Su Mu originally wanted to drive.

But if you think about driving, you may leave some unnecessary clues, which will cause some unnecessary trouble.

So Su Mu decided to go on foot.

Su Mu first took a taxi and came to the outskirts of Baizhang City.

After the taxi left, Su Mu took a direct step and hurried in the direction of Jing'an Mountain.

"It's ten o'clock in the evening, if nothing else, rush to Jing'an Mountain, it should be one o'clock in the morning."

Because it is a suburb, plus it is evening.

So along the way, you can hardly see cars.

Three hours later, Su Mu came to the foot of Jing'an Mountain.

At this time, at the foot of Jing'an Mountain, it was very quiet.

Apart from some insect sounds, no other sounds can be heard.

Su Mu, who came to the foot of Jing'an Mountain, did not immediately go to look for the entrance to the ancient tomb.

He first found a quiet and remote place to recover his state.

I don't know if it is, Jing'an Mountain is about to have a big incident.

At this time, the spiritual energy near Jing'an Mountain became very abundant.

If it was in Baizhang City, Su Mu wanted to replenish the consumed aura.

It will take at least several hours.

However, at the foot of Jing'an Mountain, where spiritual energy was abundant, it only took a lot of half an hour for Su Mu's spiritual energy to be completely replenished.

Su Mu, who was fully restored, began to look for the entrance to the ancient tomb.

He originally thought that the entrance to this ancient tomb would be very difficult to find.

But what Su Mu didn't expect was.

The location of the entrance to this ancient tomb is really very easy to find.

Because at this time, the entrance of the ancient tomb is brightly lit.

For the sake of caution, Su Mu cautiously approached the vicinity of the camp.

As soon as he approached the camp, Su Mu heard some screams.

"Ah! It hurts! I'm in so much pain!

"I felt like I was going to die."

"The things in this ancient tomb are terrifying! It's terrifying!

"The strength of the things inside this ancient tomb is definitely not something we can fight against!"


Listening to these screams, Su Mu's brows directly furrowed.

There is not much information in these screams.

But Su Mu still found a lot of key information from these few pieces of information.

"This ancient tomb is very dangerous!"

"Moreover, this group of people should have sent people into the ancient tomb more than once."

"Among them, there are many masters of the Inhuman world."

After analyzing these, Su Mu began to look for the entrance of the ancient tomb.

After some searching, Su Mu found that at the entrance of the ancient tomb, many people were stationed.

These people are wearing black suits and look very powerful.

"It seems that it is really not an easy task to enter this ancient tomb!" Su Mu sighed.

Just as Su Mu stared at the entrance of the ancient tomb in a daze, he saw several people being transported up from under the ancient tomb.

These people were covered in blood.

At the wound, blood was still bubbling out.

Carrying their stretchers, they were completely dyed red.

From the clothes of these people, you can tell that they are people who have eaten.

Moreover, the strength is not weak.

"It seems that if you eat it, you are in big trouble."

Su Mumo clenched his chin and smiled softly.

Among the many tents in this camp, the largest tent is located.

Lu Shenjiang's face was very gloomy.

As the main person responsible for this operation.

Since the beginning of the mission, at least ten of his men have been injured. Three of them were slightly injured, while the remaining seven were seriously injured.

In addition to ten injured, at least three people died.

This is definitely a very humiliating record for eating it.

"Wolf Tooth Bang and Ye Wuliu, haven't you come yet?" Lu Shenjiang asked in a deep voice.

The assistant shook his head: "It is said that it is already on the way, if nothing else." This morning, it should be there!

"Okay, I see." Lu Shenjiang waved his hand and signaled that the assistant could leave.

He rubbed his temples and felt a terrible headache.

At first, I thought that this ancient tomb was a very ordinary alien ancient tomb.

But after the first exploration, they realized that they were wrong.

Because the three people who died died during the first exploration.

Since then, they have explored many times.

But the progress is very slow.

Although three days have passed.

But they hadn't even touched the door of the main tomb.

In one corner of this tent, a stone tablet is placed.

The shape of the stone monument is very quaint.

At first glance, it is the kind of stone monument that is very old.

The stele records the life of the tomb owner.

The owner of this tomb is a person between Shang and Xia.

In fact, this ancient tomb was discovered by an ordinary local person.

After discovering it, the man reported the ancient tomb to the relevant departments.

After a brief investigation, the relevant departments reported the matter.

It was reported to the national level that the exploration of this ancient tomb was officially handed over to Yumo.

Don't look cumbersome to say.

But in reality, these things were done in just half a day.

After eating and learning about it.

After eating Han Tianqing, the highest person in charge, he handed over the heavy task of exploring the ancient tomb to Lu Shenjiang.

At first, Lu Shenjiang thought that this was a beautiful errand.

But after the first day, he realized that he was wrong.

Not only is it wrong, but it's also very outrageous.

After knowing that he was wrong, Lu Shenjiang immediately contacted Wolf Yabang and Ye Wuliu.

He felt that this ancient tomb would definitely not be able to do without temporary workers.

Two o'clock in the morning.

The guards guarding the entrance to the tomb were withdrawn.

In fact, the entrance location of this ancient tomb is already the center of the camp.

It is estimated that they also believe that no one dares to venture into the ancient tomb from the center of the camp.

After making sure that there was no one around the entrance of the ancient tomb, Gao Mu held his breath and began to walk towards the entrance of the ancient tomb.

In the night camp, there are no more people except for some regular night watchmen.

And the location of these night watchmen is not very close to the entrance of the tomb.

Therefore, as long as Su Mu is not swaggering in the past, he will definitely not attract the attention of others.

That's it.

Su Mu took advantage of the night and came to the entrance of the ancient tomb without alerting anyone.

"It's still official! Look at this entrance, how well it is dug! "

Not only the entrance was dug very well.

The passage inside the tomb is also supported by some iron frames.

Inside, street lamps are placed at intervals.

So this passage is very bright.


Even though this passage was bright, Su Mu still opened his own magic.

The reason for this is to prevent yourself from encountering some unnecessary trouble.

After the tongyu opened, everything in front of Su Mu's eyes also began to change quietly.

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