After ending the call with Song Yu, Su Mu walked into the bathroom.

He pushed open a cubicle door and walked in.

After a moment of relaxation, you are ready to leave.

But at this moment, the door of the toilet was pushed open.

"I said Lao Chen, is what you just said true?" At this time, a voice sounded from the toilet.

If Su Mu remembered correctly.

The owner of this voice should be one of Chen Guangcai's friends.

"Of course it's true. Chen Guangcai's voice was no longer drunk, and there was even a bit of mockery. "I wasn't telling them the truth, though.

When Chen Guangcai's friend heard this, he asked strangely: "Why? Aren't you and them good brothers?"

Chen Guangcai laughed disdainfully when he heard this. "These B people are all unprofitable lords!"

"They invited me to dinner before, but only because I knew some powerful people.

Now that I know that I have a way to make a fortune, I start licking my knees again. To be honest, these people, I really can't look at them!"

"But Lao Sun, you are different. You have treated me as a brother from beginning to end!" The

man, known as Lao Sun, said with a smile: "Do you feel it?"

Chen Guangcai said to Lao Sun with a smile while waterproofing. "Whoever is good to me, who is not good to me!

"Lao Sun, if you believe me. Then tomorrow, you will take out all your savings and buy shares of the Danube Group. And an hour before the end of the evening, all these stocks were sold.

Chen Guangcai whispered to Lao Sun.

When Lao Sun heard this, he immediately became excited.

"Thank you, thank you!" Lao

Sun knew that this was an opportunity for him to make a fortune.

"You're welcome. After

Lao Sun and Chen Guangcai walked out of the toilet, Su Mu walked out of the toilet.

Looking at the backs of Chen Guangcai and Lao Sun, Su Mu's eyes began to become a little strange.

By the time Su Mu finished eating the barbecue, it was already late at night.

After paying, he went straight back to the hotel.

As soon as he arrived at the hotel on the front foot, the information of the Danube Group on the back foot had already been sent to his mobile phone.

The information of the Danube Group is not important confidential information for the Yuelu Group.

But if Song Yu wants to show it to others, he also needs to go through the procedure.

Normally, this series of procedures takes about three days to complete.

But because the person who wanted to see the information was Su Mu, the procedure went very fast.

"Thank you!" After

accepting the information, Su Mu thanked Song Yu.

After thanking Song Yu, Su Mu opened the information of the Danube Group and looked at it seriously.

The founder of the Danube Group is a man named Wang Jian.

The name Wang Jian is not a bad street, but it is almost the same name.

Su Mu felt that this name was either a pseudonym or a fake name.

He didn't dwell too much on the name.

Then he continued to look down.

The capital at the founding of the group was about 200,000 yuan! The time when the group was founded was about two years ago.

In other words, more than two years have passed since the establishment of this group.

Su Mu then continued to look down.

But after watching it for a while, Su Mu felt strange again.

The development of this group is really normal.

If this is the case, in other companies and groups, Su Mu must feel fine.

But these things, placed on a leather bag company, make people feel very contrary.

There is also not much information.

When Su Mu saw things, he was originally a sight and ten lines.

So in just five minutes, all the information on the information was already familiar to Su Mu.

After reading the information, he opened a stock software at random.

On the search interface, he found the Danube Group.

"My mother, this stock price is also very abnormal!" The

share price of the Danube Group is one dollar per share.

Su Mu didn't understand stocks.

But he just felt that this price was very abnormal.

The specific Su Mu place is not normal, and Su Mu can't say it.

"The successful listing of a three-nil group is a very strange thing in itself.

"And the stock of this company, which has reached this number, is even more abnormal." It seems that there must be someone behind this group who is maintaining this share price.

Su Mu thought about it, so he began to inquire about the previous stock price of the Danube Group.

Strangely, the share price of Danube Group has always remained at this value.

However, at a special time, the value will suddenly rise to 10 pieces.

One of the special moments was yesterday.

"It's a good way to bribe with stock prices!"

"This method is not only hidden, but also not easy to discover." "

Let's be honest.

Su Mu is more or less a little admired by the person who came up with this method.

The purpose of the existence of this Danube group is to make it easy for the people of the Revival Society to send money to other people.

After figuring this out, Su Mumo craned his chin in deep thought.

After pondering for a long time, he threw the phone aside and casually closed his eyes.

One night without a word, the next morning.

Su Mu got up from the bed early.

Today, it's sixteen into eight.

As long as he defeats today's opponent, Su Mu can advance to the quarterfinals.

After cleaning up simply, Su Mu got up and left the hotel.

As soon as he walked out of the door of the hotel, Su Mu saw the old Heavenly Master walking towards the hotel.

"What a coincidence!" Su Mu greeted the old Heavenly Master with a smile.

The old Heavenly Master waved his hand at Su Mu weakly: "It is indeed clever!" "

What's wrong?" Seeing the old Heavenly Master's weak look, Su Mu said with a smile. "Did you spend all night in the clubhouse last night?"

"Go and go!" the old Heavenly Master waved his hand at Su Mu and said angrily. "You kid, you really can't spit ivory out of a dog's mouth!" "

Just kidding!" Su Mu smiled and waved his hand, asking the old heavenly master. "Why are you so tired!" "

Last night, someone died again. When the Heavenly Master said this, his tone was full of helplessness.

When Su Mu heard this, his brows furrowed and he asked in a low voice, "Will the revival do it again?"

Then he seemed to have thought of something and asked Su Mu, "Are you going to the competition venue?"

"Then you wait for me, I'll change my clothes, and let's go over together!" said the old master to Su Mu.

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