After completely controlling his body, Tang Hu's eyes looked at Su Mu again.

At this time, he completely realized how difficult this opponent in front of him was.

"White Tiger War Shield!"

At this time, Tang Hu roared.

A white tiger phantom fell directly from the sky and landed on Tang Hu's body.

This white tiger figure shrouded Tang Hu in it, forming a white tiger armor.

After the white tiger phantom landed, it howled ahead.

"It's a pity that you don't make a movie with this special effect."

If there is a score for the special effects of different arts, Su Mu is willing to give 82 points for the special effects score of Tang Hu's move.

The remaining 18 points, he will give in the form of 666.

"Come on! I still don't believe that you can break my White Tiger Battle Shield!" Tang

Hu's eyes began to turn red at this time.

He stared at Su Mu closely, waiting for Su Mu's next attack.

"Since you said so, then I definitely want to give it a try!"

After Su Mu finished speaking, he rushed straight towards Tang Hu.

"Heaven-shaking God Fist!"

Su Mu's golden fist condensed again.


The golden fist hit the white tiger with a muffled sound.

Some strangers who were closer and had a poor realm only felt a tingling in their scalps after hearing this muffled sound.

What's more, there are also cases of tinnitus.

"Kind of interesting!"

Su Mu looked at Tang Hu, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

With the punch just now, Su Mu felt that he had hit the iron plate.

This is enough to show that Tang Hu's white tiger battle shield is very defensive.

"Go on!"

Su Mu looked at Su Mu with provocative eyes.

Su Mu said with a smile: "Can you use weapons?"

Tang Hu smiled disdainfully, "If you admit that you are inferior to me, you can use weapons."

"Gotta go, then don't use it!"

It is different from Meng Bolong playing conspiracy before.

What Tang Hu is playing with is Chiguoguo's Yang Scheme.

"Next, I will use sixty percent of my strength."

As Su Mu spoke, his golden fist condensed again.

Hearing Su Mu's words, Tang Hu laughed disdainfully: "What you mean is that the punch you just made only used less than half of your strength!"

"What do you think?" Su Mu's words fell, and his fist hit Tang Hu again.



Sixty percent of the strength made a small crack appear above the white tiger.

The cracks are as small as a hair.

If you don't look closely, you won't even find out.

Tang Hu saw this hair-thin crack, and felt bad in his heart for a short time.

"Seventy percent!"

Su Mu didn't have time for Tang Hu to react.

Golden fists, condensed again.



The golden fist once hit the white tiger phantom.

This time, the rift is widening.

Now the rift has widened to the point of being like a baby's finger.

"Eighty percent!"

Su Mu made another move.




After Su Mu's strength increased to eighty percent, this white tiger phantom was directly shattered by Su Mu.

"Oh my God! Su Mu only used eighty percent of his strength to shatter Tang Hu's White Tiger Battle Shield, is this true?

"Is it that I am hallucinating, or is this world hallucinating, how is this possible!"

"That's too unreal! Who slapped me and woke me up!

"This White Tiger Battle Shield is Tang Hu's strongest defensive technique. But even so, Su Mu still only used eighty percent of his strength to smash it. "


After Su Mu shattered the White Tiger Battle Shield, the faces of some of the young aliens present showed incredible expressions.

Not to mention these young aliens.

Even some of the older generation were very surprised when they saw this scene.

"Okay." Su Mu saw that the White Tiger Battle Shield was broken by himself, and clapped his hands very easily. "In the next battle, I will use eighty percent of my strength to fight you!"

"Although you are a very good person, and you are very stunned! But have to admit, you are a respectable opponent! Su

Mu's words were also very cup-filling.

You all say that people are opponents worthy of respect.

But you still only use eighty percent of your strength.

The old Heavenly Master, who was the referee, looked at Su Mu with a strange gaze.

You know, Su Mu's current realm is all fake.

His current so-called eighty percent strength should be the eighty percent strength that he concentrated on after disguise.

"Su Mu, you also look down on me too much."

Hearing Su Mu say that he wanted to use eighty percent of his strength, Tang Hu felt very unhappy.

"That's right." Su Mu, who had just finished saying that Tang Hu was a respectable opponent, nodded very seriously. "I just look down on you!"

"Tiger Roar!"

Tang Hu shouted, feeling that he was no longer hiding.

I saw Tang Hu's mouth open slightly.

An invisible sound wave flew straight towards Su Mu.


Su Mu clenched his fist in his right hand and punched forward plainly.


Su Mu's fist collided with the invisible sound wave.

The sound wave disappears.

Su Mu's fist was also not damaged at all.

"Dragon Walking Tiger Step!"

At this time, Su Mu also took a step forward.

As his footsteps gradually moved forward, Su Mu's momentum also climbed.

When he was very close to Tang Hu, Su Mu's momentum had climbed to the extreme.

Although this is the eighty percent strength after Su Mu's hidden strength.

But the powerful momentum still pressed Tang Hu breathlessly.

Just when Su Mu was about to attack.

He found that several cold lights flashed around Tang Hu's waist.

"Dark weapon?"

Su Mu fixed his eyes.

I saw several dark weapons like darts, flying towards him.

"Swift Step!"

Su Mu increased his speed to the extreme and used it to dodge the darts.





The dart clings to Su Mu's body and flies to the back of the ring.

Seeing that the dark weapon did not cause harm to Su Mu, Tang Hu was not surprised.

These darts, he actually didn't expect to cause harm to Su Mu.

His purpose in using these dark weapons was only to delay Su Mu.

"Since you all use dark weapons, can I also use weapons?"

When Su Mu said this, he was not asking Tang Hu's opinion, but telling Tang Hu that he was going to use a weapon.

When the words fell, I saw Su Mu's right hand tremble slightly.

The Chaos Sword Fetus appeared directly in Su Mu's hand.

"Sword falls into the starry river!"

Su Mu raised the Chaos Sword Fetus in his hand above his head.

The galaxy and stars began to take shape on the Chaos Sword Fetus.

Su Muyao pointed to Tang Hu.

The stars flew towards Tang Hu like arrows.

The Xinghe swept towards Tang Hu like a horse.

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