"This problem is really tricky!" the old Heavenly Master also scratched his head at this time.

Don't they believe your words?" asked the old Heavenly Master puzzled.

"It's not that I don't believe it!" said the old master with some helplessness. "Do you know what these three people are for these three sects?"

The situation in the alien world, Su Mu is really not very clear.

"These people are the mainstay of the future for the three sects! After

listening to Old Heavenly Master, Su Mu finally understood why he was embarrassed.

In the absence of evidence, question the future heads of the three sects. Even if the Heavenly Master has no prestige, I am afraid that this matter is not easy to handle.

"Then what to do?" Su Mu was helpless.

The Heavenly Master scratched his head, he also had nothing to do now.

"Find evidence. After thinking about it, the Heavenly Master finally held out these three words.

"That's all there is to it!" After

sitting in the milk tea shop for a while, Su Mu left with the old Heavenly Master.

However, Su Mu was not in a hurry to return to the hotel.

After separating from the old Heavenly Master, Su Mu began to wander the streets.

The recent events in this coastal city made him feel a little headache.

He planned to relax tonight.

"Where to relax?"

Su Mu didn't like clubbing or jumping.

So now where to go to relax, has become another headache for him.

Just when Su Mu was tangled, a burst of barbecue aroma entered Su Mu's nasal cavity.

There was once a great man who said: There is no barbecue that cannot solve things in this world. If anything, then two.

Su Mu also thinks.

In this world, the most stress-reliving food is barbecue.

He began to look around.

After looking around, he really let Su Mu find a barbecue stall.

"Go and taste!" Without

saying a word, Su Mu walked towards the direction of the barbecue stall.

I randomly found a seat and sat down, and an aunt who looked like a waiter walked to Su Mu's approach.

She handed the menu to Su Mu, and said to Su Mu with a kind smile: "Young man, see what you like to eat!"

Seating a seaside city.

The barbecue stalls in the city by the sea, in addition to traditional barbecue food, there are also a lot of seafood.

"King crabs?" Su Mu looked at the king crabs on the menu, his face full of surprise.

He has also seen the world.

But like this barbecue stall with king crabs, he really encountered it for the first time.

"Auntie. Su Mu waved his hand and greeted the waiter not far away.

The waiter walked over quickly

and asked Su Mu: "Have you chosen?" Su Mu pointed to the king crab on the menu and asked his aunt: "Do you have king crab here?"

But the grilled king crab, he has never eaten.

"Shhh!" listening to Su Mu ask the king crab, the aunt looked at the boss and shouted loudly. "Boss, there are guests who want to order king crab!" After

hearing the aunt's shout, the boss turned his head and said: "You ask the guest to wait a bit, I'll call and ask."


the aunt replied, then turned to look at Su Mu.

On her face, she said with a smile: "We really have king crabs here." But after all, this seafood, everyone is asking for a fresh.

"So if a customer wants to choose king crab, our boss will contact the seafood stall not far away and ask if they still have fresh king crab."

"Understood, understood!" Su Mu nodded, indicating understanding.

King crab, after all, the price is very high.

If the boss prepares a king crab every day, I am afraid that he will die.

The boss's efficiency is also really fast.

It didn't take long for his call to finish.

"Auntie. The boss shouted in the direction of the aunt. "There are king crabs, you ask the guests if they need it. If you need to, trouble him to pay first!" Because

it was impossible to determine which guest, the boss could only shout to the aunt.

"You hear you. Auntie looked at Su Mu.

Su Mu nodded, and then asked the boss loudly, "How much do you need to pay first?"

"The boss said that he was afraid that Su Mu would escape.

Su Mu thought about it, took out his mobile phone and walked to the boss's side.

"What about the QR code?" asked the boss Su Mu.

The boss pointed to a wall not far away.

Su Mu nodded and scanned the QR code on the wall.

"A letter arrived: 10,000 yuan!" The

boss heard the prompt of this arrival, and a strange expression appeared on his face.

"Today, you will buy 10,000 yuan. If it exceeds 10,000 yuan in the end, I will replenish it to you!"

"Generous!" the boss gave Su Mu a thumbs up, and then said. "Then you rest first, I'll contact the seafood stall!" Su

Mu nodded and returned to his seat to continue drinking tea.

And at this moment, a voice sounded.

"Brother, today I will treat you, eat well, have fun!" Hearing

this voice, Su Mu looked curiously towards the source of the voice.

When he saw the speaker, Su Mu's face showed a surprised expression.

"Chen Guangcai!" Su

Mu recognized the other party at a glance.

Chen Guangcai, a native of Tianshan Gate.

The young generation of Tianshan, the first person.

Among the three people recruited by this revival meeting, he Chen Guangcai is one of them.

"Lao Chen, why are you so generous today? Did you get rich?" "Yes, yes,

yes, you are usually stingy, why are you so generous today!" "

Did you buy a lottery ticket and win the lottery? Or did you go out to pick up money?"

Several of Chen Guangcai's friends laughed and ridiculed Chen Guangcai.

Chen Guangcai said with a smile: "I have made a little fortune recently, so I am happy." Today, no matter what you do, I will arrange it! Everyone has no

opinion!" "No opinion!"

After Chen Guangcai and his friends sat down, he shouted loudly: "Boss, give me twenty strings of each of your skewers here, if it is not enough, we will order more!"

The work efficiency of this boss is really possible.

It didn't take long for Su Mu's skewers to be served.

Su Mu didn't care about anything else, and directly began to eat.

A sip of skewers, a sip of cold beer.

"This is the life I want!"

said Su Mu with a comfortable face.

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