The arrival of Wang Guangyu left Liu Qianqian temporarily without a place to rest.

Still in Su Mu is relatively intimate, he opened a presidential suite for Liu Qianqian.

In Su Mu's room, Su Mu and Wang Guangyu sat facing each other.

"How do you want to talk?" Su Mu asked Wang Guangyu.

Wang Guangyu smiled slightly and asked curiously: "Take the liberty of asking, what does Mr. Su like?"

"Women, money!" Su Mu is also very direct.

As soon as he heard that Su Mu liked these two things, Wang Guangyu was immediately happy.

"Mr. Su, worthy of being a real man. The things you like are also liked by real men! "

Wang Guangyu's horse fart is really obvious.

"If, every year, I will provide Mr. Su with enough money, and the woman Mr. Su likes. Mr. Su, can you join us?

Su Mu's brows frowned slightly, and he waved his hand: "You haven't said what kind of organization you are, how can I join you." "

Hey." When Wang Guangyu heard this, he slammed his head. "Blame me, blame me! Hikari was immersed in the joy of talking to Mr. Su and forgot to tell Mr. Su what kind of organization we were.

"Our organization's full name is: Revival Society!"

"Revival Society?" Hearing this name, Su Mu's heart suddenly shook.

Before he was reborn, he had heard of the Revival Society.

At the time, the organization was notorious.

The Revival Society is based in China, but it radiates all over the world.

Almost all over the world at that time, there were organizations closely related to this revival meeting.

This organization belongs to the kind of organization that does all good things and does all bad things.

Whether in China or in other countries.

As long as you dare to say that you are a member of the Revival Society, it will definitely lead to a siege from all the strangers.

After the revival of Reiki, they did something that people all over the world hated.

In order to seize control of a city, they helped the alien beasts break through the gates of that city.

The alien beasts are killing in the front, and they are picking up leaks in the rear.

The people of a city are all dead.

And they, however, made a lot of money.

In the end, they didn't get the city either.

In the end, the city became a paradise for exotic beasts.

"What's the matter, Mr. Su has heard of us?" Looking at the expression on Su Mu's face, Wang Guangyu thought that Su Mu knew about the Revival Society.

"I don't know." Su Mu shook his head and said to Wang Guangyu with a blank face. "I just think the name is more familiar, as if I've seen it somewhere."

"It doesn't matter." For this kind of trivial matter, Wang Guangyu was not entangled at all. He looked at Su Mu and asked very seriously. "I just want to ask, is Mr. Su willing to join us?"

Wang Guangyu is really looking forward to Su Mu joining the revival meeting.

"Sincerity, I haven't seen your sincerity yet, you want me to join. Isn't this a bit unspeakable? Su Mu showed a greedy look again at this time.

"Sincerity?" When Wang Guangyu heard this, he immediately smiled. "We have nothing else in the Revival Society, but we are very sincere."

"You say, what sincerity do you want?" Wang Guangyu's performance is called generous.

The main reason why he Wang Guangyu was so generous was because this time, he had very sufficient funds.

"Take tens of millions to spend first!" Su Mu's appearance at this time was like a gentleman who only wanted money.

"Hey." Wang Guangyu waved his hand and took out a bank card directly from his pocket. "Tens of millions, that's not an insult to Mr. Su!"

He got up, took the bank card in both hands, and sent it to Su Mu. "There are 10 million in this card, Mr. Su will take it first!" If it's not enough, feel free to ask for me again. "

This card was given to Wang Guangyu by the old lady.

Wang Guangyu hadn't even given the Kayan fever to Su Mu before he changed hands.

Su Mu looked like he had never seen the world, and looked at the card handed by Wang Guangyu with surprise: "Is there really a hundred million in this card?"

Su Mu's look of never seeing money made Wang Guanyu's heart sneer.

"I like you like this, I haven't seen the world!" Wang Guangyu secretly said in his heart.

After complaining in his heart, Wang Guangyu said with a smile: "If you don't believe it, you can find an ATM and check it."

Su Mu snatched the bank card in Wang Guangyu's hand, and his head was like pounding garlic: "Believe, how can I not believe it."

After that, he also kissed the card very greasy.

Seeing this scene, Wang Guangyu laughed.

Let's be honest.

His favorite is Su Mu, who has never seen money.

Because for him, this kind of person is the best to control.

As long as you give him enough money, then he can obey you.

"Mr. Su, you rest, I'll leave first." Wang Guangyu stood up and said to Su Mu.

Su Mu hurriedly got up and pretended to be very polite and said, "I'll send it to you!"

Wang Guangyu waved his hand and said politely: "You better rest!" I'll just walk by myself! What

Wang Guangyu didn't expect was that when he arrived at Su Mu, he became a real politeness.

I saw Su Mu's butt sink and sit back directly.

He waved his hand at Wang Guangyu very casually and said, "Since you don't let me send you, then I won't send you." "

The black line at the end of Wang Guangyu.

He never expected that Su Mu was so emotionally intelligent.

He didn't know for a while whether it was right or wrong to let Su Mu join him.

But as a small character, this kind of thing is not something he should consider.

After Wang Guangyu left, Gao Mu sat in his room and fell into deep thought.

"I didn't expect that I would have the opportunity to contact people from the Revival Society in this life. It seems that in the next period, I will have a good time playing with this group of people. If you can, it's best to kill this revival before Reiki is revived. "

Su Mu doesn't like the Guangfu Meeting.

The most fundamental reason is because they, a group of bastards, have no room to do things.

"Do you want to tell the Heavenly Master about this?"

In this regard, Su Mu was still a little entangled.

After all, the revival meeting at this time is not as notorious as the later generations.

Those who know about them, there are almost nothing.

Even if Su Mu told the old Heavenly Master, the old Heavenly Master would most likely just treat them as little thieves who couldn't get on the table.

"Let's wait until this Inhuman Contest!"

Now for Su Mu, the most important thing is the Inhuman Competition.

One night without a word, the next morning.

Su Mu, who had just woken up, looked at Liu Qianqian next to him, and a painful expression appeared on his face: "This lady is really powerful!" "

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