Wang Guangyu seemed to understand, but he didn't seem to fully understand.

Ye Fulu saw that Wang Guangyu was still a little dazed, and continued: "Take her!"

He pointed to a little star and said to Wang Guangyu: "She likes women." "

Normally, there is nothing in a love story between people of the same sex. However, she plays Aquaman's routine. I caught this routine and became my handle to threaten her.

"If she dares not listen to me, I will directly expose this matter." Moreover, use all the power to make her discredited!

Wang Guangyu looked at the little star, still feeling a little puzzled.

"Although she has only been debuting for a few years, she seems to have already made a lot of money. Even if she leaves the entertainment industry in the future, can she still live?

"No, no, no!" Ye Fulu shook his head and said to Wang Guangyu. "She now has at least three ads and two endorsements. Once something happens to her, she has to pay a huge amount of liquidated damages.

"These liquidated damages can not only leave her penniless, but may even leave her in debt."

When Wang Guangyu heard this, he seemed to understand something.

The appearance of Liu Qianqian made Su Mu understand what ultimate happiness is.

In the room, Su Mu's waist was no longer straight.

He felt that his savings for many years had been hollowed out by this Liu Qianqian.

Looking at Liu Qianqian on the bed, Su Mu's eyes flashed with greed.

"How long can you stay with me?" Su Mu asked a very direct question.

For this question, Liu Qianqian answered directly without thinking: "I will accompany you as long as you want!"

Su Mu nodded in satisfaction and said to Liu Qianqian: "Okay, then you can accompany me well in the past few days!"

"No problem!" Liu Qianqian agreed very cheerfully.

For her, she accompanies Su Mu, and she really doesn't suffer a loss at all.

After all, Su Mu can be regarded as the best among men, whether in terms of figure or appearance.

Su Mu then nodded and walked in the direction of the bathroom.

After a simple wash, Su Mu walked out of the bathroom to get dressed.

And at this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Who?" Su Mu shouted weakly.


The voice of the Heavenly Master came from outside the door.

"Wait a minute!"

Su Mu, who was dressed, opened the door of the room.

He stopped the old Heavenly Master who wanted to enter the room and asked, "Is there something wrong with looking for me?" Seeing

that Su Mu wouldn't let him enter the room, the old Heavenly Master showed a strange expression on his face: "Are you a golden house hidden coquettish?"

"Yes." For the old Heavenly Master, Su Mu really had no need to hide it.

When the old Heavenly Master heard this, he said with a look of envy: "It's really good to be young!" "

Stop pulling it." Su Mu looked at the old Heavenly Master and said with a speechless face. "Just say it, is there something to find me?"

"Oh." After the old Heavenly Master reacted, he said to Su Mu. "Tomorrow is the opening ceremony, I want to ask you if you are going!"

"Not going." Su Mu didn't want to think about it, so he directly refused. "Inside my house, there are beautiful people hidden. I didn't have the energy to go to the boring opening ceremony. "

Gotta!" As soon as he heard that Su Mu didn't look at it, the old Heavenly Master didn't force it. He thought about it and frowned at Su Mu. "You're different, and you're young. But pay attention to your body too.

"As an elder, can you not be so disrespectful to the old!" Su Mu looked at the old Heavenly Master speechlessly.

The Heavenly Master smiled and said, "This is just the advice of a person who came over, and it is your business whether you listen to it or not."

"That's right." The old heavenly master thought about it and asked Su Mudao again. "Where did you get the beauty?"

The Heavenly Master asked this because of his personal curiosity.

Su Mu lowered his voice and said softly to the old Heavenly Master: "Wang Guangyu sent it!" "

Sent by Wang Guangyu?" When Old Heavenly Master heard this, his face suddenly changed. "If he sent it, then I feel that this is a weasel giving a chicken New Year's greeting!!"

Su Mu nodded in agreement and said, "I also have such an idea!"

"What are you going to do about your daughter?" At this time, the old master performed an abnormal gossip.

"What to do?" Su Mu is typical, pretending to be confused.

"What happens when I run out?" What the Heavenly Master said is use.

"Let's talk about it then!" Su Mu said very casually.

Old Heavenly Master looked at Su Mu with skeptical eyes and said, "You won't, you want to take this woman, right?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Su Mu said to the old Heavenly Master very seriously and seriously. "This woman is definitely not a good stubble, and if I accept her, it will definitely not be a good thing for me."

"And." The Heavenly Master asked again. "You let this woman accompany you, so what are you going to do with Wang Guangyu?"

This Liu Qianqian was obviously used by Wang Guangyu to buy Su Mu.

"Leave it alone." Su Mu said to the old Heavenly Master with a smile. "I'm a man, and I don't have much merit. The only thing that makes me feel a little proud is that I like white.

"Since Wang Guangyu gave me such a chance to be a white, of course I won't miss it."

The old Heavenly Master looked at Su Mu with the same eyes as if he were looking smart, and for a while he couldn't tell whether Su Mu was right or wrong to do so.

"Gotta!" In desperation, the old Heavenly Master gave Su Mu a thumbs up. "You are such a character, I really can't afford to mess with you!"

"I'm going to rehearsal first!"

The old master took his leave with a helpless face.

And at this time, Liu Qianqian's amorous voice came from the room: "I said brother, why are you still chatting outside, don't hurry up to save your sister, your sister is so cold now!"

Her amorous voice made Su Mu feel that the bones in his body were crispy with three pounds.

"Coming, coming!"

Su Mu's appearance at this time was as if he was a hungry ghost.

As soon as the door of this room closes, it is an afternoon.

When Su Mu opened the door again, he had some difficulty walking.

"This woman is really powerful!"

Su Mu supported the wall and slowly walked towards the elevator.

Just as he was about to press the elevator switch, the elevator door slowly opened at this time.

Wang Guangyu walked out of the elevator with a smile on his face.

Seeing Su Mu's weak look, Wang Guangyu smiled and cared: "It seems that Mr. Su, it's a proud spring breeze!"

"Wang Guangyu." When Su Mu saw Wang Guangyu, he also had a smile on his face. "Your arrangement today, my Su Mu is very satisfied."

As soon as he heard Su Mu say that he was satisfied, Wang Guangyu's heart became proud.

"Then Mr. Su, can we have a good chat?" Wang Guangyu asked expectantly.

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