Hyakuzhang City is a highland city.

The air here is a fight with the coastal city.

Su Mu and his group of three, who had just stepped down from the plane, smelled the sweet smell in the air.

"In other words, the air in your hundred zhang city is really good!" Su Mu couldn't help but sigh.

Lin Feng, who was the landlord, said with a smile: "The only advantage of this place is that the air is better.

The three smiled and walked out of the airport.

Outside the airport, several Alphas were parked outside.

"Let's go to the hotel first!" Lin Feng said to the two.

In this regard, the two have no opinion.

The hotel was booked by Lin Feng.

As a landlord, the hotel booked by Lin Feng is okay.

After checking in, Jiangnan will go to work.

Su Mu's words were in the hotel room and opened his mobile phone.

Access to the exclusive forum of Inhumans.

The forum at this time, already fryer.

At the award ceremony of the Inhuman Contest, the overall winner was not present.

This made the organizer and the stranger who had been fishing for a lifetime, their faces a little too good-looking.

In this regard, Wang Guangyu also called Su Mu a lot.

Su Mu was impatient and directly blacked it out.

With this action, the angry Wang Guangyu scolded Su Mu furiously.

"Interesting, really interesting!"

Su Mu smiled and said to himself.

After reading the Inhuman Forum, Su Mu logged in to the local forum in Baizhang City.

He wanted to study the city.

As far as Su Mu knew.

Recently, this Baizhang City should not be too calm.

After logging in to the forum, Su Mu saw many posts.

The content of the post is true or false.

Su Mu silently distinguished while watching.

The content of these posts varies.

But the places where it happened were all near Jing'an Mountain.

"It should be almost."

Su Mu was in his heart, silently calculating the time.

If he remembered correctly, the big incident in Jing'an Mountain would have completely erupted in three days.

In other words, Su Mu still had two days to prepare.

In the past two days, Su Mu is ready to play in this Baizhang City first.

On the third day, go to Baizhang Mountain.

Lin Feng left directly after arranging the check-in of Su Mu and Jiang Nan.

As the head of the Jing'an faction, he still has a lot of things to deal with.

Su Mu was in the hotel and rested until the evening.

At night, it is the most authentic appearance of a city.

As soon as he walked out of the hotel, Su Mu smelled the smell of barbecue.

He swallowed his saliva, followed the smell and walked over.

As soon as he took his seat, he heard the whispered discussion of two people not far away.

"Lao Wang, have you heard? Jing'an Mountain has not been peaceful recently! The one who spoke was a middle-aged man with glasses and a polite manner.

As he said this, his face was full of inscrutable expressions.

The middle-aged man known as Lao Wang was a greasy middle-aged man with a slightly blessed figure and a slightly bald head on the top of his head.

Lao Wang asked curiously, "Lao Li, tell me, what happened?" Recently, I have always heard people say that this Jing'an Mountain is not very peaceful! But in the end, how it is not peaceful, I don't know at all.

Lao Li carefully glanced around, and said to Lao Wang mysteriously: "The matter has to start from three days ago..."

What was originally very simple and could be clearly explained in one sentence, he used a long time.

It's simple.

Three days ago, a small earthquake struck Jing'an Mountain.

You know, Jing'an Mountain is very close to Baizhang City.

But even at such a close distance, the citizens of Baizhang City did not feel any vibration.

If it weren't for the broadcast of the Earthquake Bureau, even the citizens of Baizhang City would not have known about it.

After the earthquake, some people said that near Jing'an Mountain, they saw purple qi gushing out and rising straight into the sky.

There are still people who see.

In the vicinity of Jing'an Mountain, some monsters have appeared that are far more than ordinary beasts.

But most of these things are heard.

There is no video left, so some people will be suspicious.

Some people even just listen to the recent events in Jing'an Mountain as a story.

But as Su Mu, who knew the truth of everything, he knew that things were not so simple.

After listening to Lao Li, Su Mu's brows wrinkled slightly.

Looking at his appearance, it seems that he is thinking about something.

But at this time, Lao Li couldn't help but say something that surprised Lao Wang.

"I heard from a friend of mine." Lao Li made this out of nothing, and the use is really beautiful. "After this earthquake in Jing'an Mountain, a very ancient tomb appeared!"

Su Mu, this person, has no interest in ancient tombs.

So the expression didn't change much.

But Lao Li's next words made the expression on Su Mu's face change.

"You know what? After that ancient tomb appeared, there were always very special troops who blocked that area! As

soon as he heard about this very special unit, Su Mu suddenly became interested.

When Lao Wang heard this, he was also interested.

He hurriedly asked, "Do you know that unit, what kind of troop?" "

I don't know." Lao Li shook his head.

As soon as Lao Li shook his head, Lao Wang's face immediately showed an unhappy expression.

"Special forces? Will it be the one who eats it? "

As far as Su Mu knows.

Now Huaxia can be called a department of special forces, so it will eat one.

"It seems that there is something strange about that ancient tomb!"

Su Mumo clenched his chin and fell into deep thought.

In his memory, there is no memory of the ancient tomb.

The reason for this.

Otherwise, before Su Mu was reborn, this ancient tomb did not appear at all.

However, there is another possibility.

That is, before Su Mu was reborn, the ancient tomb appeared. But the news was completely blocked, so no one knew about the existence of the tomb.

In fact, whether it is the first or the second, Su Mu has to go and see.

He listened to the two chatting while eating skewers.

He wanted to see if he could hear any clues.

But then, the two of them talked about something inconsequential.

After eating, Su Mu paid directly and left.

"It's been three days, I don't know if it's too late."

Su Mu thought while walking on the street.

Soon, his gaze stopped at a toy store.

He walked straight into the toy store and selected a mask of the Monkey King from it.

After a little trying, I paid and left.

Walking out of the toy store, Su Mu did not hurry to put on a mask.

He first took out his phone and found the navigation software inside.

Then, the three words Jing'an Mountain were entered.

"So far?"

Navigation display.

From Baizhang City to Jing'an Mountain, if you drive, it takes three hours.

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