Seeing this, Tang Hu touched his hand directly to his lower back.

A pair of fists that looked like boxing gloves appeared in Tang Hu's hands.

This boxing glove looks very expensive.

Near the fingers, there was also something like an iron thorn.

Boxing gloves shine in the sun.

"You are the first time that you forced me to use a weapon by your peers, and you should be honored for this!"

Tang Hu's equipment seems to be habitual.

"I said you don't put a cup, can you die, or can you do something?" Su Mu looked at Tang Hu with a speechless expression on his face.

"Less nonsense!"

Tang Hu, who was wearing a fist sleeve, rose sharply.

"Tiger Chong!"

Tang Hu used the magic technique of Tiger Chong again.

I don't know if it's because of the blessing of the fist.

The power of this tiger chong was many times stronger than before.


Tiger Chong collided with the stars and Pilian.

The dazzling light exploded in an instant.

This dazzling light made the strangers present close their eyes one after another.

At this time, Su Mu suddenly found out.

Tang Hu actually took advantage of the bloom of light, and his right hand actually made some small movements.

Wait for the light to dissipate.

Tang Hu raised his right hand above his head.

"Fire Lotus!"

As Tang Hu's palm slowly opened.

A piece of flaming lotus slowly floated above Tang Hu's head.

Then, with the infusion of Tang Huqi, the lotus flower began to grow continuously.

Soon, the lotus flower became very large.

As the lotus grows, it begins to spin.

One by one, the burning lotus seeds, like the bullets of a machine gun, flew madly in the direction of Su Mu.

"Golden Light Spell!"

Su Mu stomped the ground with his right foot.

A golden light directly wrapped Su Mu in it from the inside and outside.





The fire lotus seed hit the golden light spell, and the golden light spell appeared layer by layer of ripples.

Fortunately, the defense of the Golden Light Spell is strong enough.

The Fire Light Lotus did not break the Golden Light Spell.

"I said you Tang Hu, you look loyal and honest. Unexpectedly, it was actually playing yin! Su Mu expressed deep contempt for Tang Hu's behavior.

"Huh!" Tang Hu laughed disdainfully, and said in a tone full of ridicule. "To fight is to win and defeat! What's so insidious!

Su Mu felt that this line was very familiar.

But I can't remember where I heard this line.

"Gotta go, since you said so, then I don't have to be embarrassed."

After Su Mu finished speaking, a weird smile appeared on his face.

Seeing the weird smile on Su Mu's face, Tang Hu couldn't help but feel his heart tighten.

"Shadow Step!"

As soon as Su Mu's voice fell.

He appeared directly behind Tang Hu.

Su Mu suddenly disappeared from Tang Hu's eyes, which made Tang Hu shocked.

He looked around, wanting to look for Su Mu's figure.

But after some searching, I didn't find it.

His heart was even more panicked.

"Are you looking for me?"

Su Mu's voice suddenly sounded behind Tang Hu.

Tang Hu hurriedly turned around.

However, he still did not find Su Mu.

"Come out!"

The invisible opponent made Tang Hu very flustered.

"Don't come out!" Su Mu's voice sounded from behind Tang Hu again.

Tang Hu hurriedly turned back again.

However, he still did not see Su Mu's figure.

Now he is completely panicked.

"Don't look for it." Su Mu was behind Tang Hu and patted him on the shoulder and said. "You can't find me!"

Is the magic of shadow step invincible?


The reason why Su Mu has been able to try again and again.

A large part of the reason is because Su Mu's opponents are weaker than Su Mu.

If you encounter an opponent who is stronger than yourself, then this shadow step will not be very good even if it is effective.

"Okay, don't waste time with you. I can choose now, the game is over!

Su Mu said, raising his foot to kick Tang Hu.


Su Mu's kick exerted all his strength.

And coupled with Youjiao's blessing,

Tang Hu was directly kicked out of the ring by Su Mu's kick.

If he hadn't adjusted his figure in the air, it is estimated that he would have directly dropped a dog and eaten.

After landing, Tang Hu turned his head to look at Su Mu in the ring.

He wanted to put some harsh words.

But when he saw Su Mu's not very friendly eyes, he finally chose to give up saying cruel words.

"I lost!"

Tang Hu shouted loudly.

As Tang Hu's voice fell, the entire stadium boiled.

"Su Mu won, as I expected, Su Mu really won the final victory!"

"Needless to say, Su Mu is really strong! I would like to call him, the first young alien.

"I feel that even among the middle generation, Su Mu feels that he can rank the number one!"

"It seems that the rumors are true, Su Mu's realm is likely to be a concentration of concentration!"


Tang Xian saw Tang Hu defeated and slumped in his chair.

Before he also swore that Tang Hu would definitely get the first place this time.

In fact, according to the normal trend, the probability of Tang Hu getting the first one is really very large.

However, Tang Hu's luck was bad, and at the most critical moment, he met Su Mu.

"Awesome!" The Heavenly Master gave Su Mu a thumbs up.

Su Mu said modestly: "This is not just a right hand!" "

Since he has already won the championship, then Su Mu must pretend.

"In the afternoon, hold an award ceremony!" The old heavenly master reminded in Su Mu's ear.

Su Mu glanced in the direction of Jiangnan and said softly to the old Heavenly Master: "I'm going to Jing'an Mountain immediately, so in the afternoon..."

After glancing left and right, the old Heavenly Master asked in a low voice. "This Jing'an Mountain, is something big going to happen?"

Su Mu looked at the old Heavenly Master with a smile and asked, "Why do you say this?" The

old Heavenly Master showed an expression that I had already seen through you, and said to Su Mu: "You are a person, but you are not a good lord!"

"If you go to Jing'an Mountain at this time, there must be good things in Jing'an Mountain!"

Su Mu smiled and said to the old Heavenly Master: "There are indeed good things, are you going?" "

Not going." What Su Mu didn't expect was that under the premise of knowing that Jing'an Mountain had good things, the old heavenly master actually refused Su Mu's invitation. "Those who have been out for such a long time should also go back to the Tianshi Mansion to take a look."

"Okay!" Since the old Heavenly Master had said so, Su Mu did not continue to invite.

"By the way, don't tell them in advance, give them a surprise ha!"

After Su Mu finished speaking, he walked towards the ring.

At the same time, Su Mu did not forget to make eye contact with Jiang Nan and Lin Feng.

The two nodded in understanding.

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