So far, the degree of dog blood has far exceeded Su Mu's expectations.

"Could it be that Jiang Jun was also one of Elder Liang's suitors at that time?" Su Mu asked curiously.

"Yes." The Heavenly Master nodded and said with a wry smile. "He is not only one of Liang Lao's suitors, but also the most likely suitor among Liang Lao's suitors."

"But judging from the current situation, he should also know about me and Elder Liang."

As an authority, the Heavenly Master was still a little confused before.

But because of Su Mu's bystander, Old Heavenly Master found that he saw the essence of this matter.

“MD。" The old heavenly master cursed in a low voice, and said very unpleasantly. "I lost my favorites and killed my friends. If Lao Tzu didn't kill you with his own hands, Lao Tzu would have really lived in vain for so many years! "

Heavenly Master is very angry, and the consequences are very serious.

"So this matter, where did we start investigating?"

Now that the clue is already there.

Then the next investigation should not be too difficult.

"If you investigate, let it go first!" At this time, the old master said helplessly. "The Inhuman Contest is about to begin."

"After the Inhuman Contest is over, I'll clean up Jiang Jun, this bastard!"

After the heavenly master cursed, he seemed to think of something: "You signed up?"

Su Mu shook his head: "I don't seem to have signed up yet!"

"Then I'll take you to sign up now!" God said.

Gao Mu nodded and said, "If you take your relationship, can you go through the back door?"

"Sign up for a name and go through the back door, can't you!" The eyes of the old Heavenly Master looking at Su Mu were full of contempt.

"Gotta go!" Su Mu said helplessly. "Then let's sign up normally!"

Under the guidance of the old Heavenly Master, Su Mu's car drove into a gymnasium.

This stadium is known as the entire coastal area, and the largest

stadium will almost be held in this stadium as long as it is a large-scale event in the coastal city.

After parking the car, Old Heavenly Master took Su Mu to the registration office with a familiar car.

"Heavenly Master." The person in charge of the registration office was very surprised to see the arrival of the old Heavenly Master. "Why are you here?"

The staff here, most of them are ordinary people.

But the people in charge here are all strangers.

As an Inhuman, you may not even know the boss of your power. However, you must know the Heavenly Master.

The person in charge is named Liu Cong.

Liu Cong is a fat man with a very fat figure.

"Liu Cong?" Old Heavenly Master obviously knew Liu Cong, he walked to Liu Cong's side and patted Liu Cong's shoulder. "Are you the person in charge of this registration office?"

Liu Cong, who was patted on the shoulder by the old Heavenly Master, showed a flattered expression on his face.

His head was pounding: "That's right, I'm the person in charge of this registration office." Who are you trying to help sign up? You come with me! I'll do it for you! "

There are many people in Huaxia.

Some aliens have power and belong.

And some aliens are scattered people.

The purpose of the existence of the registration office is to facilitate the registration of scattered people.

For some unknown reason, there are many scattered people in this registration office today.

Under the leadership of Liu Cong, Su Mu and Old Heavenly Master came to an office.

Liu Cong skillfully took out an application form from his drawer and placed it on his desk.

"Is this little brother signing up?" Liu Cong looked at Su Mu.

"Yes." Su Mu nodded with a smile and said to Liu Cong. "That's where I'm coming to sign up!"


"Su Mu!"




After a quick question and answer, it didn't take long for the registration form to fill in with text.

"What about the realm?" Liu Cong asked Su Mu.

At this time, Su Mu was a little hesitant.

Seeing that Su Mu hesitated, the old Heavenly Master asked Liu Cong, "His realm, can he not fill it in?" "

Heavenly Master!" Hearing this question from the old Heavenly Master, Liu Cong smiled helplessly. "The most important thing in this entire registration form is the realm, life and age..."

Liu Cong's words were not finished, but the meaning was already very obvious.

"Concentrate on it!" Su Mu said very modestly.

Hearing this realm spoken by Su Mu, Liu Cong directly put down the pen in his hand.

"19 years old? Concentrated? Are you fooling the ghost? "

If it weren't for the fact that Su Mu was a friend of the Heavenly Master, Liu Cong would not be able to beat Su Mu out directly.

19 years old, concentrated.

No matter how you hear this, I think it's made up.

"Really." After the old Heavenly Master was stunned for a while, Su Mu assured on the side. "His realm is really concentrated!"

"Heavenly Master." Liu Cong's expression became serious at this time. "I respect you as an old-timer in the Inhuman world, so I have great respect for you. But you can't make me a fool because of that!

"As the top combat power of the Inhuman Realm, you should know better than me what the concept of a 19-year-old concentration is!"

Looking at Liu Cong's appearance, the old Heavenly Master scolded in his heart: "This kid just made up a lower realm, you still don't believe it."

"If this kid directly says his true realm, I'm afraid you'll be scared to death!"

If others don't say it first, they will say Heavenly Master.

When he knew Su Mu's true realm, if it weren't for his excellent psychological quality, he might have been directly scared to death.

"Do you have the means to test it?" Su Mu obviously didn't want to waste time with this Liu Cong in this place.

"Hmph!" Liu Cong snorted coldly with disdain. "It's really unfortunate, we really have a test method here!"

"Since you have the means to test here, then it's over to go to the test, what are you doing talking so much nonsense here!"


Su Mu's attitude made Liu Cong very unhappy.

"Hurry up, I still have something to do after signing up!" Su Mu began to urge Liu Cong.

"Okay, I'll see how much you can do!" Liu Cong was also really angry, and he got up and walked towards the outside of the office. After pushing open the office door, Liu Cong turned to Gao Mudao. "Keep up and see how I expose your true face!"

Su Mu got up and followed.

The old Heavenly Master followed Su Mu's steps.

"Next, is it time for the legendary cup and punching in the face again?" Old Heavenly Master walked beside Su Mu with a lively expression.

"Oops." Su Mu turned his head to look at the old Heavenly Master and teased with a smile. "It seems that your old man has read a lot of novels!"

"Just kidding." The old Heavenly Master glanced at Liu Cong in front of him and said with a smile. "God of War, Son-in-law, Shenhao old man I'm in the mountains, and when I'm fine, I like to read this kind of novel!"

Su Mu glanced at the old Heavenly Master and gave a thumbs up.

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