Today is the opening ceremony.

As a contestant, Su Mu can not participate.

But as a guest, Tianshi must be present.

As Su Mu said.

This opening ceremony was really boring.

In addition to some acting activities, it is some boring speeches.

If it weren't for the Heavenly Master sitting on the rostrum, he would have left long ago.

The Heavenly Master originally thought that this opening ceremony would end around noon.

Unexpectedly, noon was just an intermission.

The opening ceremony continued in the afternoon.

"It's boring!" The old heavenly master yawned and said to the person next to him.

I don't know if it's a coincidence, the author next to Lao Tianshi is Jiang Jun.

Chen Guozhang's death caused a gap between the Huashan faction and this Inhuman Competition.

But there should be politeness.

So Jiang Jun replaced Chen Guozhang and became one of the guests at this opening ceremony.

As soon as Jiang Jun heard Old Heavenly Master speak, he also said with a smile: "It's really boring, if I hadn't been sitting on this rostrum, I wouldn't have come to participate."

"That's right." At this time, Old Heavenly Master seemed to have thought of something, and he asked Jiang Jundao next to him. "I have recently had some survey results, do you people from the Huashan Sect want to listen to it?"

Upon hearing the old Heavenly Master say that there was an investigation result, Jiang Jun's body unconsciously trembled.

This one was very slight, albeit slightly. However, it was still captured by the Heavenly Master.

Before the old Heavenly Master had a simple suspicion of Jiang Jun.

From Jiang Jun's performance at this time, he could feel it. This Jiang Jun may be really something.

Chen Guozhang's death, even if it was not caused by him. He must also be inextricably linked to this matter.

"Is it convenient to reveal it?" Jiang Jun asked Lao Tianshi softly.

Old Heavenly Master glanced left and right, pretending to be very careful, and he said softly to Jiang Jun: "The results of the investigation show that this matter may have something to do with the Dongying people!"

"Yes?" When Jiang Jun heard the three words of Dongyingren, his pupils contracted obviously. However, the expression on his face and the tone of his speech sounded very angry. "Something to do with the Dongying people? Is it true? MD, what do these little devils want to do? "

It should be said that Jiang Jun's acting skills are really okay.

If it weren't for the fact that Old Heavenly Master knew some inside information, he might even have nothing to do with Jiang Jun in this matter.

"I don't know." Since the general wants to act, then the old master does not mind accompanying him to act. "But I don't think it's as simple as it seems."

"I feel that the Dongying people are in my Huaxia, and there are some traitors!"

Upon hearing the word traitor, Jiang Jun's pupils contracted slightly.

However, he also quickly reacted: "Your so-called traitors, do you mean that we Huaxia, someone to help them?"

"That's right." The old heavenly master nodded and said with deep hatred. "The person I hate the most is a traitor. I hope this traitor will not be caught by me, if I am caught, I will definitely crush this traitor's corpse into ten thousand pieces!" "

Needless to say, the acting skills of the heavenly master are also very good.

"I really hope that the Heavenly Master can quickly catch the person in charge of assassination. And, find out the traitor inside! The existence of traitors makes my heart very uneasy! Jiang Junyi said righteously.

"Don't worry." The old Heavenly Master nodded again and said very seriously. "I will definitely find the traitor!"

After Lao Tianshi and Jiang Jun chatted for a while, they ended the conversation.

These conversations are actually all set by the Heavenly Master for Jiang Jun.

Except for the changes in his eyes and expression, Jiang Jun did not show the slightest flaw.

"This Jiang Jun! Something!

The Heavenly Master rubbed his chin and said to himself.

The opening ceremony ended in a burst of noise.

As soon as the opening ceremony ended, the old master's mobile phone rang.

He picked up his mobile phone and saw that it was Su Mu.

"What's wrong?" After the call was connected, the old master asked with a smile. "Did something happen?"

"Nope." Su Mu's tone on the other end of the phone sounded very serious. "But there is one thing, I still have to talk to you!"

"What's going on?" Hearing Su Mu's tone so serious, the Heavenly Master asked. "Is it important?"

"That's right."

About the revival meeting, Su Mu decided to tell the old heavenly master.

The situation of the Revival Society is very complicated.

Su Mu didn't know how long they had existed in Huaxia.

However, Jiang Jun's incident made Su Mu realize that the Revival Society was likely to have placed undercover agents in every sect.

Installing undercover agents is not the most terrifying.

The most terrifying thing is that the undercover agents they have installed have become high-ranking members of the sect.

Jiang Jun of the Huashan faction is a very good example.

"The opening ceremony is over, make an appointment and let's talk!" Old Heavenly Master said to Su Mu.

"I'll send you a positioning!"

After Su Mu finished speaking, he directly ended the call with the old Heavenly Master.

After the call ended, Su Mu directly sent the location to the old Heavenly Master.

The positioning issued by Su Mu is very close to the gymnasium.

After reading the positioning, Tianshi then put the mobile phone into his pocket.

"Heavenly Master." At this time, a voice sounded not far from the old Heavenly Master.

The old master looked towards the source of the voice.

"You are?" When he saw the person who spoke, a dazed expression appeared on the face of the old Heavenly Master.

"Yushan Sect Hall Master, Loess!"

Loess bowed his hand to the old Heavenly Master with a respectful face.


Gao Mu knew neither the Yushan Sect nor the Loess.

So, just nodded to each other.

"I wonder if Heavenly Master has time tonight?"

For the indifference of the old Heavenly Master, Loess did not show a dissatisfied expression.

"No time."

God Master is not a fool.

Loess asked so, there must be something.

The old heavenly master did not have time, and directly stunned the loess.

But this buddy's reaction speed is also really fast.

"In the evening, I want to invite the old Heavenly Master to dinner, may I ask if the Heavenly Master can appreciate the face!?" Loess is still asking.

"No time!" The old Heavenly Master directly waved his hand and rejected the loess.

Seeing that the old Heavenly Master refused so decisively, Loess's face suddenly became very ugly.

"Heavenly Master." Loess gloomy face said to the old Heavenly Master. "I respect you, call you a heavenly master! But I didn't expect that you would not give face so much! "

Heavenly Master is really not polite at all.

He looked at the loess and said with disdain: "What are you, why should I be polite to you?"

"Hmph!" The words of the old heavenly master made the face of the loess already ugly. "Isn't it a little bad for you to do this!"

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