Su Mu put his hand on the hammer and felt it carefully.

After some careful feeling, Su Mu found that the paper used to make the hammer was not ordinary paper.

What exactly this kind of paper is, Su Mu doesn't know.

In addition to the fact that the weapon is paper paste, even the armor placed in one corner of the coffin is still paper paste.

"What is the person who made this coffin thinking?"

Su Mu's mind was full of big question marks.

Glancing around the coffin.

It was found that there was nothing of value inside the coffin.

He jumped and left the coffin.

He looked around the cave.

In the cave, there are no passages.

In other words, this tomb is the ultimate destination of this ancient tomb.

But Su Mu felt that things were never so simple.

He walked slowly along the stone walls of the cave.

He put his hands on the stone wall, looking for passages or something.

But after some searching, Su Mu was disappointed.

He didn't find any passages, or doors or anything like that.

Finally, he set his sights on the huge coffin.

He jumped into the coffin again and began his search again.

But in this coffin, Su Mu still didn't find any gaps, passages and the like.

"Could it be that this place is really the final burial chamber of this tomb?"

Su Mu didn't believe it.

At this time, he subconsciously raised his head.

He found a very gap in a place above his head.

How small is this gap?

So small that if Su Mu didn't open the channel, he wouldn't even be able to discover the existence of this gap.

Su Mu jumped for life and heard directly below the gap.

At any time, his hands exerted their strength, and Su Mu directly pushed off one of the stone slabs.

Behind the stone slab, there is a passage that can only be passed by one person.

This passage has very obvious traces of artificial repair.

Su Mu followed the passage and walked slowly towards the front.

After walking a distance of less than ten meters or so, Su Mu heard a very obvious sound of water.

The water is very loud.

After walking forward about twenty meters or so, Su Mu's eyes suddenly brightened.

This is another very huge cave.

Like the previous cave, this cave has no traces of artificial repair.

What shocked Su Mu the most was that in the middle of this tomb, there was a coffin.

The coffin is not large, and it is very similar to the coffin of a normal person.

Seeing this coffin, Su Mu was shocked.

It was because the material of this coffin was a material that Su Mu had never seen before.

"Is that meat?"

That's right.

The material used to make this coffin looks like meat.

I don't know if it's Su Mu's illusion.

The coffin even often squirmed slightly.

Su Mu took a deep breath and walked towards the direction of the coffin.

When he just approached the coffin.

A strong sense of crisis began to linger in Su Mu's heart.

This sense of crisis made Su Mu feel that the coffin in front of him was very dangerous.

He subconsciously took a step back.

Then he regressed.

The sense of crisis that haunted my heart just now is also gone.

Su Mu took another step forward.

As before, the sense of crisis reappeared.

Su Mu took a step further.

The sense of crisis in my heart is intensified.

It felt as if Su Mu dared to move forward again, then he would face great danger.

But Su Mu, this person, is the least believer.

He moved forward again.

At this time, he was less than three steps away from the coffin.

At this time, the sense of crisis has been elevated to a very terrifying level.

But at this time, Su Mu automatically blocked this sense of crisis.

He took three steps forward and came directly to the coffin.

As Su Mu expected, nothing happened.

"The sense of crisis just now seems to be deliberately emitted by this coffin to deceive the intruder."

The corners of Su Mu's mouth rose slightly, and he shook his head slightly.

He probably didn't expect that he would encounter this situation.

After approaching the coffin, Su Mu directly put his hand on the coffin.

This coffin, whether it looks or feels, is exactly the same as normal meat.

"What the hell is this thing and why is this?"

Su Mu felt very strange.

Strange things and things he has not encountered less.

But something as strange as this, he really encountered it for the first time.

Su Mu's right foot clicked the ground slightly.

Then he jumped.

He wanted to observe the overall situation of this coffin from above.

After jumping up, the overall situation of the coffin made Su Mu's face become very strange.

"This coffin is a whole!" Su Mu's eyes widened.

That's right.

Judging from the situation above, this coffin is a whole.

Moreover, it seems to grow from the ground.

"Could it be that the material used to make the coffin is a plant?"

Generally, only plants grow from the ground.

"But I don't remember, there is that kind of plant, which is very similar to meat!"

Su Mu's brain spun rapidly.

As if to find out the plant that is related to this thing in front of you.

But after some searching, Su Mu found nothing.

"It seems that my knowledge reserve is still not enough!"

Su Mu sighed while continuing to observe the coffin.

The coffin is tightly closed without the slightest gap.

The previous effect has completely disappeared.

At this time, Su Mu wanted to look inside the coffin, which was obviously impossible.


So at this time, Su Mu opened Tongyu again.

With the opening of the Tongyu, everything in front of me began to change.


In a secluded state.

Gao Mu found that there was nothing inside the coffin.

"How is this possible!"

Su Mu felt very incredible.

There is a strange coffin in this place, but in this strange coffin, there is nothing.

This is a very illogical thing to do no matter how you think about it.

"It seems! Only by opening it can you know the real situation inside this coffin.

Su Mu didn't believe that there was nothing in this coffin.

I saw that his right hand trembled slightly, and the Chaos Sword Fetus appeared directly in Su Mu's hand.


Su Mu's right hand waved slightly, and he directly slashed the Chaos Sword Fetus in his hand on the coffin.

This coffin was directly opened by Su Mu with a huge gap.

Look inside the coffin from the breach.

Su Mu was inside the coffin and saw a child.

That's right, kids.

What's even weirder is that the child's chest is still heaving. It felt as if the child in this coffin was just asleep.

As the coffin broke in, the child in the coffin slowly opened his eyes.

"I'm Ciao, what's going on!?"

Su Mu was stupid.

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