This time Tang Hu is different from before.

He didn't punch again.

I saw that his hands were in the shape of tiger claws, and he grabbed it straight in the direction of Jiangnan.


Only a strange sound was heard.

On Jiangnan's thorny armor, a blood-red tiger claw print appeared.

On the armor of thorns, the original green light also dimmed a little at this moment.

"Hey." Seeing this, Su Mu sighed slightly. "This Jiangnan is about to lose."

But before Tang Hu's second attack came, Jiang Nan jumped directly off the ring.

He said to the referee with a smile on his face: "I admit defeat!" "

Throw in the towel?"

The referee was a little unresponsive for a while.

Tang Hu stood in the ring, panting and shouting to Jiangnan: "You don't admit defeat early, don't admit defeat later!" What do you mean by throwing in the towel at this time?

Jiang Nan looked at Tang Hu and said with a smile on his face: "I can't beat you, so I admit defeat!" Is there anything strange about this?

Tang Hu glared angrily at Jiang Nan and yelled, "If you are a man, come up and fight me!" You can't throw in the towel! "

Cut!" For Tang Hu's words, Jiang Nan scoffed. "What age are you still playing such an inferior radical method. I'll just throw in the towel, what can you do with me?


Jiang Nan's voice fell, and he walked in the direction of the outer perimeter of the gymnasium.

At this time, Tang Hu jumped off the ring and chased in the direction of Jiangnan.

But just two steps after chasing out, Tang Xian blocked Tang Hu's way.

"If you fight under the ring, you will be disqualified. It's all come this far, you don't want to be disqualified from the competition!

Tang Xian's words made Tang Hu quickly calm down.

He looked at Jiangnan's background, and shouted unwillingly: "But I am unwilling!"

"What if you are unwilling?" Tang Xian turned to Tang Hu and roared loudly. "The game between you and him is over."

Tang Xian taught his grandson this face, Su Mu really didn't have much interest.

He shrugged his shoulders and walked towards the exit of the gymnasium.

As soon as he walked out of the gymnasium, Su Mu heard a voice sound: "Mr. Su, call a friend!"

Su Mu looked in one direction.

I saw Jiang Nanzheng leaning lazily against the door of the gymnasium, with a cynical expression on his face.

Su Mu looked at Jiang Nan and asked with a smile: "Why did you directly admit defeat?" In my opinion, your thorny armor can withstand at least five or so attacks from Tang Hu. "

Look." Jiang Nan said to Su Mu with a smile. "Since you have already seen it, then others must be able to see it!"

"Tang Hu's attack is too violent! I think it's just an Inhuman Contest. Fighting to the end and being seriously injured is a very unworthy thing. So, in the end, I chose to throw in the towel! "

This Jiangnan can also be regarded as sober in the world.

Having such a cool head at such an age is a rare thing in itself.

"Good, you're really good!" Su Mu gave Jiang Nan a thumbs up appreciatively.

"Then since you appreciate me so much, can we make friends with each other?" Jiang Nan looked at Su Mu very expectantly.


Su Mu did not refuse this.

"As a friend, if I invite you to drink, will you say yes?" Jiang Nan asked Su Mu again.

Su Mu thought for a while and nodded, "Anyway, I don't have anything else to do at night, so let's go to the bar!" "


Jiang Nan said and walked in one direction of the gymnasium.

If Su Mu was not mistaken.

The direction that Jiangnan went was not the parking lot of the gymnasium, but the carport of the gymnasium.

Not long after, Jiang Nan pushed a bicycle and came to Su Mu.

Looking at Jiangnan's bicycle, Su Mu's face showed a smile.

"I drink for a while, so I can't drive!" Jiang Nan said to Su Mu.

Su Mu nodded, indicating that he could understand.

At this time, Su Mu also took out his mobile phone.

After some searching, he found that there were shared bicycles in the vicinity.

Su Mu got on the shared bicycle and went in one direction with Jiangnan.

An hour later, two bicycles stopped in front of a barbecue stand.

This is a very old-looking barbecue stall.

The owner of the barbecue stall is a fat man who is near the middle of his life.

"Boss." When Jiang Nan arrived at the barbecue stall, he shouted loudly to the boss. "It's still the old rule!"

When the fat boss saw Jiangnan, a cheeky smile appeared on his face: "I said Xiao Jiangnan!" Have you been busy lately? You haven't been to my barbecue stand for a long time.

Jiang Nan randomly found a table and sat down, and said with a smile to the fat boss: "Recently, the company has been too busy, and I have added a month's shift.

"It's finally over, and there's a break." The first time I came to eat barbecue.

Su Mu could see that the relationship between Jiang Nan and this fat boss was very good.

"What about beer? How much do you want? The fat boss asked Jiangnan.

Jiang Nan looked at Su Mu and asked with a smile: "Do you think that one box per person is enough?"

Su Mu nodded and said, "Enough, enough!"

"Then bring me three boxes first!" Jiang Nan shouted to the fat boss.


The fat boss responded loudly.

Su Mu looked at Jiang Nan with a strange look and said, "Didn't you say one person and one box?" Why do you want three boxes? "

How can Su Mu calculate, one plus one is already equal to two.

"A case of beer isn't even enough for me! So, I asked for an extra box!

Su Mu pouted.

The fat boss soon moved in with three cases of beer.

While waiting for the skewers, Jiang Nan asked Su Mu: "Brother Su, don't you dislike this roadside stall?" "

What's so disgusting about that?" Su Mu looked around and said to Jiang Nan with a smile. "Don't you think that this roadside stall has a very fireworks atmosphere?"

"yes." Jiang Nan picked up a bottle of beer, touched a glass with Su Mu, and drank it. Drink one bottle. He was a little fascinated, looked around and said slowly. "This is the real smell of fireworks!"

"That's right." At this time, Su Mu seemed to have thought of something. He looked at Jiang Nan with a curious face and asked. "You just said that you were working overtime before, do you have any official work that you can't do?"

Jiang Nan smiled helplessly: "996 social animals!" "

Huh?" Su Mu did not expect that a young stranger as strong as Jiang Nan was actually the legendary 996 social animal.

"Surprised, right?" Jiang Nan looked at Su Mu and said with a smile. "No way, for life!"

"An alien who cultivates qi realm is a social animal, I really can't imagine what it's like!"

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