Meng Bolong hurriedly turned his head and looked for Su Mu's figure.

But Su Mu seemed to have disappeared.

No matter how Meng Bolong searched, he couldn't find Su Mu's traces.


Meng Bolong felt very incredible about this.

Purple Qi came east, and among his many exotic arts, he liked one the most.

Within the confines of this purple mist, apart from him, any alien who entered it could not see.

But Su Mu was able to flow unimpeded in the purple mist.

How could this not shock Meng Bolong.

"I'm behind you!"

At this time, Su Mu's voice sounded from behind Meng Bolong again.

Meng Bolong still turned back at the first time.

But just like before, Meng Bolong still didn't find any trace of Su Mu.

In a hurry, he shouted, "If you're a man, face me head-on." Don't hide and hide like a man. "

Huh." As soon as he heard this, Su Mu was directly happy. "You used this magic first, and now you say that I don't look like a man in hiding. I really don't understand why your brain circuitry is so clear. At

this time, Meng Bolong suddenly turned in one direction to be in his own claw thorn.

But just like before, Meng Bolong was still empty.

"What a calculation!"

Seeing Meng Bolong's look of loss, Su Mu smiled very happily.

"What do you want?" Meng Bolong asked Su Mu coldly.


But before Meng Bolong's voice fell, Su Mu's slap hit Meng Bolong's face.

"Su Mu, you are excessive." Meng Bolong shouted loudly at this time. "There is a way to hit people without hitting their faces, and scolding people without revealing their shorts!"

"You came up like this and hit me in the face, don't you have something to say..." Before

Meng Bolong's words were finished, Su Mu came to him again.

Approaching Meng Bolong, Su Mu raised his hand and slapped Meng Bolong again.

This slap completely beat Meng Bolong's anger.

"Su Mu, today you will die, I said!"

Su Mu's successive slaps made Meng Bolong feel humiliated.

His mind was now full of thoughts about how to kill Su Mu.

However, there was a prerequisite for killing Su Mu. Then Meng Bolong had to find Su Mu in advance.

"You can't find me." Su Mu said very confidently.

As soon as he finished saying this, Su Mu raised his hand and slapped Meng Bolong again.

"Su Mu, if you are a man, fight with me instead of hiding in Tibet!"

Meng Bolong also had no way to do it.

In desperation, he had to shout this stupid sentence again.

"Forget it." Su Mu may have had enough, he said to Meng Bolong. "The game between the two of us, let's end here! I'm wasting too much time on you! Hearing

Su Mu say this.

Meng Bolong knew that Su Mu was about to launch a final attack.

He didn't dare to take it lightly.

He raised his 120,000 spirits just to find Su Mu's attack trajectory.

But Su Mu's attack trajectory was too weird.

Even if Meng Bolong raised the spirit of 120,000 points, he still couldn't capture it.

"Game over!"

At this time, Su Mu's voice suddenly sounded from behind Meng Bolong.

Before Meng Bolong could even make any reaction, Su Mu's foot had already kicked Meng Bolong's lower back.

This kick, Su Mu kicked very heavy.

Meng Bolong stumbled and was directly kicked out of the ring by Su Mu.

Meng Bolong, who flew out, directly came a dog to eat.

Meng Bolong has stepped off the ring.

At this time, Wang Tianfa announced loudly: "I announce that the ultimate winner of this competition is Su Mu!"

"Congratulations!" Wang Tianfa smiled and nodded to Su Mu to express his congratulations.

But Su Mu didn't look at Wang Tianfa, and walked straight towards the ring.

Wang Tianfa scratched his head a little embarrassed.

Su Mu entered the finals.

In the other ring, Tang Hu and his opponent were fighting fiercely.

To say or not to say.

Tang Hu's opponent is really very strong.

The game between the two of them has been going on for about ten minutes.

However, up to now, the two sides still show a situation of equal strength.

And as things stand, either side is likely to win the day.

"Is this Tang Hu really in the Tang Gate?" Su Mu looked at Tang Hu very strangely, and said to himself in his heart. "This guy's offensive tactics are very tough. If you don't say it, everyone may think that Tang Hu is an alien who focuses on his body. "

At this time, it was Tang Hu in the ring, and he did not use any weapons.

Or rather, his fists are his weapons.

Double fists like dragons, crazy to hit opponents.

Even Su Mu heard the sound of a sonic boom.

"Did you hit him?" At this time, a voice quietly sounded in Su Mu's ears.

"Who are you?" Su Mu didn't know the person who spoke.

The person who spoke smiled slightly, "My name is Lin Feng, and I am just an ordinary stranger." "

Is this Lin Feng really an ordinary alien?

Of course not.

This Lin Feng, even if it is placed in the current alien world, it is a resounding existence.

However, he and Su Mu are not a generation.

He was a little taller than Su Mu and the first generation of the Old Heavenly Master.

"Is Boss Lin very idle? How do you have time to chat with me Su Mu? "

That's right.

This Lin Feng is not only a very powerful alien, he is also the head of a sect.

However, the sect that Lin Feng was in was not a famous sect. His sect is just a small sect of a regional nature.

"Mr. Su." Lin Feng heard Su Mu call himself Lin Zhangmen, and said with a smile. "I, Lin Feng, came here to invite Mr. Su to join us."

"Join you?" Su Mu looked at Lin Feng and said with a smile. "Do you have any guesses about my current realm?"

"Concentrate heavily!" Lin Feng voiced his guess.

"So, I'm so focused at my age, why should I join your small sect?"

"You said that with my current age and realm, is it easy to join any Gate Sect?"

The gate dispatch is demanding.

But no matter how strict it is, they will definitely not be able to refuse, a person who is less than twenty years old.

"As long as Mr. Su joins our sect, I can let me out of the sect." Lin Feng is still quite sincere.

"Forget it." Su Mu shook his head at Lin Feng and said with a smile. "After all, the head of a small sect can't even compare with an ordinary disciple of a large sect."

Upon hearing this, Lin Feng was anxious.

"Mr. Su, how can you join our sect?"

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