That is, the Heavenly Master controls his own strength.

If he didn't control his strength, it was estimated that this person would be directly kicked to death by the old heavenly master.

The other punks saw that this punk was kicked and flew away, and they were not afraid.

Even this kick of the Heavenly Master kicked out the anger in their hearts.

"Up, up, up! Beat this old bastard to death for me!

"Brothers! This old bastard is a trainer, and we must not show mercy to our subordinates!

"MD, dare to move our brother, old bastard, I must beat you to death today."

"I'm going to see how good you can be!"


The gangsters with angry faces shouted madly and loudly.

Su Mu, who was standing not far away, looked at all this with a lively expression.

Is he worried?


He certainly wasn't worried.

This is God!

This is the first person in the Inhuman Realm under him.

If this first person can't even beat such a lucky punk, then how can he mess around in the Inhuman Realm in the future.

"Come on, little cubs! I want you to know how good I am! "

Heavenly Master, that's called an excitement!

At this time, a small gangster had already rushed to the front of the old Heavenly Master.

The old heavenly master raised his hand and gave this little gangster a slap.

Although the old heavenly master controlled the force.

But this little gangster was still slapped in the air by the old heavenly master and circled in the air before he smashed it on the ground.

"A bunch of little trash!"

After beating people, the old master did not forget to mock.

If not said.

Su Mu even once thought that the old Heavenly Master was a gangster.





Just as Su Mu was thinking, the slap of the old heavenly master rose and fell in the bar.

Maybe tired of playing.

It only took the Heavenly Master less than a minute to solve all these punks.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Long was dumbfounded.

He originally thought that the old Heavenly Master was a useless old man with a little money.

But I didn't expect him to be so powerful.

"Solved, what's next?" Old Heavenly Master asked Su Mu.

Su Mu looked at Zhao Long and said to the old Heavenly Master: "There are only two plot directions in the next step.

The first is to make this bastard kneel and apologize. The second is that this bastard is called a man. At

this time, the old Heavenly Master directly gave the choice to Zhao Long.

He looked at Zhao Long and asked, "You said, how do you plan to choose." "

Zhao Longren is numb.

He probably never dreamed that he would meet such strange people as Old Heavenly Master and Su Mu.

How does he choose now.

Of course, he wanted to apologize.

The strength of the Heavenly Master is superb.

Even if he called 10,000 more people, he might not be able to solve the problem of the old heavenly master.

If the tone is like this, it is better to sincerely apologize.

"I choose to apologize!" Zhao Long's choice is still more wise.

The old Heavenly Master, who had not yet fully enjoyed the game, heard Zhao Long apologize, and his face showed a disappointed expression.

He looked at Zhao Long and asked with a sincere expression, "Can't you just choose the first one?" Can't you just ask someone to bring you?

"You are so powerful, even if I call more people, I will not be your opponent."

"Anyway, my final result is to apologize, apologize later, it's better to apologize early!" After all, if you apologize early, you can save some effort and money. "

Zhao Long is really open-minded.

"Since you don't call people to come, then I'll beat you up first!"

Old Heavenly Master's words fell, and he rushed straight in the direction of Zhao Long.

Before Zhao Long could react, the old Heavenly Master's slap hit Zhao Long directly in the face.

This slap was crisp and loud, and Su Mu, who listened, gasped.

"How ruthless!" Su Mu couldn't help but shake his head.

The slap of the old heavenly master is even more convergent than the previous slap.

So this slap did not spin Zhao Long in the air.

However, Zhao Long's face was still swollen because of this slap.

"Why did you hit me?" Zhao Long was very aggrieved.

The old heavenly master said very unpleasantly: "Let you shout people, you don't shout people, I can't hit others, so I can only hit you."

Su Mu, who was standing not far away, gave a thumbs up to the old Heavenly Master: "Reasonable, convincing!"

"It's inevitable!" Old Heavenly Master said with a proud face. "After all, how can we say it, it is also a well-known and decent background. Do everything with a sense of reason! When

Zhao Long heard this, people were directly stupid.

Because if the Heavenly Master had been a little reasonable, this would not have happened.

"Next, I'm going to continue to slap you!"

The person of Heavenly Master is also really intimate.

Before starting, he did not forget to remind Zhao Long.

Zhao Long asked the old Heavenly Master with a bitter expression: "If you can, can you say the number?" "

Count?" The old Heavenly Master thought about it and said to Zhao Long very seriously. "Ten! I'll slap you ten times, and then you apologize to me again. You see this, is it appropriate? "

People who don't know still think that Tianshi is talking about businessmen.

Zhao Long wanted to say no.

However, he did not seem to have the courage to say no.

"If you hit me, I don't have much opinion! But if you could, could you start a little lighter? My face is really a little unbearable! "Zhao Long, as a beaten, was begging the beater at this time, so he started lightly.

It is estimated that Zhao Long would never have thought in his life that he would encounter such a scene.

"Nope." The old Heavenly Master didn't want to think about it, and shook his head directly. "I slapped you just now, and the force I used was already minimal. I can't get any smaller, so I'm sorry!

"Good fellow!" Su Mu, who was standing on the side, was dumbfounded. "Are you really fighting? If you don't know, you think you're buying vegetables at the market! "

Su Mu has seen more strange scenes.

But such a strange scene, Su Mu really saw it for the first time.

"You'd better shut up Lao Tzu." The old Heavenly Master, who was playing with Xing's head, shouted to Su Mu. "Lao Tzu is having fun, don't bother me!"


Su Mu didn't dare to speak more, and sat down directly.

Then he picked up a bottle of wine and began to drink it slowly.

"Waiter." After taking a sip, Su Mu felt bad and shouted to the waiter. "Right now, I need a glass of juice. Preferably pineapple juice, or strawberry juice!

"Okay!" The waiter did not dare to speak more, so he had to shout loudly. "You wait a little brother, I'll get it for you!"

"Hurry up!" Su Mu was a little impatient.

After instructing the waiter, Su Mu looked in the direction of Old Heavenly Master and Zhao Long again.

Seeing that both of them were looking at themselves, Su Mu said: "Look what I do, you guys continue!" "

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