"This passage is very unusual!"

Others may not see the situation of this channel.

But Gao Mu saw it clearly.

He saw that on the stone walls around this passage, densely packed with small insects crawled.

These small bugs are transparent.

It looks like a little ghost.

The strangest thing is that the faces of these little bugs are actually human faces one after another.

What's even weirder is that.

These faces, as if they were copied and pasted, look almost identical.

After being reborn, Su Mu also encountered a lot of strange things.

But something as strange as in front of him, Su Mu encountered it for the first time.

When Su Mu observed these little bugs, these little bugs also turned their eyes to Su Mu.

Su Mu saw it clearly.

At this time, the corners of their faces and mouths rose slightly, all of which outlined a weird smile.

This smile made Su Mu feel that his sweaty hairs stood up at this time.

After the little bug smiled at Su Mu, it rushed towards him.

The little bugs move very slowly.

But even so, Su Mu still felt that his scalp was a little numb.

In order not to be discovered by people outside, Su Mu carefully held up the golden light spell.





The little bug fell on the golden light spell, and was actually melted by the golden light spell.

Seeing this scene, Su Mu breathed a sigh of relief.

Now that there were no little insects to worry about, Su Mu began to move forward slowly.

After walking for about ten minutes, Su Mu's footsteps stopped.

Because by this time, he had reached the end of the passage.

"What kind of person is this eater, it's too wasteful, right?" Seeing the end of the passage, Su Mu couldn't help but sigh.

Su Mu originally thought that at the end of this passage, it would be the tomb door, or something else.

But what I didn't expect was that the end of this passage was a dead end.

Other words.

The group of people who had eaten had been busy for so long that they didn't even touch the door of the main tomb.

However, through Tongyu, Su Mu found out.

The position where he is now standing is very close to the door of the main chamber.

After a little estimation, it is probably less than five meters away.

"In other words, if you eat this group of people, the reason why you are injured! All because of these little bugs?

Su Mu stopped and turned his head to look at the passage he had just passed.

The golden light spell just now burned a lot of small insects.

These little bugs are very jealous of Su Mu.

They were about a meter away from Su Mu, sneakily observing Su Mu.

"See that you are going to dig a hole again?" Su Mu was helpless.

At this time, he opened his system repository.

After some inspection, he found that there were no burrowing tools in the system warehouse.

Su Mu originally wanted to use the Chaos Sword Fetus.

But after thinking about it, I finally chose to give up.

At this time, he opened the system mall.

I want to see if I can buy a shovel or something like that from the system mall.

Once opened, enter a keyword.

Not to mention, the things in this system mall are really rich.

In this, there are really shovels.

However, the price of the shovel is more or less outrageous.

"A shovel you want me to score 500 points, why don't you grab it?"

Talk and say, scold and scold.

Su Mu still exchanged a shovel from the system mall.

Looking at the shovel in his hand, which could be bought for only dozens of dollars outside, Su Mu felt that his heart was dripping blood.

With the shovel in hand, Su Mu began to dig.

"So hard?"

Su Mu just dug a shovel, and immediately felt that something was wrong.

What is in front of him is obviously soil.

However, it gives people an incomparably hard feeling.

"Could it be the legendary rammed earth layer?"

Su Mu knew.

In some ancient tombs, a layer of rammed earth is used to protect the tomb.

But in general, the rammed earth layer is above the tomb.

Like the rammed earth layer in front of the tomb, Su Mu was really unheard of.

However, under the power of Su Mu.

This rammed earth layer really couldn't cause too much hindrance to Su Mu.

It took less than five minutes.

Su Mu dug directly to the door of the tomb.

Looking at the tomb in front of him, Su Mu was directly frozen in place.

"Is this made of gold?"

At this time, the door of the tomb in front of Su Mu was golden yellow as a whole.

I don't know if it's because it's too old.

The golden yellow on the door of the tomb is slightly dim.

In addition to the golden yellow of this tomb door, Su Mu also saw many reliefs on this tomb door.

"What is this depicting?"

Su Mu looked at the relief on the door of the tomb, and a strange expression appeared on his face.

The tomb door is a two-door door.

On one side depicts some insects.

On the other hand, some birds are depicted.

What made Su Mu feel most strange was.

The birds and insects on the door of the tomb showed an almost confrontational state.

"That's weird."

Normally speaking.

Ordinary tomb doors do not depict these things.

Su Mu looked at it for a while, but did not see a reason.

Since he couldn't see it, then Su Mu stopped looking at it.

He walked to the door of the chamber and put his hand on the door of the chamber, ready to open the door.

As Su Mu's hands gradually exerted strength.


The door to the tomb was slowly opened.

That's right, Su Mu easily opened the door of the tomb.

Behind the door of the tomb is a deep and narrow passageway.

Su Mu stepped into the scope of the tomb.

As soon as the front foot stepped in, a yin wind blew towards Su Mu's face.

This yin wind blew on his face, making Su Mu feel uncomfortable.

The state of Tongyu was still there, but there was nothing strange in front of Su Mu's eyes

: "Is it just a gust of yin wind?"

Su Mu always felt that it was not that simple.


Suddenly, at this moment, Su Mu felt that behind him, there was a yin wind blowing the back of his neck.

He hurried back.

As soon as he turned around, he saw a pale face.

Suddenly saw such a horrible thing.

Even Su Mu's words were frightened and took a step back.

After taking a step back, Su Mu hurriedly turned around.

He saw a ghost in official uniform.

"What about making movies here?"

Startled by this ghost, Su Mu's face showed displeasure.

This ghost seemed to be able to understand Su Mu's words.

Directly, its mouth opened, as if it wanted to devour Su Mu.

"Find death!"

Su Mu's expression sank.


"Ghost Charm!"

Su Mu pinched the sword technique in his right hand, and the void drawing talisman.

The runes formed and then broke.

The broken rune directly formed a golden flying sword in the air.


The flying sword flew out.

Fly directly in the direction of the ghost.

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