"No matter what, I won't join your sect!" Su Mu solved Lin Feng very directly.

Not to mention, Su Mu had no intention of joining the sect.

Even if Su Mu had the intention of joining the sect, he would not choose a small sect to join.

"Hey." Seeing that Su Mu refused so decisively, Lin Feng sighed helplessly. "If that's the case, then I won't force Mr. Su."

"That's the best." Su Mu nodded.

However, Lin Feng was more or less, and he was still a little undying: "Since Mr. Su, if you don't want to join us in Jing'anmen." So can you show your face and come to my Jing'an Gate to see it after this Inhuman Contest is over?

"Wait!" At this time, Su Mu suddenly looked at Lin Fengdao. "You just said that you are the head of Jing'anmen?"

"Yes." Although Lin Feng didn't know why Su Mu's reaction was so big, he still nodded. "Under Xia, it is the head of Jing'anmen!"

"If I'm not mistaken, the station of Jing'anmen is in Jing'an Mountain, right?" Su Mu asked Lin Feng again.

Lin Feng didn't expect that Su Mu actually knew the location of the Jing'an Gate station.

To know.

Small sects like them, the attention is really not high.

Jing'anmen is even more a small sect that ranks lower among the small sects.

That attention is even more miserable.

So this is one of the reasons why when Su Mu asked Lin Feng if the station was Jing'an Mountain, Lin Feng felt incredible.

"After this Inhuman Contest is over, I want to go up Jing'an Mountain to harass for a few days, I don't know?" Su Mu asked Lin Feng.

"Of course." When Lin Feng heard that Su Mu was willing to go up Jing'an Mountain, his face suddenly showed joy.

"Then when this Inhuman Contest is over, I will greet you and wait for Mr. Su's visit!"

Lin Feng bowed his hand to Su Mu very politely.


Su Mu nodded.

Lin Feng took his leave and left.

Su Mu looked at Lin Feng's back, and a strange smile appeared on his face.

"Jing'an Mountain? I didn't expect that in this Inhuman Competition, I would be able to meet the head of Jing'an Mountain! My luck is really good! Su Mu couldn't help but sigh.

If he remembered correctly, probably a week later.

A very big event will happen on Jing'an Mountain.

After this big event, the Jing'an faction, a small sect on Jing'an Mountain, will change drastically anyway.

After Lin Feng left, Su Mu looked at Tang Hu in the ring.

Tang Hu's battle continues.

"This opponent is also really tenacious!"

Tang Hu's opponent is very tenacious.

Even if he has been forced to the very edge of the ring by Tang Hu, he is still struggling to support.

Tang Hu couldn't attack for a long time, and his mood was obviously not quite right.

In his eyes, anger kept flashing.

"Die! Die! Die!

He shouted, punching his opponent with his fists.

But no matter how hard his fist hits.

His opponent is like a high wall, unable to move.

"Who is this person?" Su Mu couldn't help but ask the onlookers next to him.

"Don't you know Tang Hu!?" The man said in a rather disdainful tone.

But when he saw that it was Su Mu, he directly came to a wave of extreme change of face: "You are asking, Tang Hu's opponent, right?"

Su Mu looked at the other party and only felt funny.

"His opponent seems to be an alien named Jiangnan!" The other party replied very seriously.


Even if he was a reborn, Su Mu had never heard of the name Jiangnan.

But since he could fight with Tang Hu for such a long time, even if he had been in a passive defensive state, he was already very powerful.

"Who the hell is this Jiangnan? Why is there such a terrifying defense! "

The defense is leaky and there is a lot of concentration! It's been such a long time, and this concentration is still full. This Jiangnan is really a little scary!

"Why, I suddenly thought of a certain captain's words: I can still play for one day!"

"This Jiangnan, the future can be expected! The future is promising! "


Most of the surrounding audience are the best of the young aliens.

Therefore, their evaluation of Jiangnan is still quite pertinent.

However, Su Mu still found something that others did not find.

This Jiangnan, not only the defense is not leaking.

If you attack, you will also do it very beautifully.

However, his attack is not the kind of attack that opens and closes.

So, apart from his opponents, almost no one noticed that he had an attack.

It can't be attacked for a long time, plus Jiangnan's small actions are harassed.

At this time, Tang Hu's patience had been exhausted.

"I'm going to get serious next." Tang Hu roared.

Before Tang Hu, he had always been in a serious state.

And almost all the magic is used.

But even if this was the case, he still couldn't take Jiangnan.

This made Tang Hu feel that it was not a way to go on like this.

Because it can't be attacked for a long time, the consumption of Qiong is very large.

In the long run, Tang Hu's flame will be slowly consumed by the other party.

So at this time, Tang Hu planned to use a trick that he had been hiding.

This move was originally retained by Tang Hu and planned to deal with Su Mu.

If it weren't for this Jiangnan, it would be too difficult.

Tang Hu would never use this trick.

"Dragon and Tiger Change!"

Tang Hu roared.

I saw a huge tiger figure appear behind Tang Hu.

The tiger is brownish-yellow overall.

Above its forehead, there is also a very obvious word "king".

As soon as this tiger appeared.

Whether it was Jiang Nan in the ring or the audience around the ring, they all felt a very strong sense of oppression.

Even some aliens with lower realms have some difficulty breathing under this sense of oppression.

After the tiger appeared, Tang Hu attacked Jiangnan again.

I don't know if it's because of the blessing of the tiger.

This Tang Hu's movement speed was actually much faster than before.

Not only has the movement speed increased a lot.

Even Tang Hu's attack speed had increased significantly.

And it can be seen from Jiangnan's expression.

Tang Hu's strength should also be strengthened.

"Armor of Thorns!"

At this time, Jiang Nan also used his own magic.

I saw thorns condensed one after another, and began to take shape in Jiangnan's body.

It didn't take long for the thorns to form an armor that wrapped Jiangnan in it.

Su Mu was surprised to find out.

This seemingly ordinary thorn armor could actually alleviate the damage caused by Tang Hu's attack.

"It's so strong!"

Su Mu looked at the thorny battle armor on Jiang Nan's body, and his heart was extremely surprised.

"It seems that this Jiangnan is also a man with the aura of a protagonist!"

While Su Mu sighed, Tang Hu attacked Jiangnan again.

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