Seeing that Old Heavenly Master's eyes were shining, Su Mu hurriedly asked, "Did you think of something?"

"Do you know?" Su Mu looked at the old Heavenly Master with a puzzled face.

"That's right. Old Heavenly Master thought for a moment and slowly said to Su Mu. "If I'm not mistaken, this Li Qian is an old good man!" "

Good old man?"

"His age should be in his 40s, according to the generation, it should be my apprentice's generation!" "

This kid suddenly disappeared many years ago. Hearing

this, Su Mu felt that this whole thing was very strange.

"But before he disappeared, this kid was a very interesting character! He not only had a very high talent in cultivation, but he was also very kind. The Heavenly Master said to Su Mu.

"Huh!?" Su Mu was completely stupid at this time.

His mind is now very messed up.

"You said that his disappearance would have something to do with the revival?" asked the old Heavenly Master.

The old Heavenly Master didn't want to think about it, and nodded directly: "I didn't know before, but judging from recent events, his disappearance may really have something to do with the revival."

"Then could he have already joined the Revival Society?" asked Su Mu again.

The old Heavenly Master shook his head very resolutely, "Based on what I know about him, he will never join such a disgusting organization as the Revival Society.

At this time, another possibility came to Su Mu's mind. "Is it possible for him to join an organization that is opposed to rejuvenation?" After

saying this, a memory suddenly flashed in Su Mu's mind.

In Huaxia, there is an Inhuman Organization.

This organization is very mysterious.

The Huaxia aliens only knew about the existence of this organization, but no one knew the specific personnel and components of this organization.

At the same time, no one knows what the purpose of this organization is.

"This feasibility is not impossible. The old heavenly master thought about it and said to Su Mu. "But what we say here now is superfluous.

"All this will not be known until you see Li Qian!"

Su Mu took out his mobile phone and began to look at the information transmitted by Wang Guangyu.

Intelligence shows that Li Qian is now living on the outskirts of Marina City.

Where he lives, there is no very high level of security.

With Su Mu's strength, if he wanted to sneak in, it was definitely not a big problem.

"I'll take a look!"

said Su Mu as he handed the phone to the old Heavenly Master.

The old Heavenly Master looked at the information seriously, and then nodded: "If you want to see it, then you should go and see it!" "If

I meet Li Qian, how can I gain his trust?"

Old Heavenly Master's right hand trembled slightly.

A token-like thing appeared in the hands of the old heavenly master.

The old Heavenly Master handed the token to Su Mu and said, "This token is the exclusive token of the Heavenly Master Mansion. Holding the token, everyone in the Heavenly Master Mansion saw it, and they saw the Heavenly Master.

Su Mu looked at the token in the hand of the old Heavenly Master, and he didn't accept it.

The main thing is that this token is too heavy.

Even if it was Su Mu's words, he didn't dare to take it easily.

However, this also reflected from the side how much the Heavenly Master trusted Su Mu.

"Isn't this a little too precious?" asked Old Heavenly Master.

"Expensive fart. The old master smiled disdainfully, and said in a very disdainful voice. "I'm just lending it to you to use, not giving it to you." "

Hehe!" Su Mu scratched his head awkwardly and said to the old Heavenly Master. If you had said it earlier, it wouldn't have embarrassed me so much. But

what Su Mu didn't expect was.

Old Heavenly Master's face at this time suddenly changed.

He looked at Su Mu with an evil smile on his face and asked, "Do you want to be the new Heavenly Master of the Heavenly Master's Mansion?"

People who don't know still think that Old Heavenly Master is trying to harm Su Mu.

"Gotta get it!" Seeing Su Mu's reluctant look, the old Heavenly Master said helplessly. "If it were someone else, they would agree without even thinking about it.

"I really didn't expect that my position as a Heavenly Master in the Heavenly Master's Mansion would be like poison in your eyes. "

Without freedom, what's the difference with poison?" said Su Mu with a cup.

"Okay. The old heavenly master waved his hand at Su Mu and said with great disdain. "Don't be here, fill the cup, hurry up and fuck Lao Tzu!" Su

Mu smiled, turned his head and left the hotel.

As soon as Su Mu walked out of the hotel, he felt that behind him, a pair of eyes were staring at him.

"This Wang Guangyu, you really don't worry about me!" said Su Mu secretly in his heart.

Su Mu smiled slightly, and did not directly catch the stalker behind him.

Get into the car and start the throttle.

With the roar of the engine, Su Mu's car drove out of the scope of the hotel.

A city by the sea, on the outskirts.

Not far from the seaside city, there is a village.

The village is not big or small, and it is a very typical Chinese village.

Su Mu parked the car in a relatively hidden place, and then slowly walked into the village.

According to the address in the intelligence, Su Mu stood outside the door of a villager.

This place is Li Qian's foothold.

Su Mu walked to the door and knocked lightly.


came a voice from inside the door.

"I'm looking for Li Qian. Su Mu shouted to the door.

"Looking for me?" Li Qian inside the door immediately became alert when he heard someone looking for him.

His right hand shook slightly, and a long sword appeared directly in Li Qian's hand.

He held his long sword in his hand and slowly walked to the door.

Standing at the door, he asked in a deep voice, "Who are you, is there anything wrong with me?" "

My name is Su Mu, I came to find you for something important!" said Su Mu without hurry.

Hearing the name of the person outside, Li Qian's brows wrinkled slightly.

In his memory, he didn't seem to know a person named Su Mu.

"I don't know you, so you hurried and left.

Li Qian said while clenching the long sword in his hand.

At the same time, he also kept the flame in his body in a working state.

Once the person outside the door plots wrong, he can launch an attack at the first time.

"You don't know me, but I know you!" said Su Mu to Li Qian with a smile. "Li Qian, a person from

the Tianshi Mansion!" When Su Mu said that Li Qian was a person from the Tianshi Mansion, Li Qian inside the door was suddenly stunned.

"Who the hell are you?"

heard Su Mu.

In Li Qian's voice, there was obviously a slight trembling.

"You don't care who I am, you just need to know that I'm not here to kill you!"

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