Su Mu and Old Heavenly Master had just finished discussing who would go first.

At this time, a group of people angrily walked in outside the bar.

The leading one was a middle-aged man who looked very tough.

He has fat all over his body and a face of horizontal flesh. It made him look very scary.

Most importantly, his bare skin was covered with tattoos.

"My name is Zhao Long, I want to ask, who is the private venue today?" Zhao Long

began to shout loudly as soon as he entered the bar.

Now in the bar, in addition to the staff, it is Su Mu and Old Heavenly Master.

As soon as Zhao Long came in, he must have seen the two of them.

When he saw it, he shouted, and his purpose was to establish power.

"At this time, what should I do?" the old Heavenly Master asked Su Mu next to him excitedly, the next process.

Su Mu smiled slightly and began to guide the old heavenly master.

He whispered in the ear of the old heavenly master: "At this time, you should stand up and shout: It's your grandfather and I wrapped the field

!" "Remember, when shouting this, the tone and attitude should be as arrogant as

you are!" The old Heavenly Master nodded seriously, and he was familiar with all the important points that Su Mu said.

Then he looked at Zhao Long and shouted loudly: "This time, it's Lao Zibao!"

The appearance of the old Heavenly Master at this time is more arrogant and arrogant.

Zhao Long saw that the old Heavenly Master took the initiative to stand up and admit, and he couldn't help but laugh directly.

He pointed at the old Heavenly Master, leaning forward and back with a smile: "You are an old gang dish, and you still have a private venue?

"At this time, shouldn't you be watching your grandson at

home?" "After drinking, can you still find your way home?" "

If you can't find it, we won't mind sending you there!"

Zhao Long's junior brothers pointed at the old Heavenly Master and began to mock wildly.

For their ridicule, Heavenly Master was very angry.

Just when he was about to make a move, Su Mu grabbed the old Heavenly Master at this time.

The old Heavenly Master looked back at Su Mu with anger on his face and asked, "What are you pulling me for."

Su Mu said to the old Heavenly Master with a smile on his face: "If you want to do it, some are not suitable!" "

Isn't this TM inappropriate?" "Then you say, when is it appropriate?" Su

Mu thought for a while, and said softly to the old Heavenly Master: "According to the normal development of the plot, the next thing is some insignificant little characters and start introducing the characters on the other side." For

a while, the old Heavenly Master couldn't understand what Su Mu was saying.

Some things, some things he doesn't need to understand.

"Brother Long, is this the legendary Brother Long? These two people dare to wrap the dragon's field, it is simply looking for death

!" "Not only dare to wrap the dragon's field, but also dare to shout in front of Brother Long! I don't know, who gave them courage!"

"Don't they know that my dragon brother is a tyrant in this vicinity?"

At this time, the staff in the bar began to discuss quietly.

And the sound of their discussion happened to reach the ears of Su Mu and Old Heavenly Master.

Su Mu looked at the old Heavenly Master and said with a smile: "This is what I said, passerby A introduces the situation on the other side!"

He looked at Su Mu with a face full of interest and asked, "Then what should I do next?"

Su Mu said to the old Heavenly Master with a smile. "Next, there is the verbal attack of the villains. As for you, don't do anything. When I tell you to do it, you do it!"

That Su Mu is the director and screenwriter.

The words of the Heavenly Master are decent. Zhao Long and his younger brothers are villains.

"Good, good, I see!" the Heavenly Master nodded excitedly.

Seeing that Old Heavenly Master and Su Mu were still whispering at this time.

Zhao Long's face was very ugly.

Because he was absolutely, this behavior of Su Mu and Old Heavenly Master was disrespectful to his own behavior.

"Hey!" said Zhao Long looking at Su Mu and Old Heavenly Master. "Where are you guys mixed up, why are you so arrogant?" Upon

hearing this "hey", Su Mu laughed directly.

He forced a smile and stretched out a finger to Zhao Long: "First, I don't call you hey! Second, I call you dad!" "

What do you say?" Su Mu's words directly stirred up Zhao Long's fire.

He pointed at Su Mu and scolded loudly: "If you are a man, then you repeat it again."

Second, I call you daddy!" Su Mu was really obedient, Zhao Long asked him to repeat it, and he really repeated it again. After repeating, Su Mu pretended to look very strange and asked the old heavenly master. "Can't he hear that I'm scolding him, and why would he want me to repeat it again?"

At this time, the old Heavenly Master also cooperated with Su Mu to perform. "I've seen a lot of people who pick up money. But this kind of scolding person, I really met for the first time. "

These two people are simply living treasures.

One person and one sentence, directly let Zhao Long break out.

“MD。 Zhao Long pointed at the two and shouted loudly to the younger brothers. "Do it, let these two bastards know that ours are powerful

!" "Yes!" Without

saying a word, the junior brothers directly surrounded in the direction of Old Heavenly Master and Su Mu.

Old Heavenly Master asked Su Mu with an excited face: "At this time, can I do it?" Su Mu

looked around and nodded fiercely: "If you don't start at this time, then when will it be!"

"I'm ready, you guys get started!"

the old master rubbed his fists and looked at the gangsters.

I saw a gangster who took the lead in attacking the old Heavenly Master.

This bastard is behind the old heavenly master.

Therefore, he wanted to take advantage of the fact that the old Heavenly Master was not paying attention and give the old Heavenly Master a preemptive strike.

Let's be honest.

If it is other ordinary old people, they will definitely not be able to react.

But the little gangster is facing it, but God Master.

Without even turning his head, the Heavenly Master knew that there was someone behind him.

I saw his feet raised, and an old horse came directly behind him.

The gangsters behind that wanted to sneak up on the old Heavenly Master were directly kicked by the Old Heavenly Master and flew out.

"Good fellow, you didn't even use Issei's strength!" Su Mu looked at the punk who flew out upside down and shook his head.

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