"Crunch!" What

Su Mu didn't expect.

After he said this, Li Qian actually opened the door directly for himself.

Looking at Li Qian inside the door, Su Mu's face showed a surprised expression.

This Li Qian's age looks to be about 3 or 40 years old.

Don't look at the middle age, but the years have not left any marks on his face.

"Who the hell are you?" asked Su Mu again.

Su Mu said with a relaxed expression: "My name is Su Mu, don't you know me?" Li

Qian was slightly stunned, and then his brows were tightly wrinkled.

At this time, he seemed to be remembering who Su Mu was.

"Don't worry!" Su Mu saw that Li Qian didn't think about it, and said with a smile. "I'm definitely not an enemy for you. It can even be said that we are friends

?" "Friends?" Li Qian looked at Su Mu with a look of doubt on his face. "How do I feel, you are more like my enemy?" "

Hahaha!" Upon hearing Li Qian's words, Su Mu actually laughed. "Unexpectedly, you look at people so accurately!" Su

Mu wanted to joke with Li Qian.

But what he didn't expect was that before his joke was finished, the tip of the long sword in Li Qian's hand stabbed directly into his throat.

"Relax!" said Su Mu as he squeezed Li Qian's long sword with his hand and said to him with a smile. "If I want to kill you, you won't have the chance to resist!" Of

course, Li Qian didn't believe Su Mu's nonsense.

"Don't believe it?" Seeing Li Qian's face full of disbelief, Su Mu said with a smile. "Do you want me to make you believe it?" Before

Li Qian could react, Su Mu disappeared directly from Li Qian's face.

When Su Mu appeared again, he was already behind Li Qian.

Not only that, one of Su Mu's hands had also choked Li Qian's throat.

"If my hand suddenly exerts force now, your throat will be directly pinched by me!" Everything was still easy for Su Mu.

"What do you want to do?" Li Qian didn't understand, what did this Su Mu want to do.

"I want to have a good chat with you!" At this time, Su Mu lowered the hand that was holding Li Qian's throat and said to Li Qian.

Li Qian also withdrew the long sword in his hand.

In just a moment, he actually felt it. If Su Mu wanted to kill himself, it would be absolutely easy.

Therefore, this long sword does not play a protective role for him now.

"Please come in!"

Li Qian made a gesture of invitation to Su Mu.

"Thank you!"

Su Mu nodded slightly, thanking Li Qian.

This small courtyard rented by Li Qian is a very ordinary farm yard.

After passing through the small courtyard, there is the main hall of this small courtyard.

In the main hall, most of the furniture is very dilapidated.

Su Mu didn't mind, directly found a sofa, and sat down directly.

"Mr. Su. It may be that Li Qian already knows Su Mu's strength, so when he spoke to Su Mu, his tone was very polite. "

First of all, I came for the Revival Society!" said Su Mu to Li Qian with a smile.

When Li Qian heard this, his face changed drastically.

The long sword in his hand appeared again and pointed at Su Mu remotely.

"Don't worry!" Su Muqing lightly pressed Li Qian's long sword and said to Li Qian with a smile. "You are a good person, but you are too easy to rush.

At this time, Li Qian was not in the mood to joke with Su Mu.

He looked at Su Mu coldly and said coldly: "When you are doing this, it is best to give me a reasonable explanation." Otherwise, even if I know that I am not your opponent, I will fight you to the death!" Su

Mu waved his hand, signaling Li Qian not to worry.

"I'll just ask you a question. Su Mu stretched out a finger and said very calmly. "The purpose of your trip, but for the Inhumans?"

After thinking for a while, Li Qian nodded.

Seeing that Li Qian admitted it so cheerfully, Su Mu didn't know what to ask for a while.

After thinking for a while, he asked again, "Why are you destroying the Inhuman Competition?"

He looked at Su Mu with a puzzled face, and asked with a puzzled tone. "Why should I spoil the Inhumans.

"You didn't come to destroy the Inhuman Competition?" Su Mu was a little unsure.

"It's not. Li Qian shook his head and said to Su Mu. "I'm here just to meet friends. "


Su Mu felt that his head was about to explode.

Because now, he can't tell for a while whose words he should believe.

"But I received information that the purpose of your coming here is to destroy the Inhuman Competition!" After

saying this, Su Mu still stared directly into Li Qian's eyes.

But Li Qian's eyes did not change in the slightest.

He said to Su Mu in a very natural tone: "The purpose of my coming here is just to meet a friend. After seeing my friends, I planned to leave.

"Moreover, destroying the Inhuman Tournament doesn't seem to be good for me at all!" Su

Mu thought for a while, as if this was the same truth.

"Mr. Su, thank you really this time. And

at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

This sudden sound made Su Mu and Li Qian's faces change slightly.

The two looked in unison towards the source of the sound.

I saw a middle-aged man slowly walking towards this side.

Behind the middle-aged man, there were several young people.

Su Mu could see that these people were all strange.

"Su Mu. Li Qian looked at Su Mu and gritted his teeth. "They were brought by you?"

Su Mu shook his head and denied it directly. "They are a group of little rats, they came with me.

"Mr. Su, we are our own people, how can you say that I am a little mouse." The middle-aged man looked at Su Mu with a smile, and his tone was full of ridicule.

Su Mu looked at the middle-aged man and asked curiously, "Who are you, do we know each other?" "

I, Wang Zhenchang, the captain of the special team of the coastal city, the captain of the third team!" Wang Zhenchang introduced himself with pride on his face.

After introducing himself, he did not forget to introduce the person behind him.

"These behind me are my team members!" Wang Zhenchang said loudly after introducing them. "

Hello Mr. Su!" All the team members behind Wang Zhenchang greeted Su Mu in unison.

They said "Mr. Su is good", but their eyes were full of disdain.

"Mr. Su, your task has been completed. Next, it's none of your business, or you ask you to leave!"

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