Mouthful of grilled skewers.

Take a sip of beer.

Su Mu had narrowed his eyes comfortably at this time.

Not far away, Chen Guangcai and his friends had already drunk almost the same.

"I said Brother Guang, have you made any fortune recently, why are you so generous!" a friend of Chen Guangcai asked with a smile.

Chen Guangcai is this person, they know.

Usually that's called a search.

They gathered together to eat, and this Chen Guangcai always hid behind and avoided the checkout.

But today he not only invited guests, but also invited several rounds.

This made several friends think that he was indeed rich.

"Hey. Chen Guangcai probably wanted to have fun, so he didn't use Qiao to melt alcohol.

Don't look at how many bottles of beer he drank.

But his state has begun to get a little drunk.

"Lately buddy, it's really getting rich. Chen Guangcai said drunkenly.

Su Mu has been observing the movements here.

After hearing Chen Guangcai's words, Su Mu pricked up his ears.

"What got rich?" When

he heard Chen Guangcai say that he had become rich, his friends suddenly became interested.

After all, there is no one in this world who does not want to get rich.

"Can't say, can't say!" Chen Guangcai said mysteriously.

"Why can't you say, is it that ill-gotten wealth cannot be achieved?"

a friend of Chen Guangcai, at this time, used the method of agitation.

After Su Mu heard this friend's words, his brows immediately furrowed.

This friend obviously did not regard Chen Guangcai as a real friend.

Otherwise, such a thing would not have been said.

However, this friend's words did not affect Chen Guangcai.

Chen Guangcai smiled mysteriously, "It's not a bit of ill-gotten gain, it's just that I have made a little investment recently." "

Chen Guangcai is already drunk.

But he still had a door on his mouth.

"Investment?" When they heard that Chen Guangcai made a fortune from investment, his friends became excited again. "Are you all brothers, tell me what projects you have recently invested in

?" "Do you know the Danube Group?" Chen Guangcai looked at his friends, his face full of mystery.

"Danube Group?" Not

only Chen Guangcai's friends have not heard of this group.

Even Su Mu heard of this group for the first time.

Taking advantage of their chat, Su Mu took out his mobile phone and entered the Danube Group in a certain degree.

After some inquiry, Su Mu's brows furrowed.

On the surface, this is a group that specializes in jade business.

However, Su Mu searched the Internet and did not find more information about this group.

"Strange. Su

Mu felt very strange.

Normally speaking.

A group, even if it is not good, cannot have no information at all.

But this Danube Group, except for some registration information, does not even have an official website.

In itself, this is a very abnormal thing.

"Is this group very powerful?"

Chen Guangcai's friend did not use his mobile phone to check this group like Su Mu.

"It's not too powerful. Chen Guangcai took a sip of beer, ate a sip of skewers, and smiled to everyone. "It's just that a friend of mine works in this group and he often gives me some inside information.

"The other day, my friend revealed it to me. Speaking of the group's share price, it will skyrocket in recent times.

"So I used my savings to buy shares in this group." Wait for it to rise, and then sell it. This time, I made a total of more than 10 million!" Chen

Guangcai's words surprised Su Mu.

As soon as it enters and exits, it earns more than 10 million.

Even if the group's estimate directly increases the limit in one day, it absolutely cannot make a person earn more than 10 million in a short period of time.

In addition to this, there are some unknown transactions.

"Brother, you take me. Recently

, I am really short of money!" "You also take me with you! I am also very short of money, I am not greedy, I only make hundreds of thousands."

We are all brothers, how can you forget us about such a good thing."

"My mother-in-law asked me for 500,000 yuan, and I really couldn't stand it." I don't earn more, so I earn a bride price. "


Chen Guangcai's friends, like evil wolves, stared at Chen Guangcai.

But Chen Guangcai smiled and said perfunctorily: "Okay, no problem! Next time I have the opportunity, I will definitely take you well!" Then the

group of people began to frantically shoot Chen Guangcai's.

Su Mu took advantage of this time to get up and walk towards the direction of the bathroom.

On the way to the bathroom, he dialed Song Yu's phone.

"Mr. Su. Song Yu on the other end of the phone asked with surprise in his tone. "Are you looking for me, is there something wrong

?" "Can you help me investigate a group?" There

were really very few helpers around Su Mu.

This kind of thing, he definitely can't trouble the Lu family father and son.

So at this time, the best choice is this Song Yu.

"You say, I remember!" Song Yu did not refuse Su Mu's request.

"Danube Group!" said Su Mu with a name.

"Danube Group?" Hearing this name, Song Yu on the other end of the phone was obviously stunned.

"Do you know this group?" Hearing that something was not quite right in Song Yu's voice, Su Mu asked.

"I know. Song Yu said firmly. Don't look at this group looks very powerful on the outside, but it is actually an empty shell.

"There is neither office space nor main products and projects.

When Su Mu heard this, he felt a little strange

: "Then how did such a group go public?"

"I don't know. Song Yu thought about it and said to Su Mu. "Not long after this group appeared, our group discovered it and has been secretly observing it.

"After some observation, our group found that this group is very difficult. Behind the group, I am afraid that there is a figure with hands and eyes in the sky.

"When observing this, the group stopped observing the Danube group.

Su Mu asked curiously, "Why stop?" "

President Lu doesn't want to cause trouble! This group has not touched the interests of the group, so President Lu thinks that there is no need to investigate again!"

"So be it. After thinking for a while, Su Mu said to Song Yu. "You sort it out a little, and then send me all the information related to the Danube Group.

"No problem!" Song Yu agreed cheerfully.

After all, what Gao Mu wants is not something that is very confidential.

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