"Huh!" As soon as Loess's words came out, the Heavenly Master was not happy. "I said it all, what are you? What do you mean by looking at me like that? Not convinced? If you are not convinced, you can compare with me! "

Don't look at the old Heavenly Master with a kind eyebrow, you think he is good to talk to.

On the contrary, the Heavenly Master should be the person in the Inhuman Realm, the most difficult person to speak.

Moreover, this old fellow's temper is really not good at all.

"Is this loess looking for death? How did I think of the trouble of going to the old Heavenly Master.

"It is estimated that the Heavenly Master did not accept his invitation, and he was angry!"

"Dare to be angry with Heavenly Master, do you think you have lived too long?"

"If I'm not mistaken, last time to a guy like Lao Tianshi is still lying in the hospital!"


The crowd of onlookers were ready to see the excitement.

The discussion of onlookers also made Loess feel very faceless.

"I respect you as a senior, but you..." Huang Tu still wanted to say something cruel and find the field.

But the Heavenly Master did not intend to give him a chance.

The right hand of the old Heavenly Master was slightly raised, and black thunder and lightning jumped on the palm of the old Heavenly Master.

"Go on!" Seeing that the loess stopped talking, the corners of the old Heavenly Master's mouth rose, revealing disdain. "Didn't you just say it? Why don't you say it now?

"Come on, come on! Keep talking! If Lao Tzu doesn't electrify you for a while, Lao Tzu will have your surname! "

The true temperament of the old heavenly master was aroused by the loess.

Loess was afraid.

Because he knew that the thunder and lightning in the hands of the old heavenly master were the legendary Yin Five Thunder.

The art of five thunders is a unique skill of the Heavenly Master's Mansion.

It is divided into Yin Five Thunder and Yang Five Thunder.

To learn Yang Wulei, you must be a child.

Otherwise, you can only learn the five thunders of yin.

"Say yes!" The old Heavenly Master did not open his mouth and said very unpleasantly. "Didn't you just say that? How is it dumb now?

Loess's face turned red.

His mouth opened, but he couldn't say a word.

The Yin Five Thunder in the hands of the old Heavenly Master made him feel fear.

He was really afraid that if he said the wrong thing, Yin Wulei would smash into his body.

"Waste!" Seeing that Loess only dared to open his mouth and did not dare to speak, the old Heavenly Master mocked with disdain. "What I just said is so, I think you have how capable you are, I didn't expect this?"

After the old master finished speaking, he walked outside.

Standing in place, Loess had an embarrassed expression on his face.

He never dreamed that things would turn out to this point.

Walking out of the gymnasium, Old Heavenly Master came to the door of a milk tea shop according to Su Mu's positioning.

"Good fellow." Looking at the milk tea shop in front of him, Tianshi even thought that he was in the wrong place. "What's the situation with this kid? Treat my old man to milk tea?

Heavenly Master thought while taking out his mobile phone to confirm.

After confirming that it was correct, Tianshi pushed open the door of the milk tea shop.

Although it is the peak period now, the milk tea shop is empty.

After some searching, the old master found Su Mu, who was drinking milk tea alone in the corner.

He walked towards Su Mu with a helpless face: "You asked my old man to talk about things and come to the milk tea shop, isn't this a little unspeakable?"

"What's wrong with that." Su Mu smiled and made an inviting gesture to the old Heavenly Master. "Milk tea is all for you."

The old heavenly master sat down opposite Su Mu with a helpless face.

After he sat down, he asked Su Mu, "Are you looking for me in such a hurry, is there something wrong?"

"Here's the thing..."

Su Mu thought about it, and then told the old heavenly master about Wang Guangyu yesterday verbatim.

After hearing this, the old Heavenly Master showed an incredible expression on his face.

"Revival Society?" For this organization, the Heavenly Master is also very unfamiliar. "This is really the first time I've heard of this organization."

"But listening to your description, this organization should be very difficult."

The old heavenly master rubbed his chin and said to himself.

"If nothing else, Wang Guangyu and Jiang Jun should be the people who rejuvenate Hu."

Su Mu said to the old Heavenly Master.

The Heavenly Master nodded.

"Strange." Looking at the old Heavenly Master in front of him, Su Mu's face showed a strange expression. "Why didn't they look for you?"

If Su Mu was a member of the Revival Society, then he would definitely find the Heavenly Master as soon as possible.

First of all, the Heavenly Master is the strongest in the Huaxia Inhuman Realm.

Secondly, almost all Inhumans regard him as a target for transcendence.

Even some aliens regard the old master as their idol.

If the Heavenly Master is willing to join the Revival Society.

Then as long as he is willing to say it, then at least half of the people in the Huaxia Inhuman Realm are reasons.

"I feel like they've probably been looking for me." Old Heavenly Master said with some uncertainty.

"What do you mean?" Su Mu didn't quite understand.

After taking a sip and taking it out, the old Heavenly Master said slowly: "You don't know that I have hardly gone down the mountain in recent decades!"

"But every year there are a lot of people who come up the mountain to find me." Among them, there should be no shortage of lobbyists of the Revival Society.

"But haven't you never met any?" Su Mu looked at the old Heavenly Master strangely.

"Yes, I really haven't met one. The reason is probably that I hardly saw the people who went up the mountain to look for me.

"Yes, you really can!" Su Mu gave a thumbs up to the old Heavenly Master.

"That's right." At this time, the old Heavenly Master seemed to remember something, and he said to Su Mu. "There was a man called Loess before, who wanted to ask me to dinner..." Saying

that, the old Heavenly Master told Su Mu about the Loess.

If Su Mu didn't know about the Revival Society, he might think that this was an idiot who didn't know whether to live or die.

But now, Su Mu felt that things were not so simple.

"Do you suspect that this Loess is also a member of the Revival Society?" Su Mu asked the old heavenly master.

The old Heavenly Master groaned slightly, "The probability is!"

"Trouble!" Su Mu scratched his head helplessly. "There are really many people in this revival society!"

The revival meeting is a troublesome matter for both China and the whole world.

If this revival is not solved, there will be big trouble in the future.

"After this Inhuman Contest, it is estimated that we will be busy." Heavenly Master doesn't like to deal with this kind of trouble.

Otherwise, he would have been in retreat on Dragon Tiger Mountain for such a long time.

"It's you, not us!" Su Mu obviously didn't want to mix these things too much.

"How? Aren't you going to care? Old Heavenly Master looked at Su Mu puzzled.

Su Mu smiled lightly and said, "I definitely don't plan to care!" The Huaxia Inhuman Realm has nothing to do with me! "

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