe it?"

Su Mu thought for a while and nodded, "If it were me, I would believe it too!" "

If there's one detail, it's probably a coincidence.

But if there are many details, it is not as simple as a coincidence.

"That is to say, at that time, someone deliberately imitated Liang Lao's notes." As things stand, this is the only possibility.

"You may not believe it! If nothing else, the imitator should be Jiang Jun! "

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