The child's eyes slowly opened.

Eyes as dark as the night sky began to examine the situation in front of them.

When he saw Gao Mu, the child was not surprised at all.

With a kind smile on his face, he said to Su Mu: "You are here!"

Su Mu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he asked coldly, "You know I'm coming?"

"That's right!" The child still had that kind smile, he nodded and said to Su Mu. "Thousands of years ago, I knew you would come!"

"Oh?" When Su Mu heard this, he actually laughed. "Then how did you figure out that I would come?"

When Su Mu said this, his hand clenched the Chaos Sword Fetus in his hand.

He felt that the child in front of him looked too weird.

Moreover, this kid also gave him a very dangerous feeling.

At least in Su Mu's opinion.

This smiling child is not as simple as it seems.

"So who are you?" Su Mu asked a very interesting question.

"You enter my grave, you don't know who I am?" The child thought Su Mu was very funny.

Su Mu still squinted his eyes and shook his head, "To be honest, I really don't know who you are!" "

Kaye, have you heard of it?" The child asked Su Mu.

Su Mu shook his head.

The two words of Kaye, whether before or after rebirth, Su Mu heard it for the first time.

"Hey." Seeing Su Mu shaking his head, Jia Ye's face showed disappointment. "So no one in this world knows about me Kaye anymore?"

Don't look at him as just a child, but when he speaks, he looks old-fashioned.

"So, you're a person who has lived for thousands of years?"

I don't know why, but there is a very strange feeling that lingers in Su Mu's heart.

"That's right!" Kaye nodded and said with great conviction. "I'm a man who has lived for thousands of years."

"That's not right." Su Mu finally knew that something was wrong.

The breath of Kaye's body.

Don't look at Kaye as a human child.

However, the breath on his body was very similar to the breath of a foreign beast.

It's similar, but it's not exactly the same.

"You're not human, and I'm not someone you're waiting for. In other words, you're not waiting for anyone at all! Su

Mu finally knew that something was wrong.

"You should be a robber who occupies the Magpie's Nest! Moreover, you should not live long! At least, it should not be a person who has lived for thousands of years. "

Hahahaha!" Upon hearing Su Mu's words, Jia Ye laughed directly. "I didn't expect it! You young man, quite powerful!

"So, who the hell are you?" Su Mu was really curious about the identity of this child.

"My name is Wang Chen!" The child said a name.

"Wang Chen!?"

When Su Mu heard this name, he felt a wave of anger and rushed directly to his Heavenly Spirit Cover.

Wang Chen! A demon.

A demon after the revival of Reiki.

He always appeared in front of everyone with the face of a child.

But don't look at him as a child.

But what he did, everyone was angry.

In the early stages of Reiki revival.

In order to make his realm go to a higher level, Wang Chen directly sucked all the villagers in a village into human trunks.

That's right, it's people.

Wang Chen practiced a very evil technique.

Unlike others.

If others want to improve their realm, they need to absorb the spiritual energy between heaven and earth.

But if Wang Chen wanted to improve his realm, he only needed to suck blood.

Humans, animals, alien animals...

As long as it is blood, it can help him improve.

Of course, the greater the amount of qi in the blood, the greater the improvement he gets.

At first, he was just a sucking of ordinary humans.

At the beginning of the revival of Reiki, he began to suck the Inhumans.

The most disgusting thing is that this person sucks blood, regardless of time and place.

I remember one time, alien beasts attacked the city.

Not only did he not help humans defend against alien beasts, but he even took advantage of the night to continuously suck the blood of aliens.

This led to the final attack of the alien beast, and the human defense failed.

In the end, that city became a purgatory on earth.

After this incident, Wang Chen became the representative of the demon in the mouth of mankind.

All the aliens can't wait to peel it off and tear it down.

However, Wang Chen suddenly disappeared.

"If I'm not mistaken, Wang Chen, who disappeared, should have hid in this place."

Su Mu thought while his gaze fell on Wang Chen's body.

Seeing Su Mu in thought, Wang Chen asked Su Mu with a smile: "Have you heard of my name?"

"Yes." Su Mu did not intend to hide Wang Chen, he nodded and said. "I did hear your name!"

"But I have a very curious question I want to ask you!"

Hearing Su Mu say that he had heard his name, a smug look flashed on Wang Chen's face.

After the smug look flashed, he straightened his chest with a proud look and said generously: "Ask, as long as it's not too private a question!" I can answer you!

"What kind of evil magic is that cultivation, and why can it be improved by sucking blood?"

Su Mu's question directly stunned Wang Chen.

Wang Chen is not a person from Su Mu's era.

When he was born, China was still a feudal society.

By chance, he became an alien.

At that time, the thinness of aura made the stranger despair.

So Wang Chen blazed a different trail and blazed a trail of his own.

"I'm not practicing evil arts!" Wang Chen shouted.

When he shouted, he looked very terrified. It felt as if Su Mu had violated his taboo.

"Improving yourself by sucking blood, if it's not a witchcraft! Then in this world, I am afraid that there is no evil magic!

Su Mu's words made Wang Chen furious.

Don't look at Wang Chen just a child.

But getting angry is really a little scary.

Su Mu knew that if he asked other questions, he would definitely not get the answers he wanted.

If this is the case, then Su Mu will not ask more.

"So next, isn't it time for you to devour my blood?" Su Mu looked at Wang Chen and asked with a smile.

Su Mu's face did not have the slightest look of fear.

His performance made Wang Chen's heart begin to feel a little apprehensive.

Now he is very poor in both realm and state.

Moreover, he could not feel the slightest fluctuation in Su Mu's body.

There are only two possibilities for this.

The first possibility is that Su Mu is an ordinary person, so there is no death fluctuation in his body.

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